Friday, October 31, 2008

{happy halloween!}

Eilen saatiin jo esimakua Halloweenista silla oli meidan seurakunnan syysjuhla. Nopeasti napsittiin muutama kuva ennen lahtoa joten eivat onnistuneet kovin hyvin. Jospa tanaan saisin parempia kuvia otettua. Mutta mainio kun Africa tuli kuvaan mukaan. Pitaahan noidalla olla musta kissa. :) Taman asun ostin kun minusta nuo varit oli juuri sopivat Siennalle ja asu ei ollut yhta halvan nakoinen kuin monet kaupasta ostetut. Hameen ruskeassa osassa on mustia lepakkoja. Sienna oli tosi sode kiltti (!) noita.
We went to our church's fall party yesterday so it was an early Halloween for us. Sienna ended up as a nice (!) witch. I couldn't resist this outfit as I thought the colors would be perfect for Sienna. Nice and simple. Funny how plans change depending on what you find. :)
Little girls are so cute.
Robin was a cowboy. We actually bought him a Darth Vader costume which he wore to work today and to another party tonight.

Robinilla oli kivaa - paukutteli lujaan tahtiin paukkupyssyllaan. Jopa nayttamolla. Ei olisi lahtenyt nayttamolta ei sitten millaan. Oli ainoa siella jaljella asuparaatin jalkeen. :)
Little boys are cute too!
Tama elefantti poika oli super sopo!
When we got home, Sienna was all hyper from the sugary drink (and the party itself) and wouldn't go to sleep. Jay was really tired and was joking that Sienna should tuck him in her bed to sleep with Mr Murphy. :)
Today Sienna has a slight fever and a bit of a runny nose. Mellow day until it's time for some more Halloween fun.
Happy Halloween everyone!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I'm just a little tiny bit addicted. :)
I'm waiting for Sienna to finish watching Dora so we can go out.
I'm crazy about the words "batty about you". Something about those words makes me all giggly inside. :)


I've been playing with the PrtScn button on my keyboard.
What have you been up to? :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

{shouldn't go to that pool}

You type in words and it makes fun word stuff for ya. Give it a try.
Just when you feel like "no one cares" (I'm known to occasionally swim in Olympic-sized self pity pools*), things happen that convince you otherwise.
Today I'm so thankful for my mother-in-law. Long story but I have a feeling that because of what she did for me today, great things will happen in my life. Y
I'm also so thankful for my Jay for being so very patient with me. There are things about me that he kindly puts up with (with so much patience and love) that it makes me wonder how on earth I was blessed with the best husband in the world. Y
There. That just had to be said today.
Other than that... Jay found a new fun place to go eat at. I can't remember for the life of me what it was called (Red Brick something something ?) but it's kind of in between a fast food place and a restaurant. They serve red brick oven pizza. Every booth had it's own tv to watch while waiting for food (Sienna loved it that the kid at the other table was watching Wonder Pets too) and it was a very earth friendly "green" place. The cups for example were made of plants (biogradable) even though they felt like plastic. Yummy pizza. :P
I love it when I don't have to cook. :)
*gotta love Neal A. Maxwell and his way with words Y

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

{jennifer pebbles}

I've been spending a bit of time at "two peas in a bucket" lately. Today I found Jennifer Pebbles. I like her stuff (the fall wreath is a class they offer at two peas) and she has a fun blog too:


Watched this last night. Loved it!
Go Walter go!
A very touching movie. Full of humanity.

