some s-e-x-y tahitian dancing to spice up your day. :)
happy friday! :)
here's the link so you can watch it full screen:
then something funny i read on facebook:
if only mosquitos sucked fat instead of blood.
ihana olisi. :)
and i like this one:
'pay no mind to those who talk behind your back - it simply means that you are two steps ahead'
happy monday everyone!
i usually never recommend movies that have bad language etc in them but i have to make an exception with this one. this movie totally surprised us because it ended up being a very touching movie. great message that we never expected at all. so if you can hack some bad language and don't mind fast forwarding through a sex scene, then do watch it. this movie will squeeze your heart in a good way.
this was awesome!!!
lots to blog about, not enough time. enjoy this in the meantime.
youtube has changed their video format bigger (time to change my blog layout, i guess). you can go here to watch it: