Sunday, November 30, 2008


fifi mandirac



mobile - cup of coco

sara harvey

Some miscallaneous pictures from my picture file.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


There are about 10,000 gypsies in Finland. In Finnish they are called "romani" or "mustalainen". They originate from India. They left India at around 1000 A.D. and arrived in Finland at around 1500 A.D. Romanis are spread all over the world now. They were persecuted by the Nazis during second world war. Up to 800,000 were killed in concentration camps. I hope a day will come when differences are celebrated, not feared and hated. We are all God's children. Our way of life may seem normal to us but might look weird to someone else. The more you know about the cultures of the world, the better. Knowledge brings understanding. Understanding brings tolerance. I think it's great that there is so much variety in our world. How boring it would be if we were all the same. I have always been fascinated in different cultures. I love to learn facts like "they used to stuff men's jackets with straw in Spain as big bellies were considered handsome".

{i travelled the world today - what did you do?}

We had a fun Primary Party this morning. The kids got to travel the world. The party invitations were real looking plane tickets that showed the destinations: Egypt, South Africa and Ukraine (we were supposed to have Chile as well but ended up not to). Us, the primary presidency, were dressed up as stewardesses. The kids were given real looking Canada passports and they collected stamps and country flags in them. I made these luggage tag handouts with our monthly theme for them. We took the kids in groups to each destination where they learned about that country and got to do a fun activity. In Egypt, young children colored pictures of the pyramids & camels. The older ones learned to write their names in Arabic. In South Africa the kids walked with big tin cans (a rope loop coming out of cans, you hold on to the rope and that keeps the cans in your feet). In Ukraine they got pysanka egg Christmas decorations that they could color at home. The kids had fun seeing how many nested wooden dolls were inside a big one (what are the dolls called again, can't remember for the life of me). The tiniest one was so tiny! At the end we handed them chips bags & juices from a rolling cart, just like on an airplane. Fun!
Sienna drew a cute pumpkin.
Sienna and Robin playing princess & prince stuff. Sienna actually reminds me of a Finnish gypsy lady more than a princess. This dress is still a bit too big for her. The full skirt is almost like a gypsy skirt. For those who don't know - the gypsy ladies in Finland wear these full black velvet skirts with a colorful silky layer on top. I should do a posting on that sometime. The skirts are so heavy that some of them get problems with their hips from the weight. But they sure look like princesses.

Sienna listening to Wiggles and singing their songs.
ps. Quantum Solace was a let down. I'd like a "more humor and gadgets" kind of a Bond movie. I found this one pretty boring. Same old car & boat chases. Not a very good story line. Bummer. The last Bond movie I really enjoyed was the one with the ice hotel.

Friday, November 28, 2008

{no such luck}


Orla Kiely
I was thinking that this would make a great scarpbook layout.
Jay has a day off (yey!) so - "Bond. James Bond." this afternoon.
Then I'm nervous to give a talk at our Relief Society Christmas Dinner party tonight. You'd think that after all these years and many talks later, I'd be used to it by now. No such luck so wish me luck. :)
Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

{john dempcy}

Love, love, love, love, love (!) the art by John Dempcy. I'm about as excited to have found his art as when I found Rex Ray. I'd love to see how he does his art.

{nothing for ya}

candymandi/two peas in a bucket
jen j/two peas in a bucket
loretta grayson/two peas in a bucket
miss quiss/two peas in a bucket
Mua hymyilyttaa tama otsikko. Mun viime aikoina lukemat kirjat todellakin tekevat taman. :)
Print something twice and you can do a fun pop up effect on your page.
So - I've got nothing for ya. My brain is blank when it comes to blogging. Not much motivation it seems. But I can't leave you totally dry so I'll keep showing someone else's brilliant ideas at least. I think I'm just a bit tired. I've been fighting a cold for weeks now it seems. Echinacea herbal tea keeps keeping it away but I don't think my energy level is 100%. Not that it ever is but even less right now.
Sienna was so cute today. She had ear phones on and was watching Wiggles videos on my blog. She kept singing or humming the songs.
Now I need to find the energy to go to Costco. At least it's gorgeous out. Another sunny day here in Alberta. Temperature is on the plus side too. No snow. I can handle it. :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

{michael buble - lost}

Love this song. Listened to it over and over while shopping by myself for a bit today. Sienna got to spend time with gramma.

