Saturday, December 24, 2016

[few more Elf on the Shelf ideas]

Our daughter had put one of her stuffies in a sock. Elfie decided to hide in it with her.

Princess Bride date.

Christmas Eve gift - a house decorating kit.
The tape got a bit our of hand when Elfie wrapped it.

Merry Christmas everyone! 
Or Happy Hanukkah!
Or Happy Whateveryoucelebrate!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

[more elf on the shelf ideas]

Time to chill a bit. Cucumber slices on eyes.

Elfie was a cute baby!

Wrapped up in silver yarn like a cocoon, hiding in the Christmas tree.

Trying to catch a fish (our daugther's art work) with a Tootsie Roll.

Pondering the meaning of life with his pal.

"Aww, what a cute baby!"

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

[more Elf on the Shelf ideas]

The magazine came with a mini magazine. Perfect for Elfie.

Dishcloth and a tissue = shepherd.

Elfie wreath. JOY decoration for the wall.

Elfie the pretzel leg zip lining.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

[Elf on the Shelf ideas]

This is what Elfie has done in our house so far.
1. Chocolate advent calendar.
2. Super tall toilet paper roll tower. 
3. Feeling fancy.
4. Wobbly penguin full of candy.
5. Elf Entry.
6. Tissue blanket, felt "stuffies" made by our daughter.
7. Elfie switched tape for toilet paper. :)
8. Elfie discovered SnapChat and sent our daughter some pictures and a video.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

[white elephant gift exchange cards]

We just had our clinics' Christmas party and did another white elephant gift exchange. This time I made these little cards to make it even more fun. 

If you'd like me to e-mail you the cards as a ready to print Microsoft Word document, just leave a comment with your e-mail address. I won't publish your comment or use your e-mail for anything else except to send you the document. There are 30 cards to print.

[cool, fun, awesome!]

Discovered That Dad Blog today. You must check it out!
Pure awesomeness!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

[before and after]



My recipe box was a big mess. All sorts of recipes I never use, recipe cards in variety of colors... 
Decided to give my poor recipe box a makeover. 
This is much better. Me likey.

[Halloween chalkboard tags a bonus Thanksgiving tag]

Halloween is my least favorite holiday due to all the evil horror stuff you see everywhere. I like the creative, cute side of Halloween only. I feel bad for the sensitive kids who are scared to death on Halloween (I happen to know one such sensitive girl). It always feels so nice to prepare for Christmas after Halloween is done.
But I'm trying to get into Halloween mood nonetheless. 
I made some tags that you can use for gift bags (I cut them with a 3" circle cutter) or perhaps as cupcake toppers (I'd use a 2" circle cutter)
If you'd like a Microsoft Word document of all these tags, just leave a comment with your e-mail address. I won't post your e-mail address comment.
For personal use only.

We already had our Thanksgiving but I know it's still coming up in the States. Made this bonus Thanksgiving tag just for you.