(all images via google image search)
Keskustassa ei tule usein kaytya. Kun mentiin naimisiin niin yhdessa vaiheessa muutaman kuukauden ajan jaettiin sanomalehtia keskustan sanomalehtiautomaatteihin. Oli kiva silla alusta lahtien keskustasta tuli mulle tuttu. Jokilaakso on taynna puistoja ja kavelyteita. Nuo pyramidin nakoiset jutut on kasvitieteellinen puutarha. Joka pyramidissa eri ilmaston kasveja. Vaaleanpunainen rakennus on Canada Place eli federal government rakennus. Tuo ainoa vanhan nakoinen rakennus on hieno hotelli jossa kaytiin juhlimassa Jayn veljen haita esim. Joen toisella puolella on myos tosi korkeita kerrostaloja. Aina kun naen yhden mun lempparin niista niin mietin etta tuonne haluaisin asunnon joskus ylimpaan kerrokseen. Upea nakoala ilotulituksiin. :)
The pyramid looking thingys are botanical gardens. Each pyramid has a different climate garden in it. Last time I went there, there was a huge dinosaur cut out of an ornamental bush. Fun place to go to. I just realized I haven't taken Sienna there yet. Mother's Day trip, perhaps...
Today is really warm & sunny yet I'm spending the day cleaning the house. I just can't stand the mess anymore. Vacuum a bit, get too hot, eat a popsicle, vacuum some more, get too hot, type this posting... More vacuuming is waiting for me when I'm done.
Hey, I'm so excited. I thought our vacuum was broken as it wasn't sucking anymore (that's why I've been putting off the vacuuming). No matter how much I cleaned the vacuum, it wasn't getting better. Today Jay figured out that there was a THIRD filter and we knew nothing about it. Was it ever dirty! Now the vacuum is like new. I guess it would pay to read the manual which I never ever do. I doubt I'll even read them after this incident. Reading manuals is totally against my nature, just like being on time. I call myself time challenged. I don't wear a watch so no wonder. But I bet I'd still be late all the time even if I did wear a watch. :)
*roll eyes*
Hienoja pilvenpiirtäjiä!Etenkin nuo peilipintaiset.
ReplyDeleteJa massiivisia taloja edellisessä postauksessa.Lienävät hyvin kalliita.
Hyvä ,että imuri toimii.Mä jätän usein kanssa käyttöohjeet välistä :)