Thursday, February 28, 2008

amazing performance!

Ok, who watches American Idol? Wasn't David Archuleta's last night's performance amazing?!! I loved his version of John Lennon's song Imagine. He's only 17!!! What a voice! He's very likable as well. I hope fame won't ruin him.
So far Brooke White is my favorite of the women. There's lots of talent but no one else has really stood out for me. Many of them sure can sing but their song choices have left me cold.
Jason Castro is one of my favorites as well. I think he should sing by himself (with the guitar) and forget about the background singers and the band. Very original voice.
This guy is also good: Michael Johns, originally from Australia.
I find that I almost always agree with Simon. I think he does have a talent of telling who'd make it in the music business. I don't think he's as nasty as people make him to be. I really think that he tries to help people with his criticism.
There's my two cents. :)


  1. Noniin!!!
    Päästiin asiaan. Sulla on samat suosikit kuin mulla, paitsi tuo viimeinen on jääny huomiotta. olin puhelimessa ti Idolsin aikaan.

    Tykkään tuosta ohjelmasta, se on harmiton mukava ohjelma.

  2. Kiva postaus. En seuraa enkä tiedä näkyykö meillä edes mutta silti hauska postaus ja tiedän sentäs kuka on Simon. :D

  3. Jep, toi 17-vuotias on tosi uskomaton! :)

  4. man, i feel like a foreigner on this site... i'm going to have to get a translater! as for the american idol, i love david. mackenzie made me rewind his performance 4 times so she could keep watching it. he's my fav right now. as for the girls, i don't really have a fav yet.

  5. Oon seurannut aiempina vuosina AI:ta ja seuraisin ihan mielelläni nytkin, mutta tulee huonoon aikaan eli juuri lasten nukkumaanmenohässäkän keskellä. En ole saanut aikaiseksi nauhoittaa lähetyksiä myöhemmin katseltavaksi. Mutta täytyypä YouTubesta tsekata nämä mainitsemasi henkilöt.

  6. Mina aina nauhoitan ohjelmat jotka haluan katsoa. En sieda mainoksia. Katselen ohjelmia sitten aina myohaan illalla tai viikonloppuna vasta.


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