Thursday, June 17, 2010

{my favorite salad}

(the website is under construction, there's nothing there yet)
how would you like to stay in an underwater hotel? i'm feeling 50/50 about it. would be kind of cool and exciting but i don't know if i'd feel safe even though it must be safe.
lately my favorite salad has been:
fresh spinach leaves
baby romaine lettuce
(any lettuce works, the greener the better though)
sliced strawberries
pecan halves
craisins (sweetened dried cranberries)
red onion (optional)
raspberry vinaigrette salad dressing
cucumber (optional)
try it. so delish! :P


  1. Tulinpa taas pitkasta aikaa sua ahdistelemaan ;) Tuo hotelli nayttaa aivan upealta! Voisin kayda ihailemassa ja huokailemassa pikavisiitilla, asumaan tuskin uskaltaisin jaada... terveisin maailman suurin pelkuri :/


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