Saturday, June 14, 2008

rakas mummoni

Ta-daa again. Finished this yesterday. I made it for the GoodieBox challenge. The challenge was to use fabric. Well, I didn't have any cute fabric and I haven't had a chance to go buy some. I was itching to get something done so I looked around for anything I could use. I found this lace doily I never use (it's so pretty but it's not something I'd put on the table) so I thought I'd try to do something with it. Of course it reminded me of this picture of my grandma when she was young. It's my favorite picture of her. The paper I used is light blue if you can't tell in the pictures. Pretty simple layout as usual. And once again - bling bling. :D

These two had fun playing.


  1. Jotenkin mummot ja pitsit käyvät aina käsikädessä ja kuuluvat yhteen... myös layouteissa :) Herkkä sivu.

  2. you must keep the bling people in business! very creative.

  3. tanya: Niinpa. Kiva etta pitsille tuli kayttoa.

    brandy: Jep, they should send me a cheque every month for appreciation. :D


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