{au au au!}

Lehdet on haravoitu. Viisi roskapussillista yhteensa. Tykkaan tosi paljon haravoinnista. Oikeen hiki tuli. Sienna auttoi taas tosi kivasti. Tuon kuvan taustalla oleva piha on siis meidan naapureiden. He eivat ihmeemmin tee pihatoita. Minun piti haravoida heidankin piha mutten ennattanyt. Hyva etten ennattanyt silla yolla kukuin hereilla kun kasivarret ja olkapaat jomotti niin alysti etta jopa itku tuli. Olen kiitollinen kipulaakkeista. Minullahan on fibromyalgia. En saisi tehda mitaan tuollaista fyysista tyota. Jopa kun vatkaan kadella esim chocolate puddingia niin sen jalkeen kasivarret on ihan masana. Piti lopettaa hierojan urani kun kasivarret eivat kestaneet todellakaan moista tyota. Eilen sain maksaa kipeasti etta kuvittelin olevani "terve" ja etta voin haravoida kuten muutkin. Minulla on eras ystava joka on ehka loytanyt terapian joka auttaa fibromyalgiaan. Joku laakari oli kai vihdoinkin selvittanyt etta meidan munuaiset ei poista oliko se nyt phosphatea elimistosta. Se sitten pysyy kehossa ja aiheuttaa kroonisen kivun kehoon. Tuo laakari on kai keksinyt keinon milla niista paasee eroon (tama on sellainen sairaus josta ei viela tiedeta paljoakaan). Odotan innolla jos ystavani saa terapiasta apua ja sitten kokeilen sita itsekin. On se karseeta elaa ainaisen kivun kanssa. Joskus kipu on todella sietamaton. Mutta pahemminkin voisi olla ja ei saisi valittaa. Joskus on pakko vaan kun ei aina jaksa moisia kipuja. Kun sanoo sen aaneen niin jotenkin helpottaa.
Eilen piti kayda Walmartista hakemassa varsinkin kissanruokaa. Sinne ajettiin ja oltiin jo menossa sisaan kun tajusin ettei lompakko ollut mukana. Kotiin takaisin lompakkoa noutamaan. Tuli siis ylimaaraiset 20 minuttia ajettua. Ei se kai niin paha juttu ole mutta nykyaan kun bensakin maksaa hunajaa niin otti paahan.
Hoh. Tasta postauksesta piti tulla "jee saatiin piha siivottua" ja iloinen syksyinen postaus. Miten tasta tulikin vali valia. Sori. :) Kylla se tasta. Lisaa kipulaakkeita vaan nassuun ja jotain kivaa tekemaan Siennan kanssa. Muttei fyysista kivaa. :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

{gotta have the right tools}

It's been crazy windy here for a few days now. Our house is kind of on a hill a bit and it feels like it's coming apart at times. The wind even keeps us awake at night. The draft makes it chilly even inside. And... Yesterday I saw the very first snowflakes. There wasn't many of them - I just saw some flying in the wind. No white ground yet at least. Brrr! Winter is on it's way.
I love going to teachers' stores. The one close to us has toys for the kids to play with while you browse around. Very smart of them to do that. Sometimes I take Sienna there "just to play" but I always end up picking a thing or two at the same time. This time I picked up two activity books. They are super fun and what an easy way to come up with a quick activity when you need it. We already made this lace up squirrel craft. Sienna colored it, I laminated it and punched the holes.
I love all my crafts tools: a laminating machine, a self healing mat (for x-acto knife cutting), a light box (for tracing), Making Memories eyelet & other tools set, a printer that makes copies...
Sienna loved using her very first own crafts tool too: safety scissors. She kept cutting & cutting & cutting paper.
Too fun!

Friday, October 24, 2008

{thinking of... hair}

Many woman's dilemma: what oh what to do with your hair.
I often dream I could just look at a picture and my hair would look like that in an instant.
As a teenager, I thought Farrah had perfect hair.
Hair idols change. The stupid hair dilemma doesn't seem to go anywhere.
Am I right ladies?
Picture: Blueprint magazine. They forgot to give this lady clothes. :)
I hardly ever wear my hair up, not even in a ponytail (only when it's really really hot and I can't stand the heat). I guess this is one of those weird things about me. So... #3 - I always wear my hair down.
Love the look on others though.
I like certain cute short styles. Every once in awhile I get a huge urge to cut my hair.
And regret it every time.
My hair is quite curly naturally so it's a real pain to style my hair when it's short.
Too bad. Change would be nice at times. You always seem to want what you can't have.
Meg Ryan had really nice hair in this movie (nice clothes too!) whether it was curly or straight. Liked them both.
Reese Witherspoon often has hair I want to "zap" to myself.

I love my hair blonde but it sure is damaging to dye it all the time. I know my hair would be healthier if I dyed it dark. But what can you do when you prefer it blonde.
I'm often tempted to go dark though.

Braids can be cute if done right.

Sienna Miller often has nice bohemian/hippie type hair that I like. Natural looking. Carefree.
I often wish I had Nicole Richie's hair stylist.

Same with Jessica Simpson's.

(Don't like the huge earring.)


Again - too short for me but me likey Lisa Rinna's hair too.

I've had so many bad hair cuts and colorings (mostly here in Canada). I'm scared to go to a hair salon nowadays. I've had hair that looked like a Halloween witch wig (seriously, black with silver/gray highlights when I asked for more blonde streaks!!). Usually I'm just bummed because they cut too much off. Don't they know it takes forever to grow it back? I never seem to get exactly what I'd like. Is it my problem? Can't I communicate what I want clearly enough (I often show them a picture)? Is it because I refuse to pay $200 to get my hair done in one of those fancy salons? I don't know. All I know is that right now Jay is the only one whom I trust to touch my hair with scissors. Pretty bad, huh?


Oh, once I did go to one of those fancy salons and paid $150 (years ago, now it would be $200) and my hair pretty much looked the same coming out of the salon than going in. So that didn't work for me either.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

{babies on my mind}

Car mirror - minor details (see my link list).
Card by Melissa Deakin.
Via moon ko photography (see link list).
Murals by Ann Suma.


