Thursday, January 22, 2009

{pretty lame piece of "art"}

I almost didn't post anything today (the end of the world :D) but then I remembered that I did commit myself to create the 7 challenges Misty Mawn has given. Today's challenge was to use crayons only. Well, I have never liked using crayons. They're big and bulky and the crumbs get everywhere. I wasn't in the mood for art today anyways so all I got done was this pathetic drawing of Hello Kitty (I've always liked Hello Kitty stuff. Cute!). Just to say I did something. I'm ashamed to even put this here but I committed myself so... Sienna and Robin (he's home sick too) were coloring at one point and at least I attempted to do something for this challenge. This is so me - I start something with great passion and then I get distracted with who knows what. Today I've been busy reading an interesting discussion at a friend's blog and giving my more than two cents in opinions. Then Sienna is still sick and I've been cuddling with her and bringing her juice and whatever else her little heart desires (just to get her to eat something). Now I'm starting to cough myself and I'm panicking that I'll actually get a cough. Those who know me know that when I get a cough it's not just your usual "cough, cough". I end up puking my guts out in the bathroom as I cough so hard. So, yes, I'm panicky. I need to go and drink tons and tons of water. Sometimes that helps if it's not too late.
ps. The paper was bright blue in this drawing. And the background paper was black. I kinda like it this way. Thanks camera. :)
Our dear Spicey Micey a.k.a. Spice.
Yesteday Sienna was sick all day and slept lots and just rested. Then came evening and all of a sudden she had all this energy. No sign of going to bed. She wanted me to take pictures of her. She took many pictures herself (one of me and Jay which turned looking aweful, I got rid of the evidence right away :D). She played. We colored together. The fish we were coloring looked kind of funky as we both colored it at the same time with different colors. I said to Sienna what a funky fish it was. Sienna said "funky monkey" and giggled. She must have loved the word funky as after that everything was funky. Funky, funky, funky. That's how our evening went. She never went to bed until real late.

Guess what? Today will probably be exactly the same. She's been sick and sleeping. Just wait and see and it'll be another burst of energy tonight and late to bed etc.
Check out this slouch. :D



  1. Hei, mun mielestä tuo Hello Kitty on oikein söpö! En mä osaisi sitä noin hyvin piirtää. Sä taidat olla hyvä piirtämään?

    Toivon paranemista pikku Siennalle ja terveenä pysymistä sinulle!

  2. Lounasseuraksi klikkasin Obaman mutta tarkemmin ajateltuna haluaisinkin Jim Carreyn! :)

  3. riikka: Ai minusta tuo on muka niin helppo piirtaa kun on simppeli. Katsoin mallista vahan. Kylla osaan piirtaa melko oikeannakoista jos harjoittelen ja jaksan kunnolla piirtaa. Koulussa piirsin kaveristani viivapiirustuksen joka oli tayisn hanen nakoisensa. Mutten todellakaan ole teknisesti kovin taidokas. En jaksa harjoitella tarpeeksi. Heti muka pitaisi osata. :) Minunkin mieli vaihtelee aina noiden lounasseuralaisten kanssa riippuen kai milla tuulella olen. Jim Carreyn valitsin kun ajattelin etta siitapa tulisikin hauska lounas. Mutta sitten tekee mieli valilla ajatella jotain syvallista ja valitsen jonkun muun... Jokaisen kanssa olisi kiva lounastella. :) Joo pitaa toivoa etten saa sita kunnon yskaa taas. Huh sita en koskaan millaan jaksaisi. Siennalla kova kuume ja on nukkunut paljon. Valilla laakkeet auttaa ja vahan leikkii. Mutta vasy tytto on ollut koko paivan. Kylla se siita taas.

  4. Spice on lutunen!!! Ja Sienna tietysti myos aina.

    Ma olen varmaan aika tylsa, mutta ma valitsin lounasseurakseni Dalai Laman. Han on niin kovin symppiksen, viisaan, rauhaa huokuvan ja lempean oloinen. Mielellani kuuntelisin mita hanella olisi paivan polttavista asioista (tai mista vaan) sanottavanaan. Eika varmaan haittaisi vaikkei koko ajan edes puhuttaisi jotain:D.

  5. stina: Et oo tylsa. Minakin haluaisin olla Dalain seurassa. Juuri noista samoista syista kuin sinakin.

  6. Missing you lots.

    Hope you start to feel better.

    I'll be home early today.

    Love U Lots.



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