I realized that I could sell "this & that" at my Etsy shop. I decided to go through all my old crafts stuff and sell, sell, sell. "Spring cleaning". :) I don't know if any of the stuff will sell but the listing fee is only $0.20 so I thought I'd see what happens. I'm going to be selling all sorts of stuff (even handmade crafts by me) so if you're interested, check my Etsy shop every once in awhile. :)
And hey, one of my patterns sold already. Amazing! :) I sure don't expect lots of sales with those but it's exciting if anyone buys them. Party on! :)
We got dumped on: lotsa new snow. Rats! :)
Tsekatkaahan mun Etsy shoppi. Siella myydaan nyt vaikka mita. "Kevatsiivousta" taalla kotona.
Onnea ekasta asiakkaasta! Yeah! Aika hyvä alku. Hyvä kun saat aikaiseksi laittaa muutakin myyntiin. Mullakin olisi kaikenlaista mitä pitäisi laittaa Ebayhin mutta aina vaan lykkään sitä ja kohta otollisin aika menee sivu suun.
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