Friday, February 29, 2008

is that better?

Kids' room at the Ramada resort in Karon Beach, Phukat.
Ripa hotel in Rome.
Benoit Lambert's Darth Vader hot air balloon.
Sienna was playing with a Barbie doll this morning:
"You have a poopey bum."
(Sienna pretends to change a diaper)
"Now your bum is ok."
"Is that better?"

Thursday, February 28, 2008

amazing performance!

Ok, who watches American Idol? Wasn't David Archuleta's last night's performance amazing?!! I loved his version of John Lennon's song Imagine. He's only 17!!! What a voice! He's very likable as well. I hope fame won't ruin him.
So far Brooke White is my favorite of the women. There's lots of talent but no one else has really stood out for me. Many of them sure can sing but their song choices have left me cold.
Jason Castro is one of my favorites as well. I think he should sing by himself (with the guitar) and forget about the background singers and the band. Very original voice.
This guy is also good: Michael Johns, originally from Australia.
I find that I almost always agree with Simon. I think he does have a talent of telling who'd make it in the music business. I don't think he's as nasty as people make him to be. I really think that he tries to help people with his criticism.
There's my two cents. :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Tajusin etta mina olen melkeen aina se joka ottaa kuvia joten minusta ei ole paljon yhtaan kuvia. Mita nyt joinakin juhlapaivina otettuja. Mietin etta itse tykkaisin jos minulla olisi enemman kuvia aidistani joten ihan Siennaa ajatellen tanaan pyysin Robinia ottamaan muutaman kuvan minusta. Nakyyko kuvista etta aloin jo hermostua kun kaikissa kuvissa oli paa poikki. Nama oli parhaimmat noin kymmenesta kuvasta.

En tykkaa yhtaan kun minusta otetaan kuvaa. Eniten tykkaan sellaisista kuvista jotka joku on napannut kun en tiennyt etta olivat kuvaamassa. Kun pitaa poseerata, jaykistyn ja vaikka mielestani hymyilen niin useimmiten niista kuvista tulee vakavan nakoisia.

Tanaan olin oikeastaan tosi vasy ja olisi pitanyt odottaa parempaa paivaa. Mun selka on alyn kipea ja on ollut vaikea nukkua sen takia pari viime yota. Seka Sienna ei oikeen osannut nukkua kunnolla ystavien luona, aamuyosta tuotiin aina meidan sankyyn joka oli pieni sanky muutenkin. Toisaalta kun mietin niin suuri osa mun elamaa vietan vasyneena joten kai nama on sitten ihan normaaleja kuvia. :)

Kuvista huomasin myos etta on aika taas varjata hiukset. Olen alkanut pitamaan lettia tuossa sivussa. Kiva tapa pitaa hiukset pois naamalta. Kasvatan hiuksiani edelleen viime hiusten leikkuun jaljilta. Paljon viela liian lyhyita hiuksia.

Mutta tassa siis mina. Enpa taida taas vahaan aikaan antaa kenenkaan ottaa minusta kuvia. :)
I realized that I'm hardly in any of our pictures as I'm usually the one taking the pictures. I'd love to have more pictures of my mom so I thought that just for Sienna's sake, I'd take some today of me. Robin took these pictures. Can you tell it was frustrating to get him to point the camera at me? And yep, I'm tired in the pictures so what's new. :P

kotona ollaan

Kuva ei tee oikeutta! Oli upea taivas! Ja sita nakikin kovin aakeesti ja laakeesti taas etela Albertan preerialla. Sanotaan etta Albertassa on "iso taivas" ja niin on todellakin. Autosta ottamani kuva.
The sky was amazing when we traveled to see our friends in Southern Alberta. The picture doesn't do justice at all.
Emmalie & Sienna. Y
Make a funny face.

Etela Albertan nakymia kotimatkalta. Ei mitaan upeita kuvia. Autosta nopeasti otettuja. Ihme etta edes onnistui. Harmitti kun en ennattanyt ottaa yhtaan hyvaa kuvaa "coolies" kukkuloista. Muutenkin maisemat oli tosi upeita monin paikoin mutta kamera ei tehnyt oikeutta joten en sitten napsinytkaan paljon kuvia.

Some pictures I took on our way home. Lots of nice scenary. I didn't take many pictures because pictures never turn out the way it actually looks. Especially since I took them while we were driving. I was taking lots of mental pictures for myself though and wished you all could see the beauty of the prairies.

