Tuesday, July 22, 2008

{trip #2}

Cute messy hair.
As usual - click on the pictures to see them better.
Kuten aina - klikkaa kuvia ja naet ne isompina ja selvempiona.

Banff, Alberta.
Hiking, shopping (my sister bought 4 pairs of moccasins for herself), eating, gondola ride to the top of the Sulfur mountain, yummy east Indian food...

Johnston Canyon, Banff.
I really enjoyed this hike. Even when it started thundering and we got wet a bit. Beautiful waterfalls (my pictures don't do justice so I'm not posting those pictures), rushing river, chipmunks coming right next to you, a cave where you get splashed with the waterfall water...

Beautiful details along the hike. Amazing colors in nature.

So much fun! Refreshing.

Sienna has started to pose for me a little bit. !!!


Cameron Falls, Waterton, Alberta.

Nature at it's best at Cameron Falls. Everyone was watching this deer for at least half an hour. There was a bear in town as well. A black bear. Imagine sitting on your porch and a bear walks by. :) We saw many bears on our trips.
Cameron Lake, Waterton, Alberta.
This mountain on the other side of the lake belongs to the United States (=we were close to the border, as south in Alberta as you can go).
+29C weather.
Hiked up to the Bear Hump in Waterton (about 30-40 minutes of vertical climb, a straining hike but worth the effort, the view is amazing). Not the best pictures this time as it was evening. Last time the water was brilliant green/light blue colors, for example. Saw two bears wrestling below in a forest. Met Elder Jensen and his family and took family pictures for them. Had a little chat with him. Felt like I've always known him. LDS celebrities... :D
Writing-on-stone provincial park. I can't believe we never went to this place when we lived in Lethbridge. Awesome place!!!! Fun to hike in the hoodoos. It was +30C though and the heat tired us out a bit too fast. Must go back to hike some more there. Didn't see any rattle snakes. While in Waterton & here we stayed with our friends. Sienna loved playing with E & M again. Little girls are so cute!
Jay and Sienna on top of a hoodoo.
After the sweaty hike we went to this sandy beach by the river. Yours truly even swam in the river. Well, if you can call it swimming. We were floating in the current of the river. It was awesome!! We kept going back to the start and doing it over and over again. Ahh!
Friends. Y

A perfect summer day.
The girls.
Bye. Hope to see you again soon...
Back at home and feeling exhausted but happy.


  1. Looks like you guys had so much fun! I love summer vacations!

  2. Mielettömiä kuvia! Wau!! Kiva kun ootte nauttineet lomasta. Mua ihan huimaa tuo kuva jossa Jay ja Sienna ovat kallion kielekkeellä, onneksi isä pitää tyttöä tiukasti kädestä! :) Vieläkö siskosi on teillä vai lähtikö jo takaisin Suomeen?

  3. talia: Alberta has such beautiful spots to visit. I like nature vacations. Summer is too short!

    riikka: Olisi kiva jos kaikki kuvat olisi onnistuneet ja "would make justice" kaikelle kauniille joka ollaan nahty. Mun kameralla ei saa alyn hyvia kuvia. Mutta kaunista ollaan nahty ja ihana ollut nauttia kunnon luonnosta kun aina valitan ettei Edmontonin luonto innosta. Nyt olen saanut luonto hellyytta ja on parempi olo. :) Se hoodoo kuva on mainio todellakin. Ei se niin pelottavaa todellisuudessa ollut mutta kuvassa nayttaa huimalta. Hauskaa kiipeilya siella kylla on. Ovat viela taalla. Sunnuntaina lahtevat. Voi kun on jo aly ikava. Yritan jo miettia etta miten ihmeessa nahtaisiin taas pian. On se harmi kun oma perhe on niin kaukana. Ihana on kun oon saanut jutella suomeksi ja "saan olla suomalainen". Vaikea selittaa mutta ymmarrat varmaan. Tuliaisetkin oli ihania: Marimekon unikko vahakangas poytaliina, Iittalan tuikkulaseja ja kuppeja (en nyt muista nimea), Mariskooli, suklaata ja salmiakkia (viimeiset soin tanaan - bansku neekerin suukkoja), unikko kangasta josta teen siennalle peiton, Marimekon raitapaita, lehtia ja kirjoja, karjalanpiirakat soin heti ekaksi, ruisleipaa on viela pakkasessa... Ah!

  4. Wonderful pictures! It seems like you had a fantastic time. Thanks for sharing your family adventure. I appreciate your kind words on my blog last week!

  5. En ole yhtään kateudesta vihreä, eeen...!! Voi kun saatais olla mukana reissaamassa! Ihania kuvia! Mä en kyllä tuota hellettä kestäis, mutta jos ois viileämpää..


  6. glad you guys are having fun! i love waterton too. we used to camp there or stay in a cabin for several summers when i was growing up. one morning my mum saw my brother looking out the screen door. she asked him what he was looking at. he was only 3 years old and said, "mommy, there is a snotty nosed giraffe looking at me". my mom looked out the door and saw 2 large deer standing on the deck looking into the house.

  7. Mielettoman upeissa maisemissa olette olleet, wau! Ja ihania tuliaisia olette saaneet :). Hurjasti on taas kuulumisia rastissa, taytyykin tulla viela paremmalla ajalla tutkimaan mita olette touhunneet taman viimeisen kuukauden aikana.

    Terkkuja Suomesta!!!


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