Tuesday, September 30, 2008

{me lovey!}

Olen postannut Mr Maker lasten ohjelmasta aiemminkin. Ihana BBC ohjelma jossa hauska Mr Maker aina askartelee kaikkea kivaa. Nama on tehty ohentamalla maalia vedella ja sitten laitetaan muutama pilkku maalia ja puhalletaan se pillilla tuolleen. Pitaa tehda Siennan kanssa!
Tanaan siis olen ihan onnessani lasten ohjelmista (taas kerran). Sid the Science Kid on tosi kiva ohjelma myoskin. Sienna ei siita viela tykkaa (vahan isommille tarkoitettu) mutta minun tekisi mieli se aanittaa joka paiva jotta Sienna nakee sen sitten isompana. *pyoritellaan silmia yhdessa* :D
Nouky & Friends on aivan alyn suloinen lasten ohjelma.
Ja uusin loytoni... Louie!!!! Meilla tama ei nay. BBC:n ohjelma jonka loysin netissa etsiessani jotain muuta. Aivannnnihana!! Voi etta kun toivon etta tama tulisi meillakin!!!! :D Louie opettaa piirtamaan ja kun on piirtanyt ja sitten varittaa jutun, se tulee eloon. Tsekatkaa Louien theme tune tuosta linkista. Ihana!! :)
There's tons of fun stuff on this BBC's web site. I just found videos of kids doing dances around the world. Check it out. :)
Olen askarrellut vahan ja muutakin kerrottavaa olisi. Jos ennattaisin viela postata myohemmin uudelleen. :)
Happy Birthday Karly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

{warning: religious posting}

Ok, I'm not sure if I'm ready to start this posting yet but I don't feel like watching tv and it's too early to go to bed so... I'm a bit hesitant to do this posting as I don't want people to think my blog will be a religious blog now. It's just that the school shooting in Finland made me think about this topic and how I feel so fortunate to have certain knowledge in my life that helps me when things happen in the world that "don't make any sense" (to me they actually do make sense). So please don't think that I'm trying to push anything in anyone's throat or anything like that. I personally have really enjoyed reading about Islam in Marita's blog and there's been some fun discussions about religious topics. Most people either don't know much at all about my religion or they know twisted/sensationalized info that media has given them. It doesn't hurt one bit to know about the various religions in the world. The more we know, the less "weird" other people's religions feel and we are more likely to tolerate others' faiths. Makes sense, right? I hope so.
This topic that I feel like talking about is very simple yet it's hard to explain in just few words. So I have decided to tackle this topic in parts. Hence the numbers on the chart. :) Today I'll concentrate on number 1 (and 2, since that is a one sentence thing :)) and I'll do number 3 another day (who knows when, I have to be in the mood and I don't want to do this kind of postings too often, we'll also see if anyone is interested in this topic, if the discussion gets going, etc...). Things might not make sense until the whole plan is explained so please be patient and get "all the pieces of the puzzle" before you judge the picture. Also, please be patient as I have never been the best at choosing the right words. I hope I can explain things so that they make sense.
The above chart explains what us Latter-Day Saints believe about God's plan for people. The plan has many names. My favorite is "the great plan of happiness".
Number 1 = premortal life = pre-existence = pre-earth life
We believe that our existence doesn't start at birth. We believe that we lived with God as His spirit children before we came to this earth. So, yes, we believe that we are literally God's children (the part of us that is "the spirit") and that He loves us more than we can even imagine. He knows us inside and out. We don't know everything about this time with Heavenly Father/God but we know that we were progressing there as babies do here on earth. At a certain time, we reached a point when we "needed to try our own wings". Sort of like going to college here on earth. Heavenly Father presented his plan for us so that we can come here on earth, receive physical bodies (and other things which I'll talk about in the next segment) and learn from the experiences here on earth. There was a great council in heaven and most of us chose to follow God's plan for us but some did not. Lucifer (also knows as Satan) tried to force a plan on us that didn't allow us to have our free agencies but would basically guarantee that all of us would return back to Heavenly Father. God rejected that plan as free agency is absolutely essential for us to be independent and to really learn and choose for ourselves. He won't force anyone. He respects our agency to choose what we want. Those of us who are here on earth, chose to follow God's plan. Satan and his followers chose not to and they remain as spirit persons trying to nullify God's plan. They keep trying but they won't succeed. Oh, and no, Satan has no hoofs and isn't ugly. My guess is that he is an amazingly charismatic person otherwise so many wouldn't follow him. Satan is a totally different topic though that we can get to at some (very) future point if someone is interested.
I'm not sure if I'm leaving something essential out about pre-earth life but that's about it in a nut shell.
Number 2 = a forgetfulness about our pre-earth life, we sometimes call it "a veil"
Basically - we can't remember our pre-earth existence. Essential so that we can be free agents here on earth and choose for ourselves.
Next step is this life and that'll be another long posting so this is it for now. Feel free to comment, ask questions, disagree, etc. :)
I'm nervous to see what you all will say about all this. Just remember, this is only a tiny part of the plan. It won't make sense until you get more parts to the puzzle.
Those of you who like to check things out in the scriptures, please see Hebrews 12:9 and Jeremiah 1:5, for example. I don't like to "Bible bash" as each faith interprets the Bible so differently. Just so you know.
I'm just explaining what I believe in. I totally respect others' beliefs (especially since I believe the freedom to choose is so important in the first place). I remember talking to a collegue long time ago (I was 20) and he told me he believed aliens brought us here and it's some sort of crazy experiment for them to see what happens. First I thought he was joking but then realized he was 100% serious. No problem. He is totally free to believe that. We always had fun discussions and it didn't matter that we believed so differently. Whoever says that you shouldn't talk about religion or politics is crazy in my opinion. Those are two amazingly interesting topics. As long as you don't argue and respect the other person's beliefs and ideas, it's fun to talk about these things.
So talk, readers. I'm anxious to see what you have to say. :)
I tried to keep this as short as I could. Remember my blog's type is size large so it actually isn't quite as long as it looks. :)
Tama on enkuksi silla mun on tosi vaikea puhua naista jutuista suomeksi kun en ole tottunut.