Vuoret oli "niin lahella mutta niin kaukana".
The mountains were "so close yet so far away".
Etsi hymynaama.
Smiley face on a farm house.
Soin ihan liikaa tallaista kaikkea ajomatkoilla. Suklaata tietty myos. Mutta reissu ei oo reissu ellei syo junk:a ja lue lehtia. :)
We ate too much junk while driving. But what kind of car trip would it be if you didn't eat junk food and read magazines. Atleast the chips were trans fat free and low sodium.
Meidan reissu oli tosi kiva. Pelattiin biljardia, paljon rupattelua, katsottiin leffa, kaytiin raflassa syomassa, oltiin vaan... Sienna oli niin onnessaan kun silla oli leikkikavereita. Hauskin juttu reissussa oli miten Sienna sanoi meidan ystavien lasten nimet. Emmalie oli Enemy, Madison oli Medicine ja Benjamin oli Batman jostain syysta. Samuel oli sentaan Samuel. :D
We had a great time visiting our friends. Those turkeys had to move so far away I tell you... (yes Connie, you're a turkey! :D) We played pool (my first time ever yet I impressed everyone with my amazing "crouching squirrel" move or being able to dive under one ball to get to the one behind it, no need to brag more than that :D), relaxed, chatted, watched a movie, went out to eat... Sienna loved having friends to play with. The funniest part of the trip was the way Sienna said our friends' kids' names: Emmalie was Enemy ("Enemy, come and play!"), Madison was Medicine and Benjamin was Batman for some reason. :) Atleast baby Samuel didn't get a new name. Samuel, you're a cutie!
Miss you lots already Connie!
Thank goodness we atleast got your blog started.
(Jay & Dan rolling their eyes in unison, I'm sure.)

Friday, February 22, 2008

aidin albumi

Ok, one more posting. :) I just have to post these pictures of the album I made for my mom's birthday. I got it done last night.
The chipboard album is from Creative Imaginations. It's got six pages. I found it at Michaels. (
I just printed pictures on photo paper (most of them sepia colored, a few full color ones). Mod podged them on. Same with the cover scrapbooking paper (mine is Jenni Bowlin paper: Sanded the edges. Ring to hold the pages together, a photo card and some black ribbon. Voila!
Oh yeah, I used transfer letters for the saying on the back (I saw it on Rebecca Cooper's scrapbooking page). The smiley stickers are different style than the rest of the album but the back seemed too empty and those were the only ones that I had that I thought looked ok.
Sounds easy? It was. But it did take longer to make than I first thought. The sanding was a pain as my sanding block was quite dull.
Aidilleni tekema albumi.
Suvi, ei saa nayttaa aidille ennen synttaripaivaa!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

time off

Just letting everyone know that I probably won't be posting anything for a few days. We are off to see our friends in southern Alberta on Saturday and lots to do before then. I'll probably be back on Wednesday next week.


En luultavasti tule kirjoittamaan tanne vahaan aikaan. Olemme menossa etela Albertaan moikkaamaan ystavia lauantaina ja paljon tekemista ennen sita. Tulen varmaan takaisin tanne keskiviikkona. Toivottavasti te kaikki ikavoitte mua kauheasti. :)


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

good job daddy

Daniel Eatock's art.
Today so far:
*I have eaten atleast 10 sandwiches made by Sienna. Some of them had all these: meat, cheese, tomato, lettuce, peanut butter (or heanut butter as Sienna says it) and strawberry jam.
*Glued the pictures on my mom's picture album. Yep, it won't make it there on time.
*Tried to figure out how much postage will be to mail my patterns (if anyone will buy them, I still have lots of doubts). Trying to figure out how much to charge for them. I want the price to include the shipping. One price. Simple. Just the way I like it.
*Studied Isaiah. Of course I understood ALL of it. Those who have read Isaiah know that I'm fibbing just a bit. :) Thank goodness I have a study guide that explains a lot of things and gives the history background etc.
In the morning:
Sienna: "Daddy put all the animals on a shelf. Good job daddy!" :)
(Jay had put her Gund animals in her bookshelf after yesterday's family home evening)
It makes me happy when Sienna approves what Jay and I do. :) And she really says it like she means it. :)
Sienna's bum is much better. So is anxiety. Safe foods only. The culprit must be something in the juices. I need to plan another trip to my old chiropractor, Dr. So. He can test allergies without needles.

