Tuesday, January 17, 2012

{so, so green!}

Guess who's green?
I'm green of envy today.
I was browsing artist Mindy Lacefield's blog today and found out that people send her REAL MAIL. Pretty envelopes with personal art (!!).
How long has it been since you received REAL MAIL? It's all about facebook and twitter these days.
I even thought of posting my address here and begging my blog readers to send me REAL MAIL (I know you guys are out there somewhere even though you don't leave comments).
The problem of course is the question of sharing my address online. Never know if some weirdo will find me if I do that. Stinkin' weirdos! :)
What a dilemma.
Me wants REAL MAIL but don't want to share my address.
I guess I'll live even though I'm not a popular artist who receives cute art mail. Life will go on, right?


  1. Mä piirrän sulle tikku-ukon ja laitan tulee postissa ♥ :D

  2. If you'll e-mail me your address, I'd love to send you real mail ... SmilynStef at aol dot com

  3. Hei!

    Siivosin juuri alkuviikolla askartelutarrojani ja mietin mitä tehdä joillekin ylimääräisille tarroille ja voisin lahjoittaa ne teille askarteluun, eli postia Suomesta? :)

    satusanna @@@ hotmail.com


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