Tuesday, June 17, 2008

bed hog

I looooove fun business cards. In fact, I kinda started collecting them few months ago. They're small so they don't take much space. I like the creative ones, not the boring same old ones (well, duh!). Feel free to collect fun business cards for me, everyone. :)
Sienna got sick last night. All of a sudden we heard really deep coughing from her room. I ended up bringing her to our bed. Sienna is a real bed hog so Jay ended up sleeping who knows where. At one point I just about started laughing out loud. She had her foot on my neck! :D Now Jay can't complain that I'm the biggest bed hog ever. :) Today she's been a bit more tired than usual but no other signs of illness. Weird.
I'm so excited - I FINALLY found another agency to work for. Some of you might remember my problems with the agency I work for now (we get paid to care for Robin). This has been a really maddening project to try to find another agency. Turns out many of them don't have enough staff to take on another client. I've spend many hours calling and calling and only now things are moving on. I just had a meeting with this possible new agency and I'm really excited. They seem very nice. And no problem what so ever - I will be getting the retroactive raise AND the new raise. I have a feeling they couldn't believe that I wasn't given them already. Yey! It's nice when things work out. Happy me.
Yesterday was +25C. Sienna and I picked up Robin from the store (Jay is building fences now) and then we went to feed the geese at the pond. First there was only one goose that came but eventually a cute little black duck came as well (I need to figure out it's name, Jay has a bird book). He was so funny. He didn't want the Canadian goose to get mad at him so he'd sneak up, crab a piece of bread and then it looked like he was skipping on water to get away. He was flying but his "feet" (whatever they are called in English) were touching the water and "running". It was so cute. Then we got a seagull as well and finally a goose family. I think it was the same one we had seen before. Two little gooslings that had actually grown up quite a bit already. It was beautiful to see how the parents were watching closely over their little ones (Sienna was a bit loud and got them alarmed a few times). There were tons of little fish as well that were nibbling on the bread. Gotta love nature.


  1. Mahtavaa että se agency-asia järjestyi! Huoli pois harteilta.

    Jahas, pitääpä alkaa katsoa käyntikortteja uusin silmin... Lähetän sulle jos löytyy hienoja. :)

  2. Meillä on töissä kyllä ihan perustylsät käyntikortit :(

    Paketti lähti lopultakin matkustamaan kotiovellesi tänään iltapäivällä! Toivottavasti on mieluinen.

  3. Tosi hienoa, että agencyn vaihtaminen onnistui!


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