{the verdict}

So I went and saw Twilight last night with my girl friends - girls' night out. The verdict? We had fun but it was a let down at the same time. You could totally tell that it wasn't a big budget movie. There wasn't enough special effects to make it cool. Some parts were actually very comical because of the low budget thing. We laughed pretty hard in many parts (when it was not supposed to be funny). There was some overacting too. That being said - we had fun. Sure we wished this movie had been done properly and better. But it was still a fun movie. The books of course are million times better than the movie. We are hoping that because of the huge success of the books and even the movie, they'll have a bigger budget for the next movie and it will be properly done. These books would make the awesomest movies if the right people did it with a big budget.
ps. What made it fun too was all the teenage girls sighing loud for Edward. :) "He's so awesome!" etc. They would giggle and giggle when Bella & Edward kissed. :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

{nativity set}

Willow Tree nativity set.
Many people here collect nativity sets. When we lived in Lethbridge our church did a nativity exhibit. There were hundreds of different nativity sets (from all over the world) beautifully displayed in a nice Christmas setting. On the stage was a live nativity scene. Jay and I got to be Mary & Joseph for an hour too.
I have made a nativity screen but I was thinking that this kind of nativity set would be nice so that Sienna could play with the various figures.
Kids can color and make their own nativity set:


Love, love, love this Christmas mobile from

Monday, November 24, 2008

{christmas crafts}

Mulle tuli tasta mieleen elohiiren tyyli. Olenko oikeassa?

Advent calendar by
Pitaisi saada aikaiseksi jonkinlainen adventtikalenteri. Simppeli versio mutta kiva. Puolet joulukorteista sentaan sain jo aikaiseksi. Kauheesti en aio hossottaa tana jouluna. Haluaisin loytaa piparintuoksuisen tuoksukynttilan. Haaveilen hopeisen varisesta enkeli/kynttila chime:sta. Mummolla oli aina sellainen. Kun kynttiloita poltti, enkelit lentelivat. Kullanvarisia loytyy jopa netista mutten ole nahnyt hopeanvarisia. Musta, valkoinen, punainen... Ihan mika muu vari kelpaisi muttei kullanvarinen ja tietty ne on kaikki kullanvarisia. Sellainen mihin voisi laittaa tuikkukynttilan olisi parempi silla mista niita kynttiloita muka taalta sitten loytaisi kun ovat palaneet loppuun. Kertokaa ihmeessa jos joku sattuu loytamaan moisen jostain.
Pitaisi miettia oikeen kunnolla joulutraditioita. Paattaa oman perheen traditiot. Joululauluja lauletaan kylla vaikkei musikaalisia ollakaan. Onneksi on olemassa cd:t joiden avulla oma laulukin ei kuulosta niin pahalta. :D Sienna tykkaa myos laulaa kovasti.
Luin juuri eraan perheen kivasta traditiosta. On niin helppo unohtaa mista joulussa on kyse. Tama perhe aattoiltana sammutti kaikki valot. Sitten perheen isa sytytti yhden lyhdyn (= tahti joka naytti tien Jeesus lapsen luo) ja sen avulla auttoi lapsia loytamaan nativity setin. Lauloivat joululauluja lyhdyn valossa. Tuo voisikin olla hauska traditio.
Millaisia rakkaita joulutraditioita on sinun perheellasi?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

{ingrid michaelson - the way i am}

I added a bunch of songs to my music Playlist. If you're interested, scroll all the way down. :)

{meeting dora}

This picture makes me smile because often the only way I get Sienna to pose for a picture is when I ask her to show me something for the camera. We have all kinds of pictures of her "showing stuff". :D
We had a bit of snow earlier this week and Sienna couldn't wait to go and play with it. ***
Sienna & Dora!
There was a grand opening at the new Best Buy (electronics store) and Sienna was so excited to meet with Dora. Waited in line outside, waited in line inside, "Hi Dora!", few seconds to snap couple of pictures, goodbyes & high fives to Dora, Dora coloring page & crayons for Sienna - and we were done. But it was all worth it. Sienna was happy.

You can make your own bingo game. I made these for our Primary sharing time today (it was a huge success!). I just did a Microsoft Word table (height & width of columns/rows= 1.5"). Typed in the things that went with the lesson. Made six different bingo boards (cut/copy & paste) and cut out an extra one. Laminated it all first. I printed mine on cardstock so it would be sturdier. Macaroni/buttons/pennies can be used as game pieces. The middle square is a freebie. Any theme works. Kids could even draw pictures instead of words. If anyone wants me to e-mail my Word document to them, just leave me a comment with your e-mail address.
Elisa haastoi mut kertomaan jouluaskarteluista sun muusta. Laitan varmaan tanne lisaa joulujuttuja mutta nyt ihan ekaksi nayte joulukuusenkoristeista joita olen alkanut tekemaan. Printtaan sepia varisia valokuvia, laminoin ne, leikkaan ympyroiksi, metalli brad:lla nauha kiinni kuvaan ja voila. Keep it simple silly. Less stress. :D Mutta saa tietty tehda ihan niin koristeellisiksi kuin haluaa. Khm.
Tykkaan koristeista joihin voi laittaa kuvia. Olen ostanut Siennalle hopeanvarisia joulukuusenkoristeita. Saa ne sitten aikanaan omaan kotiinsa lahjaksi. Jos ei kaupoista loydy moisia kuvakehyskoristeita niin voihan niita taas kerran tehda itse. Kukat, nallet, lumiukot, lumihiutaleet... Kaiken voi muuntaa kuvakoristeiksi. Hyva idis aina laminoida paperista tehdyt koristeet jotta kestavat sitten kauan. Muttei tietty oo pakko. Onhan rypistyneetkin koristeet jotenkin ihania. Varsinkin lasten omatekoiset.

