Monday, October 17, 2011


going through our vacation pictures still. i thought this one deserved a blog post of it's own.

Abraham lake, Alberta, Canada.

my heart just about bursted, that's how breathtaking this lake was. huge, turqoise lake. gorgeous yellow fall trees reflecting on it. you see the color of this lake better in the picture of Sienna i posted earlier. unbelievable colors.

God is the best artist. hands down!

this blog post is part of:


  1. ♡ Uskomattoman kauniita kuvia ♡

  2. kiitos! en oikeastaan voi sanoa että voin ottaa itselleni kunnian sillä näps vaan eli en tee mitään erikoista koskaan kameran kanssa. point and shoot. :) luonnolle kunnia. :)


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