Monday, December 7, 2009

{night in town}

kuvat napattu nopeasti auton ikkunasta matkalla jayn luokan joulukekkereihin. siella hienossa ravintolassa ihmettelin laheisen poydan naikkosia joilla oli paallaan "hyvakunpepunedespeittijarinnatpursuaaulos" mekkosia. mietin etta onkohan tuo normaalia pukeutumista nykyaan mutta sitten yksi jayn luokkatoveristakin mainitsi etta onpas noilla asut. nayttivat strippareilta. ravintola oli hieno ja ruoka tosi kallista muttei minusta yhtaan sen kummempaa kuin muissakaan ravintoloissa. oli kiva tutustua jayn luokkatovereihin. kivan tuntuista porukkaa.
eilen illalla laulettiin joululauluja ruuan jalkeen. me ei olla musikaalisesti taidokkaita. lauletaan aina cd:n kanssa niin oma laulu kuulostaa vahemman karseelta. ;) sienna tietty laulaa tosi suloisesti.
meilla on ihan alyn kylmaa nyt. yolla oli -28C, paivaksi luvattu -18C. hrrr!
went to a fancy restaurant to enjoy a christmas party with jay's school friends. the food was so expensive (who on earth decided to go there, students don't have big budgets) and i thought it wasn't anything better than in a regular restaurant. fun to get to know jay's school friends. i was shocked at a group of young women who wore "barely-cover-their-butt-or-boobs" dresses. i was wondering if i was so out of touch what people consider normal dressing nowadays when one of jay's friends said "hootchy". i kept wondering the whole night if they were strippers.
last night we sang christmas songs together. we are not musically gifted so we always sing accompanied by a cd. that way we sound quite alright. ;) sienna of course sings beautifully as children always do.


  1. I always loved seeing the Telus Christmas trees every year we lived in Edmonton!

  2. Hui, miten kylmää teillä on!!! :)

  3. My issue with eating out is that I think to myself "I could've made that at home WAY CHEAPER", so I try to order things I can't make.


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