Rebecca Cooper.
Wiegen stroller.
"melsboys" - Simple Scrapbooks Magazine.
My sister s u v i :) had a babyboy at 6.36am (Finland time).
And I'm million miles away as usual. *sigh*
C'est la vie.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

{yeah, yeah... i'm a weirdo}

I finished making the teddy bear photo frame. I ended up laminating it for durability. I would have preferred not to but figured little fingers will be playing with it.
This is where it ended up (for now at least).
Mr Murphy is so cute there in Sienna's bed.
Precious Moments Noah's Ark cross-stitch is made by yours truly. I'm sure I've posted about it before but in case you forgot about this amazing masterpiece... (it took me million hours to make = it's a masterpiece!) :D
Happiness is...
...a rubber ducky shower curtain.
It took tons of talent to hot glue these sea shells on this store bought wreath. :D

I'd prefer my bathroom totally void of decorations to be honest but this sailboat does take my thoughts to nice summer days by the ocean so I tolerate it. I was hoping you couldn't see the dust on it. Is the picture blurry enough? :D

Our bathroom is very traditional in style and I'd prefer a warmer color in there too but I'm too lazy to do anything about it. :) My dream bathroom would be a modern beautifully tiled (from floor to ceiling) bathroom with two sinks and two showers. If it was big enough, I'd also take a jet bath tub. And a sauna. :)
Love this nightlight. I think I found it while vacationing in California.
So, Stina has challenged me to tell five weird things about me. I have been racking my brain to come up with five. Honestly. I didn't realize I'm such a -khm - normal person after all (don't laugh too hard, all those who know me).
This is all that I've come up with so far:
*When I have to start the car before Sienna and I get in (when it's too cold or too hot), I then leave the passenger front door open when I put Sienna in her car seat. Then I go to my seat and close the passanger door only when I'm in the car myself. I'm paranoid about the car doors locking when Sienna is in the car and I'm not.
*My cousins and I used to eat ant "pee" when we were kids. Yep, you read that right. We'd take a stick, peel the bark off of it, spit on it and then put the stick on an ant hill. The ants would "pee"/spray the stick in defense and then we'd lick the stick. Don't ask me why or who came up with this idea. We just did, okay. :D
And that's it. For the life of me, I can't think of anything else. I'm sure I'm weird in many ways (I've always thought I'm a bit to the odd side) but I just can't seem to come up with more than these two things. But aren't these two worth at least five? :D
Since I can't come up with more weirdoness, I thought I'd share one of my (many, sad to admit) embarrassing moments.
After my mission and before coming to Canada, I was working in a nice hotel in Helsinki (Kalastajatorppa) to save money to come to Canada. My day started very early (at six or something like that). Even though it was warm during the day, it was still quite chilly in the mornings especially while waiting for the bus or the tram. I'd wear nylons (I can't believe I did, I HATE nylons!!) under my pants to keep me warm in the morning and then wouldn't wear them after work. I worked as a janitor, cleaning the public areas of the hotel. I loved my job by the way. We had these vacuum cleaners that we carried on our backs and especially little kids always called us Ghostbusters. We were always joking around and it was fun to clean a beautiful hotel together. Anyways, I'm just trying to procrastinate to tell you my embarrassing moment. When I got to work, I would change into my janitor uniform and then after work back to my normal clothes. One day I decided to go downtown and do some shopping. I took the tram and got off at Stockmann (a large department store). I started walking toward the tunnel shops and kept thinking something was stuck on my shoe. I kept wiggling my foot thinking that whatever was there would fall off. But it didn't. I finally looked down to see what it was. Are you ready...
...It was my nylons hanging out of my pants!!!!
I had forgotten to take them out of my pants and they were hanging way out of my pant leg and I had kept stepping on it.
So the question is, what do you do in the middle of downtown to get nylons out of your pants?
It's not that simple as they are long and they were wrapped all the way to the other side of my pant leg. Can you imagine someone pulling long nylons out of their pants in the middle of the street? Well me neither. I tucked the nylons into my pant leg (people had to have seen them hanging from my pant leg!!) and went to a nearby store. I pretended to try on some clothing but instead removed the nylons out of my pants.
And as if that isn't bad enough...
It happened to me again on another day!
So there. I guess this could be listed on my weirdo list too. I have a habit of walking in public with nylons hanging out of my pants.
Your turn! All of you other bloggers. Don't be shy. Tell us about your weirdoness/most embarrassing moments.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

{puuhailua lapsille}

Kangastusseilla saa tehtya kaikkea kivaa.
Tai voi printata kuvia kankaalle.
Fabric markers/printing on fabric idea.
Lapsien oma saatiedotuslaite.
Kids' own weather broadcasting device.
Lapset keksii oman pelin.
Kids can make up their own game.