Ihan kuin Jay olisi osannut lukea ajatukseni puoliksi valmiista kodista silla alkoi jarkkaamaan meidan kellarikerrosta. Sielta loytyi vaikka mita. Tama TOSI ISO pahvilaatikko jonka Jay leikkasi Siennalle pikku taloksi. Robin on ollut susi ja yrittanyt puhaltaa taloa nurin. Kikatusta, kikatusta. Kuka tarvii kalliita leluja. :)

Mun lempparit David Archuletan cd:lla: You Can, To Be With You, Your Eyes Don't Lie & Angels. Kuuntelin eilen illalla Angels:n ainakin 10 kertaa yhteenmenoon. David:lla on enkelin aani. Miten saisin David:n Siennalle sitten mieheksi kun on sen aika. :) On se niin suloinen poitsu. Ihanan "puhdas". Toivottavasti pysyy sellaisena.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Joo, s a n s k u :)sta on tullut teinari uudelleen. Twilight kirjat, David Archuletan cd... :D
Suosittelen. Kivan rento, huoleton olo. Vahan aikaa saa kuvitella olevansa nuori ja tuore taas. Saahan? Pikku breikkeja aikuisten huolista ja vastuuntunnoista.
It's official, s a n s k u :) is a teenager once again. Twilight books, David Archuleta's new cd... :D
...Grrh, I just read in someone's blog that the Twilight movie was a let down. I sure hope it won't be (!!!). Movies are never as good as books but I sure hope they did a good job with it. And I wish I hadn't seen this person's blog and her comment not ruined my evening. Me not happy. :(

Friday, November 21, 2008

{happy weekend!}

Mietin tanaan etta olisipa kiva pitaa babyshower pikkusiskolleni Suville. *huokaus*
Linkkilistallani on linkki "Hostess with the Mostess" nettisivulle. Siella on alysti kivoja idiksia kaikenmaailman kekkereihin.
Tiistaihin asti pitaa odottaa etta paasen nakemaan Twilightin. *huokaus*
Tanaan Jaylla on melkeen vapaapaiva (on illan toissa) joten vietetaan paiva yhdessa shoppaillen kai.
Hyvaa viikonloppua kaikille!
The above pictures are from Hostess with the Mostess. Awesome ideas for all kinds of parties. See my link list.
Jay doesn't have to go to work until five. I love it when we get to do stuff together. Wish he'd never had to work. :)
Happy weekend everyone!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

