Sienna likes Ikea's blueberry soup as well.

Sienna has been dressing herself in tutus, crowns and ballerina skirts lately.


Jay brought Sienna chocolate lollipops & two artprints from the Calgary Toy Show. Doesn't this one totally look like Sienna? Robin got cool cards (Darth Vader stuff) and a Star Trek visor glasses. I guess the show was really awesome. Tons of people dressed in amazing costumes, celebrities, artists... Way better than the Edmonton show, I guess. Everyone was asking Jay to open a store in Calgary as there really isn't a good collectible toy store there. The gypsy in me immediately started to think "hmm, Calgary would be fun... Better weather... mountains only an hour away...". Then Jay reminded me how much more expensive housing is in Calgary and I guess we don't want to move away from family & friends again.
Play foam can go anywhere...
Jay's mom brought these Minnie Mouse ears with wedding veil to Sienna from her last Los Angeles trip. Sienna doesn't seem to wear them (atleast not yet) but doesn't Robin look so cute? :)
Can you tell I'm just-a-little-bit addicted to the white edges in photos at the moment? (roll eyes). :)
Can you tell I'm just-a-little-bit addicted to the white edges in photos at the moment? (roll eyes). :)
Nothing else earth shattering is going on in our lives. Getting Robin's passport application ready to go (he'll be going to Disneyworld, Florida, with Jay's parents and the other foster guys this summer, he's so excited), went to see the geese at the pond for the first time this year, enjoyed couple of +20C days, this morning it snowed big wet snowflakes but then it turned into rain, no snow on the ground thank goodness, taydellisesti unohdin etta on vappu (mun pitaisi todellakin tehda aina jotain erikoista Suomen juhlapaivien kunniaksi, idiksia tanne pain muilta ulkosuomalaisilta tai kenelta vaan tietty), realized that I have been giving Sienna wheat almost every day (I thought I checked the ingredients in granola bars but totally missed the many wheat ingredients in them for some reason) so maybe she doesn't have other allergies after all, I still made an appointment with Dr So so she can get tested on everything this time (just to be sure, he does needleless testing that really works), have done tons of scrapbooking trying to finish my secret project on time, I'm getting there...
Didn't really care for American Idol this week. David Cook's second song was ok, as well as Brooke White's second song. David Archuleta sang great but the songs didn't really do anything for me this time. It's fun to see all the screaming teenage girls yelling "I love you" though... :-D
There you go.
Tiedan etta mun pitaisi kirjoittaa suomeksi myos mutten jaksa usein molemmilla kielilla ja kun taalla kay mun enkun kielisia ystaviakin niin monesti tulee nyt enkuksi vaan. En kylla taysin unohda suomen kielta. Mita milloinkin. :)
ps. The world is so crazy. Disgusting things in the news lately. Grrh.