Monday, December 31, 2007

lets end the year with some weird stuff

I know Christmas is over but I couldn't resist adding this picture of a *khm* Christmas tree here. :) I found a fun new web site called Crib Candy. All kinds of fun stuff in there. Mainly products for your home but of course I like to find the weird & creative stuff. Figures. :)
ps. January 8th, 2008 - I just went to this web site again and noticed there are many "not so nice" (quite rude) items as well. I never saw anything like that initially otherwise I wouldn't have probably advertised the web site here. My blog is supposed to be G rated.
A birdcage in a fishtank. :)

Funniest dog costume ever! :)
Life-size driftwood horse. :)
Walking giant Christmas tree. I know, late again but couldn't resist...
Could your New Year's resolution be to learn a fun new skill like stilt walking? :)
All of the above pictures are from Crib Candy.

Happy New Year everyone!
All the best for 2008!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

thinking about calendars

I love getting a new wall calendar every year. Don't you just love it when you get to write down everyone's birthdays on a brand new, fresh calendar? I do. :) Jay's grandparents always get us a National Geographic kids' calendar which I love. You always learn something new about animals. Next year's calendar has pictures of the weirdest looking animals. So cool! :) I got Jay one of those "word a day" desk calendars. The idea is that we both have to use that day's word in our conversation somehow. I hope we can keep that going all year. I think it would be a lot of fun to see what we can come up with those words. Fun way to increase your vocabulary. I should make a "one Finnish word a day" calendar as well. Sienna has quite enjoyed learning Finnish words lately. I think her favorite word is "koira" as she says it the most often. If only I could easily switch to Finnish. I find it so laborsome to think/speak in Finnish. I should have put more effort into finding a Finnish friend over here so I could keep my conversation skills going. There are so many words I don't even have a clue what they are in Finnish. After all, I've lived here over 16 years now...
Jay and I saw a very thought provoking tv show about a volcanic eruption in Indonesia in the late 1800's. It was amazing to see the power of nature. So many people died from the tsunamis back then too. Those waves crushed everything in their way. The show explained how many times more powerful the eruption was compared to a nuclear bomb, for example. The sound of the blast carried around the world five times if I remember right. There are ticking time bombs all around the world, that's for sure... Nature is such a powerful thing and has an amazing way to remind us how teeny-tiny-powerless us humans really are despite all the technology etc. We get so comfortable in our way of life and take things for granted. The show sure made me think about our family's preparedness level. I have started to fill big juice bottles with water and we do have a bit of food storage. But I sure don't feel like we'd be prepared if some natural (or other) disaster happened. History should teach us that we can't take things like food in grocery stores, electricity, sufficient health care, running water, heat (etc) for granted.

ne puut, ne puut!

Joulun aikoihin/jalkeen meilla on:
*leikitty uusilla leluilla
*nautittu Jayn isovanhempien seurasta (asuvat Los Angelesista, tulivat tanne jouluksi)
*massailty aivan liikaa kaikella hyvalla (lue: MINA massannyt ihan liikaa kaikella hyvalla, muut osaavat napostella vahan vaan)
*podettu sokerikrapulaa joka nakyy pompottavana mahana seka huonona vastustuskykyna eli koko ajan kipeeksi tulo/karsee olo (lue: MINA potenut tata, muut viisaampia mita laittavat suuhunsa)
*aloitettu vahasokerinen ruokavalio terveyden pelastamiseksi (lue: MINA aloittanut moisen, muiden ei tarvi kun ovat jo fiksuja)
*leikitty kevyempaakin kevyemmalla lumella, piti tehda lumikekoukkeli kun ei muuta lumesta saa (sankipartako ukkelilla...? :))
*ihasteltu AIVANALYNUPEITA puita, ihanan huurteisia ja vahan luntakin niissa, AH!!!!!!!
*kayty Ikeassa lihapullilla, Sienna sai leikkia siella onnessaan ja pyoriskella ostoskarryssa, mietitty mita hyllyja tanne tv huoneeseen seuraavaksi ostaisi etta jarjestyisi paikat
*harmiteltu ettei paastykaan etela Albertaan pikavisiitille kavereiden luo (mutta reissu on kylla viela "to do" listalla)
*tunnettu kovasti empatiaa meidan kyseen omaisia kavereita kohtaan silla heidan uudella vauvalla on jonkinlainen syndrooma, toivottu etta oltaisiin halaus etaisyydella

