Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Layout #27.
I know, I know... I'm really repeating myself with the flowers & bling bling theme. But I was itching to scrapbook this picture but didn't have much energy to put too much thought into it. I'm not sick of the flowers & bling thing yet but I promise I'll start doing something else soon too. :)
It's been majorly hot here (+30-33C). Way too hot for my liking but at least we got to do something very summerly yesterday. I'll "report" later with pictures. :)
One week and my sister will be here!!!!!!!! Yey!!!!!! Wish all my family could come!
Friday, June 27, 2008
siennan jutusteluja
Vasy/tired, onsku/happy s a n s k u eons ago it seems.
Wrote down a few things Sienna said today already:
"Mommy, I saw a cricket on the roof of our house." (when she heard a weird noise, she made this up)
"It's a patter-ren." (Sienna looks at her legs when something makes a pattern on her leg, f.ex. carpet)
"I don't want any socks on, I'm barefooting."
I also asked Sienna some questions today:
"What is something mommy always says to you?" - "Mmm, I don't know."
"What makes mommy happy?" - "Heavenly Father do." (I don't know how she came up with that answer but it really touched me.)
"What makes mommy sad?" - "Daddy." (What?!!!! :D Where on earth did she get this from? Not true, of course!!!!)
"How does mommy make you laugh?" - "Neck kisses."
"How old is mommy?" - "Three years old." (I think she started to answer questions for herself now...)
"How tall is mommy?" - (Sienna raises her hands way up in the air)
"What is mommy's favorite thing to do?" - "Tumping." (= jumping. Sienna is definately answering for herself now...)
"What is mommy's favorite food?" - "Chicken." (same thing)
"How do you know mommy loves you?" - (Sienna spread her hands way to the side = answered how much I love her)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
vareja miettien

Eras blogiystava mietti vareja lasten leikkihuoneeseen ja ajattelin laittaa tanne muutaman kuvaehdotuksen. Martha Stewart Kids lehdesta tietty. Voi etta kun tuli taas ikava MS Kids lehtea. Itse tykkaan tasta vihrea/vaalea puu variyhdistelmasta. Ihanan luonnonlaheinen ja kay tytoille ja pojille. Varipsykologian mukaan vihrea vari auttaa oppimista. Ihanan rauhallinen vari.
Vahan punaista vihrean kanssa. Ovat vastavareja joten sopivat yhteen.
Tama on myos kiva variyhdistelma. Punainen kerman, valkoisen, seka beigen kanssa.
Sitten tykkaan itse mieltsisti mausteinen oranssi/tumman ruskea variyhdistelmasta. Sinne vaikka muutakin puunvaria sekaan.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I have read appr. 1100 pages in five days. Just finished "New Moon", the second in the Twilight series.
En ole jaksanut paljon bloggailla viime aikoina. Tuntuu ettei ole sen kummempaa tapahtunut. Kirjat on vieneet mun vapaa-ajan siis ja kylla tykkaankin lukea. Koti on kylla vahan tolallaan kun en ole malttanut laittaa kirjaa alas saadakseni siivottua. Mulla on edelleen mieleton vasymys menossa johtuen uudesta laakkeesta. Olen nyt ollut talla laakekuurilla kolme viikkoa ja alan olla taysin karsimaton naiden sivuvaikutusten suhteen. Paatinpa sitten lopettaa nama laakkeet vahitellen. Aion kayda eraalla tutulla joka on acupuncturist/chinese herbalist. Yrteista ei ole koskaan tullut mulle sivuvaikutuksia ja aina ovat auttaneet. Pitaa toivoa etta tassakin tapauksessa. Muuten pitaa aloittaa etsimaan sopivaa laaketta uudelleen. Plaah. Ehka tama vasymyskin on syyna etta haluan vaan lukea vaan. Olen niin vasy etta kun Sienna menee nukkumaan niin en halua kuin lotkotella vaan. Kirja kadessa tuntuu etta saan sentaan jotain aikaiseksi.
Jayn kanssa ollaan funtsittu jo pitkaan ammatin vaihtoa Jaylle. Oli yksi ura mielessa mutta sitten se ei ollutkaan tarpeeksi hyva vaihtoehto. Oltiin vahan frustrated kun tuntui ettei kekattu etta mita muuta Jay haluaisi tehda. Ei jotenkin vaan jakseta liikkeen omistajuutta enaa. Niin vaikea ottaa kunnon lomaa. Aina ollaan riippuvaisia hyvista tyontekijoista. Vaikea luottaa etta bisnes pysyy kasassa kun Jay on lomilla. Tana iltana Jaylla oli tapaaminen yhden tutun kanssa ja siina samalla jutustelivat sita sun tata. Nyt Jaylla on uusi vaihtoehto mielessa ja on melko innoissaan tasta taas. Toivottavasti toteutuu olemaan parempi juttu kuin se eka vaihtoehto. Kuulostaa melkein liian hyvalta ollakseen totta mutta ei Jay nopeasti vaihdosta tee. Kovasti miettii ja ottaa asioista selvaa ensin kuten pitaakin. Mutta nain alustavasti tama uusi juttu kuulostaa hyvinkin mahdolliselta. Ihana olisi. Mutta tietty kyseessa on sitten etta Jay menee takaisin opiskelemaan joksikin aikaa (luultavasti kolme vuotta). Saa nahda miten kaikki sujuu mutta toivottavasti bisneksen myynti onnistuisi ja siita tulisi tarpeeksi rahaa ettei tarvi huolehtia kauheasti rahasta koulun ajan. Tai etta voisi jotenkin pitaa liiketta ylla vaikka opiskeleekin. ?? Saa nahda. Mutta tallaista ilmassa taalla meilla. Odotan itse innolla kun vaihdos tulee tapahtumaan.