Monday, February 18, 2008

:) & :(

This picture is from Marie Claire Maison.
Tanaan on ollut seka hyva etta huh huh paiva. Hyvaa oli se etta tanaan oli "family day" ja Jaylla oli muutenkin vapaata. Saatiin viettaa aikaa yhdessa. Vietiin Sienna Jayn aidille ja kavaistiin nopeasti leffassa. Voisin viela sanoa etta tosi nopeasti - leffa oli vain noin 75 minuuttia pitka! Nahtiin "Jumper". Ei ole leffalipun arvoinen minun mielestani. Odottakaa kun tulee dvd:lle. Hyvaa oli myos hauska perheilta. Sienna "rakensi" pyykkikorista Nooan arkin (nosti sen toisin pain) ja siihen Sienna meni sitten istumaan ja oli Nooa. Olen kerannyt Siennalle paljon pikku Gund pehmoelaimia ja niita sitten meni myos arkkiin. Laulettiin "rain is falling" eli sellainen sade laulu. Sitten mina ja Jay nostettiin Sienna siina pyykkikorissa ylos ja Sienna matkusti arkilla laineilla (heilutettiin kivasti). Sienna tykkasi niin etta.
Huh huh paiva oli muutamasta syysta: Jayta otti niin paahan kun uuden kylpparin katto ei onnistunut kuten olisi pitanyt. Sen piti kuulemma olla helppo juttu mutta jostain syysta ei onnistunutkaan ja nyt Jayn pitaa tehda jotain aivan uusiksi. En itse oikeen ymmarra noista jutuista mitaan mutta Jay oli siis grrh ja turhautunut tuosta syysta. Toinen syy oli etta Siennan peppu on tulipunainen ja niin kipea. Plus ripuli eilen. Allergia pahimmillaan siis. Ollaan mietitty etta mita ihmetta ollaan syotetty Siennalle. Ainoa jota nyt epaillaan on tangerine/mango mehu. Muuten ei millaan muistu mieleen etta oltaisiin annettu mitaan josta tulisi allerginen reaktio. Nayttaa myos silta etta ruoka-allergian kanssa kasi kadessa menee myos se ahdistus juttu. Sienna on ollut niin ok sen suhteen mutta nyt kun allergiat tuli niin ahdistus tuli taas samaan aikaan. Sen huoneen seinalla on pikkunen kolhu ja sita Sienna pelkasi niin etta. Voi pienta rassua. Sydanta sarki kun toista niin pelotti. Ei pystynyt nukkumaan. Lopulta keksin peittaa sen kolhun tarralla ja se auttoi mutta viela juuri nukahtaessakin huolestuneena kyseli kolhusta. Tanaan sitten syotettiin pelkkaa sellaista jonka tiedetaan varmasti olevan ok ja peppu alkoikin iltaan mennessa jo vahan parantumaan. Jospa huomenna olisikin parempi paiva. Tanaan Sienna oli siis melko vasy kun ei mennyt aikaisin nukkumaan. Monet itkut tuli tanaan ja jopa kirkaisuja jotka olisivat voineet sarkea korvat. Auts siis korvien ja sydamen puolesta tanaan.
Eras huh huh oli myos se etta yritin avata Paypal tilin jotta voin sitten saada maksuja jos ja kun mun patterns alkaisivat myymaan siella. Tilin avaus ei ollutkaan helppo juttu silla oltiin avattu aikoinaan toinen tili ja nyt en voinut avata sitten uutta samalla pankkitililla. Kesti kauan sumplia kaikki nama jutut ja grrh olo tuli kaikesta.
Eli siis suht koht normaali paiva meilla.
Sienna oli ihana kun se ei suostunut ei sitten millaan lahtemaan Jayn aidin luota ilman voileipaansa. Kyse oli siis muovisista ruuista. Sen piti sitten tuoda voileipa lisukkeineen kotiin omaan jaakaappiinsa. :)
Olo on nyt vasy ja jos menisikin nyt tollottamaan tv:ta sitten. Muuta en jaksa.
Good stuff that happened today:
*Jay and I went to a movie. We saw "Jumper".
*Jay had a day off. More time together as a family.
*Really fun family home evening. Sienna was Noah and sailed with all her little Gund animals (she sat in the laundry basket and Jay and I lifted her up and swung her).
:( stuff that happened today:
*Jay got so frustrated as the new bathroom's ceiling didn't work as planned and now he has to redo it. Why is it that renovations never go as planned? Always something makes it 100 times harder than you think it would be.
*The movie was only about 75 minutes long and it wasn't worth seeing it in the theatre. Could have rented it one day.
*I tried to open a Paypal account so that I can receive payments at my Etsy shop. What a pain in the butt! That didn't go smoothly either.
*Sienna's bum is bright red and sore. She had diarrhea yesterday. Major food allergy symptoms. We can't figure out what caused the reaction but suspect the citrus juice we gave her (she has started to show symptoms when I make smoothies for her with that juice so we think that's it, it's hard to know 100% what the cause is). Poor girl! With the allergies always seem to go her anxiety. She has been doing so well in both areas lately and now this. She saw a small dent on her room's wall and was so scared of it. She could not go to sleep last night. I finally came up with the idea to cover it with a smiley sticker. It helped enough for her to sleep. She was still anxious but not as much. Today we've been very careful what we have given her to eat and we hope by tomorrow all this will be over or atleast well on the way of getting better.
Sienna was cute at gramma's. She kept making us all sandwiches to eat (with play food). She wouldn't leave without her sandwich. We had to put it in a sandwich bag and she brought it home and put it in her play fridge. Lots of crying when she had to leave the sandwich to go to bed. She was so tired from staying up late last night. It sure is hard to see your little one suffer in any way.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