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Lahjojen avausta jouluaamuna. Tassa Dora & Diego lego setti.
Christmas morning: at home opening gifts.
Loysin yhdesta liikkeesta koruja alennusmyynnissa halvalla. Ostin pikku laukun ja taytin sen ranne- ja kaulakoruilla. Sienna tykkasi kovasti.
I found some jewellery on sale so Sienna got a bag full of bracelets and necklaces. Sienna loved this gift.
Quick photosession before going to Jay's parents'.
Nopeasti pari kuvaa ennen Jayn vanhemmille menoa.
Can't forget about the silly picture! A bit of sillyness is always a must. :)
Eipas unohdeta dille kuvaa. Tarkeaa! :)
Sienna wanted to go outside to play in the snow while we were at Jay's parents'. Found some small enough snowpants and daddy and Sienna enjoyed a bit of snow fun.
Sienna halusi valttamatta menna ulos leikkimaan lumella kun oltiin Jayn vanhemmilla. Lainattiin toppahousuja ja Sienna paasi ulos leikkimaan. Jay ja Sienna tekivat ison lumikasan etupihalle. Lumi oli edelleen liian kuivaa ja kevytta minkaan muun tekoon. Huoh tata Albertan lunta.
Grandma Linda's new rocking chair was a hit with the kids.
Kaikki pikkuset tykkasivat Jayn aidin uudesta kiikkutuolista.
Heti aamusta piti hienostella.
Sienna wanted to get fancy first thing in the morning.
Today Sienna pretended to be a Supergirl. She was running around really fast with her fist up in the air as a superhero should. :)



Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Meidan kuusi oli tana vuonna "vahan sita ja vahan tata". Kaikkea loytyi.
Our Christmas tree this year was "a bit of this and a bit of that". No theme. Everything went.
Siennalla oli hauskaa "miekkataistella" serkkunsa kanssa. Hekotusta riitti.
Sienna had fun "sword fighting" with her cousin. Lots of laughter.
Jayn vanhempien junaa ihmettelemassa. Kiertaa joulukuusta. Luistelijat luistelee...
Sienna admiring Jay's parents' train that goes around their Christmas tree.
Heppa-ajelulla ostarilla.
Enjoying a carousel ride at the mall.
These lamps in a store window at West Edmonton Mall reminded me of angel wings. Not that angels have wings...
Nama lamput muistuttivat minua enkelien siivista. Eihan enkeleilla siipia ole tietty mutta...
Tallaisia joulutahtia myytiin Robinin tyopaikalla. Robin osti joulukukat Jayn vanhemmille ja aidilleen. Robin meni aidilleen jouluksi. Pikku breikki tekee aina hyvaa...
Mina ostin meille valkoisen joulutahden Robinin tyopaikan kasvihuoneesta.

Monday, December 24, 2007

ihanaa joulua kaikille

Ihanaa joulunviettoa
ja kaikkea hyvaa
vuodelle 2008!
Paljon haleja ja rutistuksia
kaikille mun rakkaille!
Merry Christmas.
Wishing you love
and all that other good stuff
for the year 2008!
(the nativity folding screen designed and painted by s a n s k u :) )

