Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I thought I'd share one of my favorite weekday recipes with you. It's easy and fast to make (sounds good, right?).


2 cans of cream of chicken soup (284 ml/10 oz each)

2 cups (5 dl) water

1 1/2 cups (3 1/4 dl) rice

roasted garlic & peppers spice (I buy a big bottle of it at Costco, Suomessa: kayttakaa jotain vastaavaa maustetta)


frozen peas (I use sweetlets, they are small peas and they taste better than the big ones)

3 chicken breasts, boneless and skinless

paprika spice

shredded cheese (of your choice, I buy TexMex from Costco and use it for most of my recipes)

Mix the six first ingredients in a 9" x 13" (noin 22cm x 32cm) baking pan. Cut chicken breasts into thick strips, arrange on top of the sauce. Sprinkle with paprika. Cover with foil. Bake about an hour at 375F (180C). Uncover, top with shredded cheese and bake a few more minutes until the cheese melts. Yummy!

Picture is from http://www.marthastewart.com/. I don't care people say mean things about Martha. I love what her company does. Beautiful products and great ideas. It's too bad people put successful women down. Especially when those people are women. If Martha was a man, people would be more respectful and admiring of her. Sad world we live in sometimes.


  1. I agree about Martha.What happend to"forgive and forget".
    One of our boys was around 6 when all this was going on with Martha,he saw the news and said,Poor lady!she had to go to jail just for selling some socks!He thought they talked about socks,instead of stocks!
    Herrrrrkullisen kuuloinen resepti muuten.

  2. Socks, hi hii. :) Jep, ihmiset on joskus tosi ankaria. Mutta ilman sita lakijuttuakin monet aina naureskelevat Marthaa. Eivat ymmarra etta kodinhoitoon liittyvat asiat on ihan yhta tarkeita kuin esim jotkut bisnekset. Me naiset voitaisiin olla ylpeita homemaking skills:tamme. Niista johtuu monesti miten kiva tunnelma kodissa on.
    Tosi yummy resepti. Kokeilehan...


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