{lasten kehut parhaat kehut}

Aiti jutteli siskon kanssa skypessa. Myohemmin maalinaytelappuset jopa lentelivat ympariinsa. Ei me nyt niin kauaa juteltu (ihan oikeesti). :)
Mommy talked with her sister on skype. A bit later the paint sample cards were flying all over the place. We didn't talk for that long (honestly). :)

Mutakakkuja ja liitupiirtelya takapihalla. Mina joka aina kuvittelen olevani luova en nayta osaavan muuta koskaan piirtaa kuin hymynaamoja. Hoh. :)
Mud cakes and chalk drawing at the back yard. I tend to think I'm creative but how come I can only come up with smiley faces when it's time to doodle? :)

Sienna sai prinsessa koruja synttarilahjaksi.
Birthday gifts in good use.

Juhlittiin Siennan serkun synttareita Chucky Cheesessa. Lapsille oma syoma/peli/leikkipaikka. Hullun kiireinen paikka lauantaisin. Pitaa menna sinne uudelleen viikon paivana heti aamusta ja kuulemma saa ihan rauhassa leikkia kaikella. Tuo heppa oli kiva. Edessa tv ruutu josta naki miten ratsasti. Valjaita piti kiskoa ja ohjailla ihan kuin oikeasti ratsastaessa. Siennalle viela vahan liian outoa puuhaa joten aiti auttoi. :)
Celebrated Sienna's cousin's birthday at Chucky Cheese. Crazy place on a Saturday. It was our first time there. We'll definately go back during the week when it'll be quieter and easier to play with everything. They sure need to hire a new Chucky Cheese mouse mascot though. He just stood there the whole time doing just about nothing. Didn't even wave to the kids when he left.
I got the best compliment ever today. I was at church in Primary and they announced that I was to come and do sharing time next. One of the little boys piped out: "I like sister (my last name)!" He said it so honestly from the bottom of his heart, just like children do. I was so taken and it made my day today.
Ja sen varalta etta eras a n k k a sattuisi taman lukemaan: miljoonat synttarihalit! Y

Friday, September 26, 2008


Love the orange door and the black feather wreath. Love the updated Halloween decor. Love the pink lollipop trees. Love color themed parties.

{balloon baseball}

This is one of our favorite things to do: balloon baseball. Sienna actually hits really well. She also throws a ball really well. Future professional baseball player perhaps? :D


No sleep in our house last night. Africa went in Sienna's room in the middle of the night and woke her up. We were all up for awhile as we couldn't get back to sleep. Ne-e-e-e-d sle-e-e-e-ep! Same old story. :)


The new Survivor started last night. Yey for Survivor. I'm still a fan. I don't know why but I love that show. I'm not sure I like the seeing everyone in their underwear thing though. :)


What 3-year-old talks like this:

(after drinking Ikea's blueberry soup)

"Mmm, that was certainly yummy."

Sienna! She keeps surprising us all the time by the kind of words she uses. Speaking is definately her thing!



Kiva kun kameralla on helppo ottaa tallaisia lyhyita patkia.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

{do de rubber duck}

Love these! Gotta love Bert & Ernie and also the rubber ducky song!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

{c a n ' t --- f u n c t i o n ----}

Aiti oli hetken puhelimessa.
Mommy was on the phone for a few minutes.