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007

hapi boothdei tuuuu miiiiiiii

Niin sita ikakin vaihtui uudelle vuosikymmenelle tanaan. Mutta ei hataa veikkoset - taalla ollaan edelleen ihan ipanoita kuten pitaakin. :)
I woke up to Sienna coming to the bedroom with Jay singing Happy Birthday. She sang it to me again before going to bed tonight. So sweet!!
Jay vei mut leffaan. Nahtiin "August Rush". Aivan alyn mahtava leffa!!!!!!! Suosittelen koko sydamestani. Mun ihana Irlannin poitsu on leffassa jos ette usko pelkastaan mun suositusta. ;)
Everyone has to see this movie!!!! Awesome!! I wish, I wish, I wish I could play guitar!! Or atleast have the patience to practise it...
Found this in one of my free Kraft recipes magazines. You gotta believe. And I'm not talking about Santa here... :)
Africa has been snuggling with Sienna lots lately. They're so cute together. See how patient Africa is even when used as a foot rest. :)
The Edmonton Journal published an article of my dear husband Jay (a.k.a. Max) and our store yesterday. Jei!
I was surprised that they succeeded getting a picture of him without his eyes closed. :) That's been my luck with his pictures lately anyways.
The sun made our feather wreath look so gorgeous.
My friend Karly dropped of a birthday gift for me this morning. The cutest book about girlfriends. I love it! And who can forget about the chocolate cake and whipping cream waiting for me in the fridge as we speak... Mmm... I better make this posting short... :)

Karly, you are such a good friend! I love it that we can be so totally honest with each other and that we can be ourselves. I'm so glad that you are an open person and don't mind sharing even your most embarrassing moments. I look up to you in so many ways. You inspire me and in so many ways I wish I was more like you. You are so fun and you sure have the Irish gift of the gap even though you haven't been to Ireland. It's never boring when you are around. Thanks for being such a good friend to me. I'll never forget about us laughing that we'd pee our pants when we were jumping in the Astro Jump. :) Good memories with a good friend...
I hope this will be us one day many, many years from now!
We need to hook up again for summer holidays. White Rock/Lynden was so much fun! What next? Nauvoo maybe...? Red Woods in Northern California...?
Kiitos Suville synttarionnitteluista blogeilla. Simppelit jutut mutta toi mulle niin paljon happy feelings sydameen. Oot mun ihana biggusisko! Kiitos aiti/Nida kuvista!! Ihania!! Miljoonabiljoona rutistusta teille kaikille sinne!
Niin kaukana mun perhe... nyyh! Kaipasin niin teita kaikkia tanaan! No, nyt tuli vahan vahateltya... Pitaisi sanoa "joka paiva".

Friday, December 21, 2007

the octonauts

I'm so buying these "The Octonauts" books for Sienna. I'm a sucker for cute books and these are SUPER cute!!

I so love this cutesy cute Japanese stuff. So I do. :)
ps. Some of the pictures even have Finnish words and also Canadian lingo, eh. Me lovey! Click on the first picture and you'll see. The second picture is soooo cute as well. Click, click, click. :)

cutesy stuff

Cute passport cover made by:
Great last minute gift idea for a person who travels a lot. Talk about last minute stuff... Only 4 sleeps left for Christmas. 3 if you live in Finland.

There's tons of cutesy cute stuff at
For example a pattern to make these reindeer gift card covers.
The next two pictures are from that blog as well. Check it out.


Thursday, December 20, 2007


It's amazing what you find when you go through stuff. I had totally forgotten about these "drawings" of mine. In the above picture I had practised writing my full name in a fun way. I smudged my last name. Felt it was a bit too much personal info on the world wide web. ;)
I had been married for little over a week when I drew this maple leaf. Long time ago!
I don't have a clue when I drew this one. Probably at around the same time when I did the leaf one. I had bought some tulips and here they are immortalized. :)
I have always, always, always loved different fonts. I did this loooooong time ago as well. The colors have faded, the paper is all torn. I still love it!
I also found this cute thing. You press it on your bread and then your toast is the funnest toast ever. :) I have always loved smiley faces as well.
I bought these moose hair tufting baby boots (the flowers are made out of moose hair!) when we lived in Fort Chipewyan. I totally forgot about them and Sienna never wore them as a baby.