toppuuta ihmeessa joskus

Siskoni Suvi aina lahettaa mulle tallaisia sodeja kuvia. Tama onkin nyt hanelle silla heille tulee vauva!!! Tama on bitter sweet juttu mulle. En ole edes nahnyt hanen melkeen 3-vuotiasta tyttoa viela. *huokaus* Se kamala puoli taalla kaukana asumisessa.
Miten ihanasti hymyilee elama kun saa kunnon paivaunet. Ah! Tuo Toppuuta Joskus runo tuossa vierella on niin nappiin!
How wonderful life is when you get a good nap. Me happy. :)
Lumiheppu tiedotus: Sulanut on kovasti. Silmat, nena ja suu valunut pois. Yksi hiustukko oli jaljella viela. Paa ihmeesti pienentynyt. Jaassakin on vahan nyt sulamisen jalkeen.
Snowman report: Eye, nose and mouth are gone. Only some hair left. The head has curiously shrunk quite a bit.
Once there was a snowman, snowman, snowman.
Once there was a snowman tall, tall, tall.
In the sun he melted, melted, melted.
In the sun he melted small, small, small.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Eilen oli ihana paiva (miinus ne huolet bonuksesta... sen suhteen ei nayta hyvalta). Aurinko paistoi ja oli +6C. Ekaa kertaa tana talvena oli nuoska lunta (onko oikea sana?). Tottakai heti ulos ja lumiheppua rakentamaan. Kadet muistettiin lisata myohemmin viela.
First time this winter when you could actually build a snoman. Usually the snow is too dry and won't stick together. It was a beautiful day - +6C and sunny. We had fun.
Tottakai lumiystavaa piti pusutella. Oops, suu jo alkoi tippumaan pois.
Kisses are a must for a friend.
Siennan ekat lumipallot. Mina tein, Sienna heitteli.
Sienna's first snowballs. I made them, she threw them.
Hyva kun lapiota jaksaa nostaa mutta tama on aina pakollinen touhu kun ollaan ulkona. Eiko meilla olekin alysti lunta?
She can barely lift the shovel but it's too fun to not to do this. Lots of snow, eh?
Heti ekaksi aamulla Sienna riensi ikkunan aareen juttelemaan lumihepulle.
Happened this morning:
Sienna: "Mommy, I want a ticker."
Mommy: "Say sssticker, with a S."
Sienna: "Ticker with a S."