Jay never got home until 1am last night so needless to say I'm sooooo tired today. I need to learn to sleep when he's not home. I don't function when I don't get my sleep. Jay will be busy all month and even into the next month. Crazy busy. Lots of work when you sell a business. I was at the store yesterday helping him go through a HUGE order. Of course a huge one comes when you least want one. With the supplier we have, you never know which week's order is big, which isn't. Makes it a bit of a pain to say the least. Things just come when they come and that's it.
A miracle. Somehow I found the energy to go for a looooong walk with Sienna. One foot in front of the other, right... We were hurrying back home like crazy (carried Sienna on piggy back even) as Robin comes straight home on Wednesdays. His pick up time is 3.15pm but he has showed up at the house right after 3pm at times. It's a 15 minutes drive to get him home if he's the first one to be dropped off. Now it's 5pm and no Robin. Grrh. I know this is minor annoyance in many ways but I can't help but be annoyed at DATS and the "never-have-a-clue-what-time-rides-happen".
And... Guess who forgot Robin was going to a birthday party right after work. He's NOT coming straight home today. :D Oh well, this could have been the real thing and we'd be waiting here for him forever. Could have. Wasn't. Man, oh man, my memory is useless! :D
Question: Which size do you like better for the typing: normal/large?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Voi mita on Suomessa taas tapahtunut. Ajatukset on tietysti uhrien perheissa ja tuttavissa toivoen etta heilla on uskoa joka auttaa tassa tilanteessa jaksamaan. Ja hyvia ystavia tukemassa ja auttamassa.
Ampujan perhe on mielessa myos. Tiedan etta jopa hyvassa perheessa voi joskus olla "sairaita" ja toivon ettei ampujan perhetta tulla vihaamaan taman takia. Ei voi heti olettaa etta ampujan perhe on sairas myoskin. Mutta jos niin on niin sitten pitaa toivoa etta he taman tapauksen takia saavat myos apua perheeseensa. Mutta hekin tulevat karsimaan uskomattoman paljon taman takia.
Surullista tama maailman meno usein.
Niin paljon karsimysta.
Monet aina syyttavat Jumalaa toimettomuudesta kun tallaista tapahtuu. Mutta kun ymmartaa evenkeliumin niin tajuaa etta karsimys ja pahat asiat on suuri osa meidan elamaa tassa maailmassa ja kaikella on tarkoituksensa. Taidan kirjoittaa tasta aiheesta piakkoin. Kun ymmartaa miksi tallaista (tai mitaan pahaa) tapahtuu niin on helpompi kestaa taman maailman hulluus ja pahuus. Tietaa etta tama elama on vain pienen pieni pisara iankaikkisuudessa ja taman elaman jalkeen se parempi tulossa.
Feeling sad due to the school shooting in Finland. Ten people dead plus the shooter who shot himself after. Sometimes our world is such a sad, sad place. So much suffering.
It helps to keep going when you understand the gospel. Then you know why bad things happen in this life. Then you know there is a better world to look forward to. Then you know there is purpose in suffering but also that it won't last forever.

{nap pi pep pu na pa}

Julian Beever's 3D chalk art.
Thanks Karly! :)
Ta pu ta
a pi na!
Ta pu ta pa pu pa ta!
Pa on tavu, pu on tavu,
pa ja pu on tavuja!
Pannaan mullin mallin tavut,
niin kuin pataan pienet pavut:
ta pu pu pa, pu ta pa pa,
nappi, pappi, peppu, napa!
My sister Stella
has an umbrella
a purple and yella umbrella.
Along came a fella
who let out a yella
"Hey Stella, nice yella umbrella!"
(Jeff Sweeney)
Oli kissimirri, ihan pieni niin,
pienempi kuin tama pikkurilli
ja silti vallan villi.
Vaan kerran se joutui eksyksiin!
Meni piiloon vauvani topposeen
ja laski siella kymmeneen:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!
Sen mirrin nimi oli -
kuka arvas?
Tietenkin Vauvan Pikku-Varvas!

