Sunday, July 1, 2012

[this & that]

Our miniature Dahlia is blooming.

I just finished this book. I'll give it three out of five stars. 
The story was interesting but it felt unfinished. I kept waiting for more and then the book ended. The title doesn't seem to fit the book either. But other than those negative things, it was worth the ten bucks or so.

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians!
Canada is such a great country to live in. I feel very blessed for all the freedoms and privileges we enjoy here. Should never take them for granted.

I'm loving the season 9 of So You Think You Can Dance. I just hope they keep it PG rated = suitable for the whole family to watch. The Canadian version of the show was so sleazy.
This guy, Cyrus, is wickedly good at what he does! Wow!

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