Saturday, October 29, 2016

[before and after]



My recipe box was a big mess. All sorts of recipes I never use, recipe cards in variety of colors... 
Decided to give my poor recipe box a makeover. 
This is much better. Me likey.

[Halloween chalkboard tags a bonus Thanksgiving tag]

Halloween is my least favorite holiday due to all the evil horror stuff you see everywhere. I like the creative, cute side of Halloween only. I feel bad for the sensitive kids who are scared to death on Halloween (I happen to know one such sensitive girl). It always feels so nice to prepare for Christmas after Halloween is done.
But I'm trying to get into Halloween mood nonetheless. 
I made some tags that you can use for gift bags (I cut them with a 3" circle cutter) or perhaps as cupcake toppers (I'd use a 2" circle cutter)
If you'd like a Microsoft Word document of all these tags, just leave a comment with your e-mail address. I won't post your e-mail address comment.
For personal use only.

We already had our Thanksgiving but I know it's still coming up in the States. Made this bonus Thanksgiving tag just for you.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

[totem poles]

Let's get one thing straight... 
If there is a totem pole - you must take a photo of it! 
I sure did during our summer vacation to Vancouver/Whistler.
One of these is not a totem pole though. Can you tell which one?

Monday, October 10, 2016

[fall leaves]

Today was Thanksgiving here in Canada. I printed fall leaves on cardstock paper and we decorated them with markers (opaque markers work the best for dark leaves). It's kind of crazy to be decorating fall leaves because we actually have SNOW on the ground. I so wasn't ready for snow yet! Last year we had a barbecue for Thanksgiving. Those were the days... :)