We just had about 20 of these Bohemian Waxwings in our front tree that looks exactly as the one in this picture. They were eating the dried up red berries. I looked closer and realized that there were about 40-50 of them all together. Some were in our neighbor's tree waiting for their turn to eat. We're happy to provide them with some refreshments. :) Sienna and I watched them for quite a long time. They are absolutely beautiful! This is the second time they have visited our tree. The first time was two years ago. I hope they'll come visit us every spring. They are a sight to see.
By the way, it's not even close to spring here yet. We've had majorly cold weather for the past few days. -30C stuff. Even colder if you count the windshield in. Yuck. By Friday it's supposed to be +5C at least. Spring, oh spring. Where art thou?
How About Orange often has fun ideas. I like these two.
Mä alan myös olla niiiiiiiiin kypsä tähän kevään odottamiseen! Nyt eilen lähti taas lumet sulamaan (paljasta arfalttia näkyi jopa!), mutta varmaan taas sitten paukauttaa parin päivän lumimyräkän, ettei vaan ehtis lumet sulaa. Elämä on :D
ReplyDeleteHei! Sulla on tosi kiva blogi. Olet niin aito ja rehellinen. Olen jonkun aikaa täällä käynyt silloin tällöin mutta miten jää niin helposti kommentoimatta. Tykkään kovasti kaikista käsintehdyistä jutuista, sekä omistasi että muiden, joita vinkkailet. Hyvää loppuviikkoa.
ReplyDeleteJa Sienna on niin suloinen!
suvi: Joo kevat saisi kylla tulla jo.
ReplyDeletesaya: Sun kommentti made my day. Eli suurkiitokset! Tulen vastavierailulle blogillesi kunhan ennatan. Huomasin etta olet Intiassa ja blogillasi oli ihanan paljon kuvia. Mielenkiitoista siis. :)