Monday, September 22, 2008

{ei kaksinkertaista painoa pliis}

No mitas tanne taas kuuluisi... Kiitos ensiksikin kaikille kommenteista. Jatketaan tata blogia ihan samaan tyyliin vaan. Suomeksi, enkuksi, sita sun tata. Aina kuvia. Kuulumisia. Kevytta rupattelua. Syvempia mietteita silloin talloin.
Sienna tuntuu nukkuvan ihan hyvin uudessa sangyssaan. Aamuyosta herailee valilla (Sienna ei tykkaa nukkua peiton kanssa joten heraa varmaan kun tulee liian kylma) ja olen tuonut silloin talloin meidan sankyyn muutamaksi tunniksi viela. Minusta on aivan ihana valilla herata pikkunen vieressa. Muttei liian usein ettei tule tavaksi.
Ostin Siennan sankyyn "kaikki mahdolliset vempeleet". Eli patjaan mattress cover vetoketjulla. Ei paase polypopot lisaantymaan. Tiesitteko etta joka 10 vuosi patja kaksinkertaistuu painosta jos ei suojele patjaa polypopoilta!! :( Eli niin paljon tulee niita kuolleita popoja ja niiden jatteita patjaan. :( Itsella on karsea polyallergia ja paatin etta kantsii uhrata laja dollareita etta pikkunen saa nukkua puhtaassa sangyssa. Tyynyliinaan pitaa viela ostaa moinen paallinen ja kai sita pitaisi peittoonkin. Mikseivat voisi tehda patjat, tyynyt ja peitot jo valmiiksi sellaisella paallysteella ettei tarvisi moisia lisata viela. Hoh.
Piti tietty myos ostaa mattress pad oisten vahinkojen varalta viela. Moista ei tuskin koskaan tapahdu enaa mutta voihan sita viela joskus.
Luulin etta valitsin kivan peitonkin Siennalle mutta nyt huomaan etta se kahisee vahan. En muistanut tsekata etta olisi aaneton peitto. Mutta ei se niin paha ole ja taidan nyt silti pitaa taman peiton. Kaikkea sita pitaakin muistaa tsekata aina.
Pitaisi vieda Sienna laakarille tanaan. Pikkusella on ollut ripulia ja ei tunnu menevan ohi. Ensin luulin etta kyse on taas ruoka-allergiasta. Etta ollaan vahingossa annettu jotain jossa on vehnaa tai maissia (KAIKESSA on muuten vehnaa ja maissia, plaah allergiat). Mutta ehka tama nyt sitten onkin jotain muuta. Parempi kayda tsekkauttamassa.
Perjantaina Siennan serkku tuli meille yoksi ja paastiin Jayn kanssa myohaisleffaan. Leffa oli "The Women". Meg Ryan, Annette Benning... Ihan hauska leffa vaikka mua arsyttaa nykyaan melkein joka leffassa jokin asia. Meita aivopestaan etta "joka avioliitossa petetaan puolisoa" ja muuta sellaista. Hollywood luulee etta me normaalit ihmisetkin eletaan kuten monet heista joilla ei nayta olevan moraaleja enaa. Itse uskon etta suurin osa aviopareista haluaa elaa uskollisina toisilleen ja eivat halua pettaa aviopuolisoaan. Minun ystavat kaikki ainakin elaa parempien moraalien mukaan ja en halua uskoa etta pettaminen olisi niin yleista kuin mita leffat ja tv ohjelmat vaittavat.
Pari muukin juttua arsytti mutta oli se muuten ihan hyva ja hauska leffa. :) Hyvia naurujakin riitti. Kiva oli paasta vahan tuulettumaan.
Tykkasin tosi paljon taas Meg Ryanin hiuksista. Silla on sitten aina kivat hiukset. Seka vaatteet! Olisin voinut napata kaikki sen vaatteet itselleni. :)
Eipa nyt sen kummempaa. Jos ennattaisin jopa tehda jotain kun Sienna on paivaunilla. "Pakotin" vahan tanaan nukkumaan kun se on ollut niin vasy ja kun on pipikin.
ps. Tyynyista saa popot pois kun laittaa sen joksikin aikaa pakastimeen. Sitten tamppaa oikein hyvin. Jos ei siis ole paallista.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

