Anthropologie store display.


70 Degrees North designed this amazing kindergarten. It's in Tromso, Norway.
So, this posting is my 500th. I usually don't even notice stuff like that but other bloggers had made a big deal about things like this so I checked the number of my postings couple of days ago and noticed it was almost 500. I have been contemplating about doing something GRAND for this most special, earth shattering event (can you feel me smiling over here). It got to the point where I was panicking a bit about what to post next. Like I couldn't just do the usual "whatever" thing. As you can see, I have decided to ignore the 500 fact and go about my blogging as usual. If you want, you can leave a nice "wow, 500 AMAZING postings already" comment for me so that I can feel special today. Or just say hi and you'll make my day. :) You know you want to so go ahead. :) Sometimes I feel like quitting this blogging thing as there really is no rhyme or reason to my blog. I started it so that my family and friends far away can read what's up with my life. It is also sort of a Finnish link in my life as well - it's been fun getting to "know" some other Finnish bloggers (and non Finnish, I might add). And I guess it's some sort of a journal as well. I'm sure I'll just keep blogging along and hope that all this makes some sort of sense at the end of the day. That there was a purpose to all this. If there wasn't, oh well. :) You ain't getting rid of me that easily, you know. :) I've been know to give my two cents without twisting my arm. :)
So, now that I'm past this 500 hurdle, I feel better. :)
I love the kindergarten above. Someone realized that children deserve the very best. Speaking of which... I went to enroll Sienna in gymnasics on Friday and I was disappointed at the place. I still left the registration form and the cheque there but I might have to call them tomorrow and cancel the whole thing. The toddler area was in the basement and it looked like no one had cleaned there for ages. It looked kind of old and not too exciting of a place for your precious little one. I wish someone would have showed me around a bit, shown me what they do there. Maybe it would have looked better then. Sure there were some wall paintings etc but I couldn't get past the feeling that someone should take more pride in making the place nicer for the precious little ones. It's amazing what some cleaning and a few special touches could do to a place. I have to think this over. I was just pretty turned off of the place. It was actually the same thing with the Kindermusik class. They could have done so much better too to make the place look nice. I hadn't seen the place before I enrolled Sienna in that class. I wonder if I had enrolled her if I had seen the place beforehand. Sure it was a fun class (and Miss Karly was great!) but often it bothered me quite a bit to see how messy the place was & lacking those special touches.
What a dream it would be to find a play school for Sienna that would look like the kindergarten above. With workers who really love little ones. Who would make it extra fun and informative for the children. Little ones do deserve the very best.
Helle jatkuu... Tanaan on onneksi vaan +28C. +34C:n jalkeen se ei olekaan enaa niin kauhean paha. :)
Now leave me a comment. :)
Wow, 500 AMAZING posts already!! ;D
ReplyDeleteTulkoon kuitenkin vielä toiset 500 tämän jälkeen!
Onnittelut postimäärästä :)
ReplyDeleteOnnittelut viidestä sadasta postauksesta! Sun blogissa on ihana tunnelma joten toivon että jaksat kirjoittaa vielä kauan. Ei blogilla tarvitse sen kummempaa missiota olla kuin kirjoittaa vain omista ajatuksistaan. Kuten huomaat, meitä kiinnostuneita kuuntelijoita kyllä löytyy. :)
ReplyDeleteOnpa hienoa että siellä on kunnon helteet. Toki tukalaa, mutta kolea kesä olisi kurjempi.
Heippa ja onnea täältä sateisesta espoostakin :).
ReplyDeleteOlen samaa mieltä kuin Riikka, ei blogilla tarvi olla mitään elämää isompaa missiota (tai ei meillä ainakaan ole). Ajatusten ja ideoiden jakohan oikeastaan on jo aikapaljon..eikö?
Mukavaa elokuuta sinne helteisiin,
Onnittelut myos taalta Michiganin suunnalta!Ihanan inspiroivia kuvia blogissasi!!Jatka samaan malliin!
Kiitokset kaikille kommenteista! Kiva aina huomata kun tulee uusia lukijoitakin.