Monday, January 31, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
{cute & fun, somewhat cute and wow!}
i love this snowflake sienna made. notice the pig's nose... :D
one of my quick drawings. i can't stop using dot stickers. love 'em!
wow, wow, wow!
my neck and shoulders are getting sore just from looking at these pictures.
love these.
i'd like the flower one framed on my wall. please and thank you. :)
i'd like the flower one framed on my wall. please and thank you. :)
Monday, January 24, 2011
{uusi kirjailija tuttavuus}
loved it!
romance, bull riding & barrel racing, down syndrome people, romance, uplifting messages, no swearing or other garbage...
did i mention romance?
gotta love love!
the best books are about love.
Friday, January 21, 2011
{viime aikoina}
sienna matki äitinsä piirustusta ja siitä tulikin sata kertaa ihanampi kuin äitsyn.
jännä miten pikkuset täplätarrat tekee simppelistä jutusta paljon kivemman. tottakai tietty kun ne on ympyröitä. :D
leikkitreffit ystävän kanssa. :)
mulla on ollut mieletön hinku opiskella italiaa taas. voglio parlare italiano! ihan omaksi huviksi vaan. italia reissusta ei ole tietoakaan.
lunta on tullut ja tullut ja tullut ja tullut... tein portaat ja liukumäen suurimpaan lumikasaan. sienna innoissaan. harmi että meidän lumi on aina niin kuivaa ettei siitä saa tehtyä lumiukkoja sun muuta.
jotkut ne kyllä osaa tehdä vaikka mitä lumesta:
happy friday everyone! :)
(snow sculpture images via google image search)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
{me lovey}
please come and decorate our house you talented lady from purple area you. tha-a-anx! :)
ps. i promise i won't be snitty*.
: disagreeably ill-tempered
She's nice but her sister is outright snitty.
"I'm sorry, that was a little snitty, wasn't it? I've had a lot of things bottled up inside for a while and that can make things come out weird sometimes." -- From Robert Morrow's 2010 novel Ringing True
(source: merriam-webster dictionary)
Monday, January 17, 2011
valentine's day is fast approaching. time to think about hearts and love. better that than think of all the snow out there. (i'm starting to think i need to start building a noah's ark. this just might be a snow flood...)
this gorgeous, simple garland is by cori kindred/ her website is
mmm, rice krispie treats. even better when made into hearts.
(image via google image search)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
{lunta, lunta ja lisää lunta}
we have so much snow! since i took this picture, more has snowed and even as i'm typing this, it's snowing. it's hard to believe that it just keeps coming, and coming, and coming, and coming...
we're waiting for milder temperatures so that we can go dig some tunnels into the snow. maybe even make a huge snowman on the trampoline. :)
in the meantime i've been doing some more of this:
just playing around. but i do think some of these could be turned into wall art.
what think ye?
ps. wishing my blogging friends in tunisia peace and safety. may it come soon!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
{new blog, uusi blogi}
i'm not sure if everyone realized from my last posting that there won't be any new postings on this blog. new year, new blog. it just seems that i've lost most of my blog visitors. maybe you all just got sick of me. hope not. :)
olen avannut uuden blogin. tänne ei tule enää postauksia. tässä linkki uuteen blogiin:
toivottavasti tulet käymään. :)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
{life changing decisions}
there have been five major decisions in my life which have affected me the most and have made all the difference in my life.
- i stopped drinking alcohol when i was 17.
- i joined the lds church exactly 25 years ago today.
- i served a mission in ireland.
- i married my husband.
- we decided to adopt.
i haven't regretted any of those decisions. each has brought me so much joy and happiness.
Monday, January 10, 2011
by coolranchstudio at
meillä on ihan mielettömästi lunta. huolestuttaa että auto juuttuu lumeen. pitäisi käydä hampaat putsauttamassa sekä kiropraktikolla. wish me luck.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
{THE game}
until now, that is.
this game - crayon physics deluxe - has got me hooked.
the point is to draw all sorts of things onto the screen so that you can get the ball to hit the star. real physics are in play.
do a google search for "crayon physics deluxe free download" if you're interested.
warning: you will most likely get addicted. :)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
{ 2010 }
- came home from our trip to california.
- my first attempt at facepainting.
- visited the muttart pyramid gardens.
- i became a primary teacher once again.
- jay turned 40. the front yard was covered with pink flamingos (rented by his parents as a surprise).

- first-aid course refresher.
- trip to calgary for jay's cousin's wedding.
- sienna's last day of playschool.
- i had surgery.
- trip to finland ♥ with jay's parents.
- finished our trip to finland.
- jay started his second year studying to become a denturist.
- sienna started kindergarten.
- i signed up as an arbonne consultant.
- a fieldtrip to prairie gardens.
- found out sienna needs glasses.
- crazy hair day at sienna's school.
- sienna dressed up as an angel for halloween.
- made lots of paper snowflakes.
- sienna sang at a christmas concert at school.
- a fieldtrip to john walter museum.
- painters painted our basement walls and ceiling.
- jay started installing dark walnut laminate flooring in the basement.
- a wonderful christmas holiday that ended much too quickly.
...and much much more.
i want to remember it all!
ps. lupaus vuodelle 2011:
karkkia ja suklaata vain päivinä, jotka alkavat t:llä! eli tiistaina, torstaina, tänään, toissapäivänä, työpäivänä, tulevina päivinä sekä tunnuntaina.
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