{big changes}

Halloween is approaching fast enough. I was browsing a bit and found this cute butterfly costume and table setting decorations from Pottery Barn Kids. Not that I'm ordering them but they're cute so I have to share. :)
I love feather wreaths so of course I loved this picture from an old Country Living magazine. Where could I find orange feathers...?
I also love the white pumpkins. Martha Stewart showed them once with holes drilled in them with mini lights poking through the holes. So pretty! I should make a pumpkin like that but we'll see if I ever get around it. *roll eyes* :D
I love this Hello Kitty Halloween garland craft. If you click on the picture, you'll get a bigger version of it that you can print. I think I'll attach these to a black ribbon with black brads and I thought of adding Sienna's yearly Halloween pictures in it as well. Fun! :)
Max put Sienna's new bed together this morning. It happened so quickly. Next thing I know the crib was gone and a new bed there. I almost had tears in my eyes. Felt like I should have taken pictures of Sienna in her crib before it was gone for good. I realized I don't have that many pictures of Sienna sleeping in her first bed. So many good memories of that bed and of our cutie pie in it. How she'd hold on to the railing and jump up and down like crazy when I went to get her.
I kept holding on to the crib for couple of reasons (in case you're wondering why on earth she was still in her crib):
*The crib was huge. Not like the little ones in Finland. Sienna had tons of room to sleep in it.
*We didn't want to buy an "in between" bed. It seemed too early to get a full size bed before.
*Sienna never thought of climbing out of her crib so it was nice to know that she was in her crib, not wandering who knows where in the house when we were sleeping.
They grow so quickly.
We got her new bed from Ikea (dark brown Malm bed, goes with the rest of the furniture in her room) and Jay realized that they forgot to tell him he needed to buy the wood slats separately for the bed. Grrh.
I also need to go and buy one of those mattress cover thingys in case of nightly accidents.
Which reminds me of something I learned. Did you guys know that childrens' nightly bed wetting is due to a lack of certain enzyme in their body? When we get older, our bodies start to produce an enzyme that stops us from going pee when we sleep. Kids who wet the bed at night don't have that enzyme in their body yet. A simple prescription from a doctor can remedy the bedwetting if the child is quite old. If they're still young - just give it some time and their body will eventually produce the enzyme. Pretty neat stuff, eh. I didn't know it before.
Jay is working such long hours this whole month. He won't come home before it's Sienna's bedtime so Sienna and I visit Jay at the store. I stay in the store and Jay can go to the park/for a walk with Sienna for a bit. Jay needs the break and Sienna sure needs to see her daddy.
It was kind of sad being at the store yesterday knowing that at the end of the month it won't be ours anymore. I didn't think I'd get so emotional but the store is our "baby". Jay especially has put tons of effort into our business and it is sad to hand it over to someone else. So mixed feelings as always about change in our lives.
Something else has changed too: Sienna isn't napping anymore! Naptime and bedtime started to be a struggle so one day I asked Sienna why she wasn't napping. She said seriously: "I'm NOT tired!"
So no more naps. Gone. Finito. Kaputs. :)
In some ways it's great. We can go out at any time now and don't have to worry about the nap. And of course she's going to bed nice and fast now in the evening.
I do miss my quiet hour during the day though (Sienna never slept more than an hour and 20 minutes. I could pretty much set a timer for it, it was always the same). It was nice to have a bit of time to do whatever without worrying about her.
Changes, changes... Isn't that what life is all about? It's all good.
Suomalaiset blogiystavani - osaatteko kaikki enkkua tarpeeksi hyvin vai pitaisiko mun aina kirjoittaa suomeksi myos? Jotkut asiat haluan enkuksi mun enkunkielisten ystavien takia.
Oh yeah... Talking about Halloween. Sienna and I went to Michaels crafts store yesterday and they had their Halloween stuff out. There was a life size ugly, scary Halloween thingy dude there that made the most creeping kind of sounds and talking when anyone walked by. Sienna was terrified. I told the cashier lady that maybe they shouldn't have things like that in the store as the little ones get too scared. She just quickly and snobbily said that it's the store policy and they can do nothing about it. Reminder to self: don't go near Michaels during Halloween season!
I have never, ever liked the really scary Halloween stuff. To many people Halloween needs to be creepy and scary. I'm more into the cute Halloween stuff. Pumpkins, fun dress up outfits, etc. Sure the big kids probably get a kick out of graves on people's yards etc but for little ones like our Sienna, it can give them nightmares and it's just too creepy. She did have nightmares yesterday by the way. She kept talking about the "dude" for a long time after we left the store and you could just tell how scared she was. Of course Sienna is a bit more sensitive than some kids but still. Come on, little kids don't need to see the creepy stuff. Silly stuff, sure. But let's not creep our little ones out, okay. Phleeeease.
I have never understood scary movies either by the way. I know lot of people love them but did you guys know that our subconscious minds don't know that the movies we see aren't real? That's why our heart rate goes up when we see a scary movie. Our body totally reacts like it's real. I don't think it's healthy personally but hey, if that's your thing, it's your thing. Not for me though, thank you very much. :)
Oh, and while I'm at it - :) - when I was a kid I used to be scared to death of many of the Disney fairytales. The witch in Snow White, asking the man to bring Snow White's heart to her... How scary she looked. I was terrified as a kid. Of course I didn't know to tell anyone but I sure didn't like stories like that.
Sienna is like that too. She doesn't like any mean characters in shows. We tried to show her a Disney movie once and had to stop after a few minutes as she got too scared.
This is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. Don't get me wrong - I love Disney and will take Sienna to Disneyland etc. Some day she might even be ok to watch some of the movies. But why do they have to make some of the characters so scary? Think of the lady in the 100 Dalmatians movie being mean to all those puppies... To be honest, I still don't enjoy those old Disney movies.
I'm totally into the 100% cute and happy stuff for kids. Since I was a sensitive kid myself (who am I kidding - I'm STILL sensitive! :)) and since I now have a sensitive kid. Of course problems in shows/stories are ok. As long as they work to solve the problem. But no scary/evil stuff please. Keep it out. They'll see enough bad stuff in their lives without having to start when they're young.
There, my two cents on that topic. Feel free to disagree in your comments. It won't change my mind :) but discussion is always fun. :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