Friday, February 15, 2008


Muutamia kuvia kekkereista. Niin vasahti Sienna kaikesta juhlimisesta.
Mulla on menossa tanaan tosi huono paiva. En voi uskoa miten surkea muisti mulla on. Minun piti tanaan menna eraalle tosi tarkealle kurssille (Robinin hoitoon liittyva) mutta arvatkaa kuka unohti tarkeimman asian koko viikolla? Olin normaaliin tapaan Siennan kanssa taalla alakerrassa kun Jay katsoi kalenteriin ja sanoi etta hei, sun pitaisi olla kurssilla juuri nyt. Tama oli tosi tarkea juttu silla haluavat etta ollaan kayty kaikki vaadittavat kurssit lapi ennenkuin antavat rahabonuksen. Kurssit piti saada aikaiseksi taman kuun loppuun mennessa. No, antoivat luvan ensiapukurssille ja eraalle toiselle kurssille vasta ensi kuussa menon. Mutta tama kurssi joka oli tanaan olisi valttamatta pitanyt kayda lapi. Seuraava on vasta toukokuussa! Eli nyt odotan karseella fiiliksella tuomiota etta saadaanko se bonus vai ei tasta mun mohlimisesta johtuen. Miten jollain voikin olla tallaiset aivot jotka temppuilee nain. Eika kalenteri auta jos siihen ei koskaan muista katsoa! Oon niin vihainen itselleni tanaan. Grrh. Me not happy! :(
I messed up big time today. I was supposed to go to a really important course today. Guess who totally forgot this most important thing this week. Guess who's feeling so stupid. What's the point of calendars if you never look at them. This was really, really, really important. Me not happy! :(

Thursday, February 14, 2008

couple of ideas

I have time to share couple more things before Sienna wakes up and we're off to our Imagine That class again. I think it's so neat that nowadays people do all kinds of fun stuff with their photos. I don't scrapbook that much (a small project here and there) but I have always kept learning about this field and the techniques people come up with. These pictures are by Jennifer Johner and I found them at the Two Peas in a Bucket web site. I like how she used embroidery to decorate her pictures. You can also make albums from material (kankaasta albumeja!). Just print photos on canvas (there's specific stuff available for this in office stores, don't cram your printer with stuff you shouldn't :) ) and then embroider away. Craft tip for the day. :)
Cookies by
Rubberstamping cookies with food coloring. Great idea!

i'm seeing boobies :)

No, honestly - these birds are called blue-footed boobies. :) They are our Mr & Mrs February (Natural Geographic wall calendar). They "have a special dance they perform when they are trying to find a mate. The male circles around the female with his beak up in the air and his wings spread. He knows he's won her heart if she lays a stick on the ground between them."

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

all you need is love

Happy LOVE day everyone!
Lotsa LOVE from our family to yours!
Pictures: Martha Stewart (of course).

saivat kuin saivatkin toisensa - ah!

No niin, nyt voi elama taas jatkua kun Anne ja Captain Wentworth saivat toisensa. :) Eli luin juuri Jane Austenin Persuasionin loppuun. Olipa hyva kirja! Sanoi ianikuinen romantikko.
Sienna slept really bad last night. She had nightmares and at one point her diaper had leaked and I had to change her. She ended up sleeping in our bed early this morning in hopes of us getting some sleep too. We were both pretty tired when we went to the Valentine's Day party at her cousins' this morning. Nothing a bit of sugar won't fix. ;) Sienna and I had lots of fun at the party. Brandy had gone to much trouble to make sure the party was a success. The girls decorated crowns and paper bags with foam shapes. Then we ate lots of pink or red sugary stuff :) and then it was time to give all the girls their valentine cards. Sienna made the above valentine cards (with lots of mommy's help of course). She colored them with markers and put stickers on them. I did the rest. The girls were so cute going around the room getting valentine cards from the other girls. Then there was lots of playing of course. Most of the girls also decorated cup cakes but Sienna was too busy playing. I'll share some pictures when I get a chance to put them in the computer.
Thanks Brandy for the FUN party!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I have seen these trays in magazines and at the Velocity Art & Design web site. But for some reason today they really "hit" me. I realized how beautiful they are. Ibride's web site is really magical. Worth checking out. I really liked their bird portraits as well.
Me lovey!
En millaan malttaisi tehda muuta tanaan kuin lukea loppuun aloittamani "Persuasion" kirjan. Jane Austenin kirjat on kylla niin mun lemppareita! Tarvin nyt paljon itsekuria ettei tasta tule pelkka lukupaiva. Jospa malttaisi vaikka vieda Siennan ostarin leikkialueelle. Olen sitten niin romantikko kuin vaan voi olla. Tuskin jaksan odottaa kun Anne ja Captain Wentworth vihdoinkin saavat toisensa. :)
Thanks to Elohiiri's example you can now enjoy music when you visit my blog.