Wednesday, November 4, 2009

{playdough fun}

image via google image search
image via
how long has it been since you played with playdough?
it's fun and therapeutic. whether you have kids or not. :)
you can make spaghetti or skinny worms with a garlic press or with a syringe.
you can hide little plastic bugs or some other trinkets or toys in the playdough for kids to find.
you can print a picture that kids "fill out" with playdough.
you can add beads or other decorations.
the sky is the limit.
so here's a great recipe for playdough (i got it from sienna's playschool).
5 cups flour (1,25 l)
1 cup salt (2,5 dl)
4 packages of Kool-Aid drink powder (to color the playdough)
1. mix these dry ingredients together.
6 cups boiling water (1,5 l)
1/2 cup oil (1,25 dl)
2. mix these wet ingredients together.
3. mix wet and dry ingredients together.
4. leave to cool.
5. knead when cool and put in airtight container.


  1. Osuit aivan oikeaan. Saven muovaaminen on terapeuttista, niin olemme me keramiikan harrastajat aina sanoneet.
    Sama pätee tietenkin playdoughiin/taikataikinaan.

  2. Awww, a little playdough Lochness monster!

  3. yeah, they say that if you're kids, or you too, are stressed out or having a meltdown give them playdough!! very cute loch ness!!


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