{lemppari vitsini}


Viime aikoina olen miettinyt tata minun blogiani kovasti. Onko tassa mitaan jarkea ja onko tama tarpeeksi kiinnostava lukijoille. Janna miten blogit muuttuvat ajan kanssa. Taman piti ensin olla ihan vaan omalle perheelle ja ystaville jotka asuvat kaukana. Sitten olikin niin kivaa kun muutkin loysivat blogini ja jopa alkoivat kaymaan taalla lukemassa. Nyt voin jo sanoa etta monesta bloggaajasta on tullut tietynlainen ystava johon on blogien valityksella tutustunut. Joitakin paketteja olen vaihtanut (vilkutusta Tanyalle :D). Janna miettia etta mihin tama blogi viela vie. Pakko myontaa etta on paivia jolloin tuntuu etta lopetan taman koko blogin pidon. Kun kayn muiden blogeilla, siella on kommentteja vaikka kuinka paljon aina. Itsella ne muutamat vakkarilukijat vaan (mutta voi kun olenkin sitten kiitollinen teille, tiedatte keita olette, suurkiitos kun jaksatte kayda taalla ja jatkaa ystavyyden pitoa). Valilla joku uusi kommentoija tuo uutta intoa bloggaukseen.
Olen miettinyt etta miksi kayn jonkun muun blogissa ja mika niissa minua kiinnostaa eniten. Olen aina ollut sellainen henkilo joka ei valita pintapuolisista ystavyyksista/jutuista. Tykkaan blogeista jossa bloggaaja jakaa omaa itseaan, hienostelematta, kaunistelematta. Valilla jopa uskaltaa raottaa enemmankin omasta itsestaan. Ulkosuomalaiset ovat aina olleet omaa sydantani lahella, olenhan itsekin moinen. Kiva lukea muidenkin kokemuksia. Tykkaan lukea ihan arjestakin. Joka paivaisista puuhista lasten kanssa. Jopa elama Suomessa kiinnostaa aina silla se on tavallaan tuttua mutta toisaalta vahan uuttakin kun itse en ole aikuisena siella kauaa asunut (muutin Suomesta 21v:na).
Yksi lempiblogeistani on ollut Maritan Tunisian Tuulet (hei Marita! :)). Sinne paasee vaan kutsulla ja tunnen itseni onnekkaaksi etta saan siella kayda lukemassa suomalaisen muslimin elamaa Tunisiassa ja Suomessa. Olen oppinut Islamin uskosta ja on hauska lukea millaista elama on Tunisiassa. Kauniita kuviakin siella on aina.
Kauneus vie usein myos niihin muihin blogeihin joissa kayn. Jos tayttaa elamansa kauniilla, ei jaa tilaa rumalle ja pahalle. Eiko?
No, nyt tulee vahan jaariteltua sinne tanne. Mita yritan tassa sanoa (en ole koskaan vaittanyt etta mulla on hyvat kirjoitustaidot ja etta osaan laittaa ajatukseni upeasti "paprulle") on se etta olen miettinyt etta mita talle blogille tekisin. Jatkaisin samaan malliin? Pitaisiko tanne lisata jotain? Kertokaapa lukijat mielipiteenne ja olenko jattanyt jotain pois blogista joka olisi kiva lisays. Itse haluaisin etta taalla useammin mietittaisiin syvallisempia asioita mutten tieda kiinnostaako muita sellainen. Monesti syvallisiin asioihiin liittyy uskon asiat ja en halua etta jostain lukijastani tuntuu etta tuputan uskontoa mitenkaan. Mutta itse olen todella nauttinut uskonnon vuoropuheista Maritan blogilla ja mietin etta jos lukijat ei sita aihetta pelkaisi niin tannehan tulisi vaikka mita tosi mielenkiintoista puhetta (esim. elaman tarkoitus, mita kuoleman jalkeen, jne). Kertokaapa haluatteko "menna sinne" vai ette. Niin ja ei vaan uskoon liittyvia asioita mutta muutakin.
Jos aloittaisin tanaan kertomalla lempivitsini. Niin, tama on vitsi mutta laitan taman luokkaan "syvallisia ajatuksia" silla tassa vitsissa on opetus. Here we go... Enkuksi kun osaan sen paremmin kertoa enkuksi. Osaattehan te lukijani enkkua, etteko vain? Jos joku haluaa etta suomennan taman viela tanne niin laittakaa vaan pyynto kommenttiin.
A man had lived his whole life working long, long hours and spending his time making more and more money. He did have a family but he hardly ever spent time with them. He justified in his mind that he worked to make life better for his family. But the truth was that he was the one who wanted fancy things and to feel like he had "succeeded" in life. He was getting up there in years and one day an angel came and told him it was time to go. The man protested loudly: "But I have worked so hard so that I would be able to enjoy my retirement years in great luxury and ease. Couldn't you let me stay here so that I can enjoy the fruits of my hard labor?" The angel told him no. The man begged and begged, and finally said "Can you please at least give me one more week?" The angel agreed to this. After the week was over, the angel returned and was surprised to find the man all ready to go. He even had a big smile on his face. All he asked was that he could bring his one suitcase with him. The angel said "Well, okay, let's go then." The man arrived in heaven with a big grin in his face. When all the angels saw that he had come with a suitcase, they all gathered around the man, all curious to see what was in it. After all, this was the first time anyone came to heaven with a suitcase. The man proudly said that he had barely had enough time to do what he did but that he was able to bring his treasure with him. He opened the suitcase and it was full of...
Gold bricks!
The man had feverishly sold everything he had worked so hard for and had exchanged it all to these gold bricks. He brimmed with pride. Until...
One of the curious angels said:
"Why would anyone bring pavement with them?"
We all need to be careful how we spend our time here on earth. What really matters after this life? A Chinese proverb says that "our last suit doesn't have pockets in it". We can't bring any of the worldly "stuff" with us when we go. What CAN we bring with us? Our family ties, friendships, our knowledge, wisdom, experiences, our memories. That's it. It won't matter one bit what clothes we wore or what kind of car we drove. It matters how we lived with people around us and what kind of choices we made. If we made the world a bit better place by having been in it. If we made a difference in someone's life. If we helped. If we served. If we listened. If we cared. If we loved.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

