Wednesday, March 31, 2010

{justin bieber}

canadian kiddo justin bieber. so cute, so talented.

don't forget about new orleans, haiti, chile....... keep givin' to your chosen charity.

Monday, March 29, 2010

{just a quick hello}

martha's crew make the prettiest easter eggs ever.
too bad it's so s---l---o---w to find anything at the web site. it drives me bananas when i'm trying to search for something.
gotta go again. i'm enjoying my break from blogging. :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


ei ole paljon motivaatiota tällä hetkellä tämän blogin pitoon.
pikkunen on nukkunut huonosti taas viime aikoina. väsymys pistää minut aina hiljentymään ja säästämään energiaa. olen vaan lueskellut paljon kaiken pakollisen tekemisen lisäksi. eilen aloitin lukemaan twilight kirjat jo VIIDETTÄ kertaa läpi. mulla on todellakin aina ikävä kirjan henkilöitä ja onneksi mulla on surkea muisti niin kirjat ei koskaan tunnu tylsiltä. en usko että koskaan tulen kyllästymään lukea niitä. en ole koskaan lukenut muita kirjoja niin moneen kertaan läpi.
no, tulen tänne takaisin kun inspis taas iskee.

Monday, March 22, 2010

{eclipse trailer}

three more months... odottavan aika on pitkä. huokaus.

Friday, March 19, 2010

{as you can see...}

1. we're ready for easter. bring it on!
2. i'm addicted to photo editing.
3. bunnies are cute.
this would make such a cute easter card!
sienna's butterfly necklace broke so now it's a decoration. i should probably change the ribbon to white though.

this will have a kinder egg in it.
happy friday everyone. go have some fun with photo editing. :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

{one thing leads to another}

it's that time of the year again... i got the veseys flower catalog in the mail (
so i started to dream about a beautiful garden (and a gardener who would make it all happen :)).
next thing i know, i had the camera in my hand and i started to snap pictures of all my favorite flowers.

...i couldn't help but have some fun with photo editing.

...i couldn't stop so i just kept going with some other pictures...

(she had chocolate all over her face)
...and there went my evening. :)

{ei vaan pastellivärejä ja nalle puhia}

(all images via google image search)
fun bumper stickers:
honk if you love peace and quiet.
i don't suffer from insanity, i enjoy every minute of it.
my karma ran over your dogma.
if everything is coming your way, then you're in the wrong lane.
i used to think i was indecisive, but now i'm not too sure.
nobody's perfect. i'm a nobody.
where there's a will, i want to be in it!
caution! i drive like you do!