Ensin variliidulla piirretaan kuva, sitten maalataan paalle. Kiva tekniikka. Nattia olisi tehda lumihiutaleita valkoisella liidulla ja sitten maalata paalle. Joulukortteja! :)
Draw with a crayon first and then paint over it.
Kids could draw snowflakes with a white crayon and then paint over it - Christmas cards! :)

All of these ideas from:

*let's explore blog
Eika meille mitaan sen kummempaa kuulukaan. :)
Mutta pikkusiskolleni sitakin enemman - vauva tulossa mina hetkena hyvansa!!!!!!!! Hengessa mukana Suvi. Kunpa voisin olla siella tutustumassa pikkuseen HETI. Houp ool gous vel. :)

{love - yo gabba gabba}

Aah, so sweet! Lotsa love to you all! <3

Monday, October 20, 2008


andrea russo/flickr
(folded paper art)
Suvi kun haastoi niin kai pitaa nyt sitten... :)
Ei riita viisi asiaa. Meilla on pikkupakastin jaakaapin ylla ja sitten ISO seisova pakastin myos jotka molemmat ovat taynna. Meilla on aina ruokavarastoa.
Leipaa, vihanneksia, hedelma/marjapussi (smoothien tekoon), banskunpalasia (smoothien tekoon), mehua, veggie spring rolls, jauhelihaa, kanaa, lohta, pizza pops, chicken nuggets, jaateloa, jaatelokakku (Jayn aidilta sen ylimaarainen kun se aina ostaa liikaa ruokaa), ohralettuja Siennalle...
...ei niin kamala sotku enaa silla ennatin vahan jo organisoimaan viikonloppuna :)
Vaatteiden lisaksi...
*gift bags
*monen monta isoa laatikollista Jayn sarjiksia (ei ihme ettei siella ole tarpeeksi tilaa!)
*seasonal decorations
*lelusarja Jayn lempi lastenkirjasta pikkusena
*kaikenmaailman muuta sailytyslaatikoissa josta pitaisi viela paasta eroon kun ei ole tullut vuosikausiin kaytettya (esim. vanhat hierontalakanat, silkkiset kiinalaiset aamutakit...)
*musaa & spiritual talk cd's
*leluja Siennalle
*rattaat takakontissa (tuskin koskaan niita kaytetaan enaa mutta varmuuden varalta)
*emergency pack
*naposteltavaa & juotavaa Siennalle
*lompakko (joka on jo yli 20v vanha, olen etsinyt uutta mutta en ole loytanyt viela tarpeeksi kivaa/yhta toimivaa)
*huulirasva + huulipuna
*entsyymi kapsuleita (mun pitaa popsia niita joka kerta kun syon, keho ei tuota tarpeeksi entsyymeja ruuan sulatukseen)
*pikku lehtio ja kyna
Haastan puolestani joka ikisen lukijani tahan meemiin. Jos minun pitaa niin pitaa muidenkin. :D
Arvasinhan mina, Jay oli jarkannyt meille leffa/ravintola treffit perjantaina. Tuli Jayn aidille kukkien kera. Nahtiin leffa "The Dutchess" (Kiera Knightley, Ralph Fiennes). Sitten kaytiin syomassa hienossa italialaisessa ravintolassa. Mina en todellakaan ole nykyaan enaa mikaan hienostelija. Mulle olisi kelvannut ihan joku tavallinenkin ravintola. Jotenkin tulee outo olo hienoissa paikoissa. Olen kai liian tavallinen heppu nykyaan etta osaisin olla moisessa paikassa. :) Jayn aiti toi Siennan sinne kun oli jalkkarin aika (ne menee joka perjantai leffaan myos). Sienna nukahti autossa eika herannyt edes kun vaihdoin yopukuun kotona. Kiva oli paasta "tuulettumaan".
Eipa meille sen kummempaa taas kuulu. Kirkon tehtavani on vienyt aikaa paljon kun tapahtui isoja muutoksia (seurakuntien rajat muuttuivat) ja ollaan yritetty get things organized Primaryssa.
Jay menee nyt joka maanantai eraalle denturistille "vapaaehtoistoihin". Opettaa Jaylle kaikkea alaan liittyvaa ja saa jo etukateen tyokokemusta. Meni heti aamusta ostamaan itselleen laboratoritakkia. Nyt mun pitaa siis totutella laboratoritakkiseen mieheeni. :)
Nyt pitaa menna soittamaan DATS ajelut Robinin tana iltana alkavalle joka viikkoiselle uimaharjoituksille. Olisi pitanyt soittaa jo viime viikolla mutta unohdin taysin. Tallainen tama mun aivokoppa on. *silmien pyoritysta*