{i love you too... lots and lots and lots and lots and...}

Taas oli upea syyspaiva. Shortsit ja t-paita vaan paalla sai liikkua ulkona ihaillen upeita syksyn puita. Ah.
Jay oli tosi myohaan toissa tanaan (on juuri tulossa kotiin). Liikkeessa oli joka vuotinen VIP party asiakkaille. Siennan kanssa kotiin tullessa nokotettiin LoveSac:ssa vierekkain. Tehtiin palapeleja (ostin Siennalle kirjan jonka kuvat oli palapeleja), Sienna katsoi tv:ta, mina luin tuota Nicholas Sparks:n kirjaa (en ole nahnyt leffaa viela mutta kirja oli hyva, sain sen juuri luettua loppuun). Oli ihana vaan nokotella vierekkain. Sienna valilla halaili minua ja sanoi niin sydamen pohjukasta etta "I love you mommy". Ihanhan moisesta meinaa taysin sydan pakahtua. Y

Monday, September 15, 2008

{yllari ja upea syyspaiva}

Mita kivaa loytyikin postissa: Asterix kirja savon murteella. Suurkiitokset Tanyalle Villa Kanervaan tasta mainiosta yllarista! Oletpa ihana!
Tanaan oli +27C ja olikin upea syyspaiva. Kirkkaansininen taivas ja juuri sopiva lammin tuulenvire. Kaytiin (Jay & Sienna & mina) eraassa upouudessa leikkipuistossa leikkimassa ja sitten haettiin Robin ja ennatettiin viela ostarillekin. Sielta tarttui mulle mukaan muutama paita ja Siennalle valkoiset lenkkarit seka ale "mekkopaita". Sain ihan itsekseni shoppailla ja olipa kiva. Oli ihana kun odottelin muita ja kun Sienna naki minut niin alkoi juoksemaan taytta vauhtia minua halaamaan. Sienna juoksee niin sodesti etta. Ihanasti kasivarret heiluu. Tuon kun saisi videolle ja painumaan ikuisesti sydameen. Ah.
Seuraavissa postauksissa tosi lyhyita videon patkia synttareilta. Kameralla otettuja taas joten ei aanta.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

{3v synttarikemut}

Kuvia Siennan synttarikemuista.
Pictures of Sienna's birthday party.

