So I went and saw Twilight last night with my girl friends - girls' night out. The verdict? We had fun but it was a let down at the same time. You could totally tell that it wasn't a big budget movie. There wasn't enough special effects to make it cool. Some parts were actually very comical because of the low budget thing. We laughed pretty hard in many parts (when it was not supposed to be funny). There was some overacting too. That being said - we had fun. Sure we wished this movie had been done properly and better. But it was still a fun movie. The books of course are million times better than the movie. We are hoping that because of the huge success of the books and even the movie, they'll have a bigger budget for the next movie and it will be properly done. These books would make the awesomest movies if the right people did it with a big budget.
ps. What made it fun too was all the teenage girls sighing loud for Edward. :) "He's so awesome!" etc. They would giggle and giggle when Bella & Edward kissed. :)
Onpas sulla paljon uusia postauksia täällä!
ReplyDeleteIhanaa kun Sienna pääsi katsomaan Doraa.
Ja noista sun joulukoristeista täytyy ottaa mallia jos löydän kärsivällisyyttä! Tosi hienoa ja sait kuulostamaan helpolta tehdä.
Odotinkin jo sun leffa-arvostelua. Vaikka elokuva ei huippu ollutkaan niin kiva että teillä oli kaveriporukalla hauskaa. Luulisi että leffa olisi tehty kunnon budjetilla kun kirjasarja on niin huippusuosittu, olisi kannattanut panostaa siihen enemmän. Vai halusivatko vain tuottaa leffan hätäisesti ja takoa kun rauta on kuumaa. Höh.
Hei tuon leffan pystyy näköjään katsomaan netissäkin.
so do you recommend people see it?
riikka: Olisi ollut ihana kun olisivat panostaneet tosi hyvaan ohjaajaan ja special effects:n sun muuhun. Toivottavasti seuraava leffa on parempi. Pitaa tsekata tuo sivu.
ReplyDeleteconnie: I would warn people that it's not an amazing movie, that it's a bit cheaply done etc. I think people who have read the books will still appreciate it as they can read more to it than if you haven't read the books. Teenage girls will love it. :) If you go watch it not expecting anything spectacular and will settle for less, then it's a good watch. Hard to explain. We all still enjoyed it. Just kept hoping they'd done it better. IF you're not totally into the books then I probably would say to wait for the video.
i totally agree... what was with the make out session on the bed in her underwear?!