Thursday, September 23, 2010

{finland, day 18, äidillä}

day 18
a mellow, relaxing, wonderful day at my mom's. my younger sister was there too with her family. jay's parents and my older sister and her husband were in st. petersburg, russia.
we did three main things on this day:
we drew a lot
we ate a lot
we had fun at the playground
the reason why we drew a lot is this: my mom's kitchen walls are full of drawings and pictures. there was still some wall space left so we thought we'd help her cover it a bit more. :) how nice for my mom to sit in the kitchen and see all this.
i just realized i don't have pictures of sienna's drawings. weird. and oops!
i love how tall the trees are in finland.
once again we all rode A swings. even my mom. she kept waving at us like she was the queen of finland or something. :)
wonderful memories! more days like these please. sigh.
that evening a pretty scary thunderstorm rolled in. we were in the fifth floor (the top floor) and it felt like the storm clouds were right on us. it felt very oppressing. the clouds moved so fast. the wind picked up quickly and we had to shut all the windows and doors. sienna was scared of the louder than loud thunder and i must say that i was a bit too. next thing we knew the electricity went out. thank goodness we had flashlights and candles.  


  1. Mikä taidenäyttely!! Kiva idea. On meilläkin noiden pienten hienoja piirustuksia. Itse laittavat seinälle, sillä on niin kovin TÄRKEÄÄ, että kaikki saavat ihailla. 5vee kertoo aina hauskasti sadun piirtämästään ja sekin on tärkeä juttu.

  2. meillä on eteisen komeron ovet täynnä siennan taidetta. aion myös laittaa tänne tv-tietsikka huoneen seinälle taidenäyttelyn myös. lasten taide on parasta!


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