Tein nama kivat nauhat viela koristeiksi. Minusta tosi kivat. Tuo eka kuva Siennasta lumihangessa syomassa lunta on niin mainio. Nauru tulee aina kun naen sen. :)

I made these garlands. I loved having pictures of Sienna's past year on display.

Jay osti juuri sellaiset kukat kuin mista tykkasin. Talla kertaa kuunteli kukan osto ohjeet oikein nappiin. :)
Jay always buys flowers for Sienna. I had wished for daisies or gerber daisies and got both.

Ihana kuva! Y Harmittaa vaan nuo varjot ja kaapin nuppi tuossa takana. Harmi etta unohdin etta taman kakun (suklaavaahtokakku Siennan vehnaallergian takia) reunat on noin karmeen nakoiset. En ollut varautunut niita koristelemaan. Otin muut koristukset paalta pois ja laitoin suklaamurskaa vaan paalle. Tosi kivannakoiset oli mun tekemat kakkukoristeet. Sadetikut ja pitkat kynttilat oli myos sodet kun paloivat. Siennaa pelotti vahan sadetikut kun laulettiin mutta sitten kun Jay alkoi ottamaan niita kakusta pois niin Sienna salamannopeana heti perassa (jota ei osattu odottaa) ja poltti kaksi sormeaan, raukka pieni. Voi etta siita tuli kovat itkut ja mua harmitti kun ei antanut mun tehda homeopaattista ensiapua, se kun olisi heti auttanut kipuun. Onneksi sitten oli vuorossa kakkua ja lahjojen avausta ja laastarikin aina ihmeesti auttaa myos. Tallaiset jutut aina tapahtuu niin hetkessa ja vaikka on varovainen niin ainahan sita paasee tapahtumaan. Saa nahda antaako laittaa sadetikkuja ensi vuonna kakkuun. Minusta ne tuo kivan tunnelman aina. Ensi vuonna tuplavarmistukset sitten ettei pikkunen taas polta sormiaan.
Olin muuten ostanut Siennalle uuden mekon muttei suostunut sita laittamaan paalle tietty. Nytko jo alkaa vaatetappelut... :)
We always get a chocolate mousse cake from Costco for Sienna as she's allergic to wheat and can eat the mousse part of this cake. Mommy also happens to like this cake quite a bit. Khm. :) I forgot the edges of the cake are ugly and wasn't prepared to decorate them better. Chocolate shavings and cake decorations made by yours truly replaced the store bought decorations on it. I love the long candles I found and the sparkly sticks always create a nice athmosphere too. Sad thing happened though. Jay started taking the sparkly sticks of the cake and Sienna copied him and burned two of her fingers. She was so quick that Jay didn't have time to stop her. Should have been more careful but I guess these things sometimes happen. I tried to give Sienna homeopathic first aid for her burns but she wouldn't let me. Thank goodness there was cake and gift opening to get her mind of her fingers.
Ennen kun kaikki vieraat tulivat niin olin kutsunut muutamia pikkutyttoja leikkimaan Siennan kanssa tunniksi. Tytoilla oli kivaa ilmapallojen kanssa ja sitten kalastivat kaloja joissa oli numerot joiden mukaan sitten saivat valita palkintoja. Oli muitakin puuhia suunniteltu mutta lopulta tytot tykkasivat vaan leikkia keskenaan. Tosi kivasti pikkutytot leikkivatkin. Laitan tanne myohemmin muutaman videon.
I had invited a few little girls to play with Sienna for an hour before all the other guests arrived. They played with balloons and we did a fishing game with prizes as well. I had planned couple of other things too but the girls had so much fun just playing that we let them. They sure played nice together and the party never got roudy until some boys appearead on the scene. :) Boys and girls can be so different but it's all good. They're meant to be different. I'll add some videos here later when I have more time.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

{what bugs me}

Ta-daa! I haven't forgotten about scrapbooking. Just took a little break of it during summer. The Goodie Box's latest challenge inspired me do this one.
The challenge is to use rubber stamps. My cute little frog friend here is rubber stamped. The saying says "FROGS HAVE IT EASY - THEY CAN EAT WHAT BUGS THEM" in case you can't read it.

The journaling says:
...that I live so far away from my family. I so wish that we could be a bigger part of each other's lives. Thank goodness there are skype, e-mails, blogs and occasional visits at least. If Jay ever doubted my love for him (which he shouldn't of course), all he would have to do is to think about my sacrifice of not being able to be with my family and then he can tell right away how much I love him. I really really do. But at times it's so hard to see others with their families, for example.
Inside the cd-rom envelope is also a sample of a Skype chat between me and my sister Suvi.
Did you notice - no bling bling!
It must be the end of the world.