{ottaa paahan}

Befor and after: someone decoupaged their filing cabinet with gift wrap paper. Beats the boring look. Mietin etta olisi kiva esim Marimekon unikolla laittaa meidan tylsat kaapit.
Tuollaisista projekteista puhuen... Mua on ottanut lahipaivina paahan oma saamattomuuteni meidan kodin suhteen. On vaikka mita idiksia kodin kunnostukseen mutten ole tehnyt yhtaan mitaan pitkaan aikaan (no, ainoastaan siistinyt vaatekaappia) jarkatakseni kotiamme paremmaksi. Eilen kavin ekalla visiitilla yhden henkilon luona, nuori tytto, ollut naimisissa vaan pari kuukautta. Olin ihan puulla paahan lyoty miten "taydellinen" niiden ensikoti oli. Oli kuin suoraan sisustuslehdesta. Mulle tuli kauhee morkkis siita kun tuntuu etta me ollaan vielakin "muuttamassa omaan kotiimme" eli ei ole kotia jarkatty viimeisen paalle. Mulla on ollut kangas Siennankin verhoihin jo yli vuoden enka ole saanut aikaiseksi niiden ompelemista. Siella on vaan vanhat salekaihtimet ja Halloween kangas (joka vareiltaan sopii Siennan huoneeseen) nastoilla kiinni. Minun piti hioa meidan kulunut etuovi tana kesana ja maalata se. Enpa saanut aikaiseksi. Sitten on pitanyt hioa ja maalata keittion kaapit ja vaihtaa nupit. Ne on tosi aklot. En ole saanut aikaiseksi. Listaa voisin jatkaa vaikka kuinka. Siis olisittepa nahneet tuon nuoren parin kodin. Kaikki oli niin kotoisaa ja tip top laitettu. Aloin miettimaan ihan tosissani etta mika mussa on vikana kun en laita kotia kuntoon kuten pitaisi. Lueskelen sisustuslehtia ja idiksia riittaisi. Mutta aina kun on omaa aikaa vahankin niin se kuluu sitten kaikkeen ihan muuhun kuin kodin laittoon. Ihmettelen silla olen kovin visuaali ihminen ja olisi kiva asua kodissa joka olisi laitettu juuri mieleiseksi. Mutta mista puhti ja innostus kaiken tekoon? Luulen etta yksi syy on se etta ostettiin 12-vuotias talo jossa oli remontin tarvetta etta nykyaikaistuisi. Tuntuu joskus etta remonttia pitaisi tehda niin alysti etta tulisi oman mieleista (modernia!!). Ehka olen antanut periksi vahan ja ajattelen etta "tama nyt kelpaa paremman puutteessa". Odotan etta ihme tapahtuisi ja saisin ostettua sellaisen kodin kuin juuri haluaisin. Kun katselen sinne sun tanne niin mietin etta miten ihmeessa olen antanut mun ideaalisen kodin kuvan menna niin paljon alaspain. Eli kaikenlaista on meidan kodissa joka ei ole "minunlaista". "Kun ei kerran ole juuri sellainen koti kuin haluaisin niin halla valia". Sellainen asenne tuntuu olevan.
No, mika onkin sitten syy etta meidan koti ei todellakaan ole mitenkaan tip top niin sen tiedan etta kovasti ottaa paahan juuri nyt. Mutten tieda tuleeko mikaan muuttumaan. Varmaan jatkan samaa rataa vaan. Plaah.
Kirjakaupassa oli oikean kokoinen pahvikuva Twilight kirjan Bella & Edwardista. Voi etta teki mieli laittaa se kainaloon ja tuoda kotiin mukaan. *silmien pyoritysta* :D

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

{ :) }

I have to share a story with you. This is from a talk that talks about how we should learn to laugh in life.
"I remember when one of our daughters went on a blind date. She was all dressed up and waiting for her date to arrive when the doorbell rang. In walked a man who seemed a little old, but she tried to be polite. She introduced him to me and my wife and the other children; then she put on her coat and went out the door. We watched as she got into the car, but the car didn't move. Eventually our daughter got out of the car and, red faced, ran back into the house. The man that she thought was her blind date had actually come to pick up another of our daughters who had agreed to be babysitter for him and his wife.
We all had a good laugh over that. In fact, we couldn't stop laughing. Later, when our daughter's real blind date showed up, I couldn't come out to meet him because I was still in the kitchen laughing."
Joseph B. Wirthlin
November 2008 Ensign


Muutama kuva Siennan huoneesta. Varmaan olen jo laittanut naita mutta kun ovat niin sopoja...

Olen mobiili hullu. Meilla on niita vain seitseman. :)

Hassu ilme Siennalla. Sienna on tarrahullu. Aina pitaa ostaa uusia ja uusia.
Sain vihdoinkin valmiiksi taman layout:n.
Sitten voisin myontaa etta luen jo toista kertaa Twilight kirjoja. Menossa on kirja numero kaksi, New Moon. Jotain naissa kirjoissa on etta jopa luen niita uudelleen heti. En muista milloin olisin halunnut lukea kirjaa heti uudelleen. Olenkohan koskaan? Olen odottanut innolla leffankin tuloa. Perjantaina jo paasisi katsomaan mutta Jayn vanhemmat ovat matkoilla ja en tieda miten sumplisin lapsen vahdin Siennalle. Jotain pitaa keksia. Toisaalta en halua olla siella katsomassa leffaa kun siella on kirkuvia teinareita. Jos jotenkin saisin aikaiseksi leffatreffin Jaylle ja mulle vaikkapa iltapaivaksi niin ehka olisi vahemman jengia leffassa. Ehka. Toivossa on hyva elaa. Tama leffa tulee olemaan huippusuosittu. Toivottavasti en pety pahasti. Kirjathan on aina parempia kuin leffat. Mutta leffapatkat jotka olen nahnyt nayttavat lupaavilta. Jotenkin ihana olo etta olen niin intohimoinen naihin kirjoihin ja koko juttuun. Tuonut hauskaa sapinaa elamaani. En muista milloin joku "juttu" olisi ollut nain mahtavaa. Teinarina varmaan viimeksi. :)