Sienna on yhta ihana kuin ennekin. Olen tuntenut syyllisyytta kun olen ollut niin vasy etten ole kauheasti jaksanut panostaa etta Siennan paivat olisi taynna puuhaa ja hauskuutta. Toivon etta nopeasti saan nama laakejutut selvitettya ja energia palaa taas. Eihan tama ole minun syyta mutta silti tuntuu pahalta etten ole jaksanut olla kiinnostavampi aiti viime aikoina. Onneksi Sienna aina keksii puuhaa ja olen nyt sentaan aina jotain jaksanut tehdakin. Muut aina puhuvat miten tarpeen tullessa kutsuvat aidin tai muuta perhetta avukseen ja mulle usein tulee taysi kateus paalle kun mulla ei taalla ole omaa perhetta. Jayn perhe on aina kiva muttei ole sama juttu jos olisivat mun oma perhe. Sitten he ovat aina kiireisia muutenkin ja en koskaan kehtaa pyytaa apua. Hyvin harvoin. Mutta kylla se tasta taas.
Zellaisda. Terkut vaan kaikille blogiystaville ja kuka tata nyt sitten lukeekin. :) Jayn kylkeen kyhnaamaan nyt...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
love, elsie
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
So... This is what I have been up to. I read this book in two days. I could NOT put it down once I started. I LOOOOOOVE this book! I'm so glad that there are more to this book series. I'm also glad that I don't have the rest of the books yet so I can actually get something else done too. My whole life turns into a book fest when I find a book that I love. Here's the web site for the books and their author:
I'm pretty excited as the movie of this book is coming out soon. Yey!
We (Primary Presidency) did a teacher appreciation "inservice" thingy today. It was fun to show our Primary teachers how much we appreciate them. We had really good discussions going. We have some awesome teachers who really love the kids they teach. It's fun to learn from each other how to become better at teaching. I always wanted to be a teacher so I'm glad I get to do it at church at least. The church has an awesome manual for teachers and I love learning new teaching skills.
Go buy The Twilight book now!! :D
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
his mama cries
Elvis & Lisa Marie Presley "In the Ghetto"
I had a dream about Elvis last night so he was on my mind today. Found this amazing song. Very touching and a very important message to us all.
rebecca thuss
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
bed hog

I looooove fun business cards. In fact, I kinda started collecting them few months ago. They're small so they don't take much space. I like the creative ones, not the boring same old ones (well, duh!). Feel free to collect fun business cards for me, everyone. :)
Sienna got sick last night. All of a sudden we heard really deep coughing from her room. I ended up bringing her to our bed. Sienna is a real bed hog so Jay ended up sleeping who knows where. At one point I just about started laughing out loud. She had her foot on my neck! :D Now Jay can't complain that I'm the biggest bed hog ever. :) Today she's been a bit more tired than usual but no other signs of illness. Weird.
I'm so excited - I FINALLY found another agency to work for. Some of you might remember my problems with the agency I work for now (we get paid to care for Robin). This has been a really maddening project to try to find another agency. Turns out many of them don't have enough staff to take on another client. I've spend many hours calling and calling and only now things are moving on. I just had a meeting with this possible new agency and I'm really excited. They seem very nice. And no problem what so ever - I will be getting the retroactive raise AND the new raise. I have a feeling they couldn't believe that I wasn't given them already. Yey! It's nice when things work out. Happy me.
Yesterday was +25C. Sienna and I picked up Robin from the store (Jay is building fences now) and then we went to feed the geese at the pond. First there was only one goose that came but eventually a cute little black duck came as well (I need to figure out it's name, Jay has a bird book). He was so funny. He didn't want the Canadian goose to get mad at him so he'd sneak up, crab a piece of bread and then it looked like he was skipping on water to get away. He was flying but his "feet" (whatever they are called in English) were touching the water and "running". It was so cute. Then we got a seagull as well and finally a goose family. I think it was the same one we had seen before. Two little gooslings that had actually grown up quite a bit already. It was beautiful to see how the parents were watching closely over their little ones (Sienna was a bit loud and got them alarmed a few times). There were tons of little fish as well that were nibbling on the bread. Gotta love nature.
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