
Halloween is approaching fast enough. I was browsing a bit and found this cute butterfly costume and table setting decorations from Pottery Barn Kids. Not that I'm ordering them but they're cute so I have to share. :)
I love feather wreaths so of course I loved this picture from an old Country Living magazine. Where could I find orange feathers...?
I also love the white pumpkins. Martha Stewart showed them once with holes drilled in them with mini lights poking through the holes. So pretty! I should make a pumpkin like that but we'll see if I ever get around it. *roll eyes* :D
I love this Hello Kitty Halloween garland craft. If you click on the picture, you'll get a bigger version of it that you can print. I think I'll attach these to a black ribbon with black brads and I thought of adding Sienna's yearly Halloween pictures in it as well. Fun! :)
Max put Sienna's new bed together this morning. It happened so quickly. Next thing I know the crib was gone and a new bed there. I almost had tears in my eyes. Felt like I should have taken pictures of Sienna in her crib before it was gone for good. I realized I don't have that many pictures of Sienna sleeping in her first bed. So many good memories of that bed and of our cutie pie in it. How she'd hold on to the railing and jump up and down like crazy when I went to get her.
I kept holding on to the crib for couple of reasons (in case you're wondering why on earth she was still in her crib):
*The crib was huge. Not like the little ones in Finland. Sienna had tons of room to sleep in it.
*We didn't want to buy an "in between" bed. It seemed too early to get a full size bed before.
*Sienna never thought of climbing out of her crib so it was nice to know that she was in her crib, not wandering who knows where in the house when we were sleeping.
They grow so quickly.
We got her new bed from Ikea (dark brown Malm bed, goes with the rest of the furniture in her room) and Jay realized that they forgot to tell him he needed to buy the wood slats separately for the bed. Grrh.
I also need to go and buy one of those mattress cover thingys in case of nightly accidents.
Which reminds me of something I learned. Did you guys know that childrens' nightly bed wetting is due to a lack of certain enzyme in their body? When we get older, our bodies start to produce an enzyme that stops us from going pee when we sleep. Kids who wet the bed at night don't have that enzyme in their body yet. A simple prescription from a doctor can remedy the bedwetting if the child is quite old. If they're still young - just give it some time and their body will eventually produce the enzyme. Pretty neat stuff, eh. I didn't know it before.
Jay is working such long hours this whole month. He won't come home before it's Sienna's bedtime so Sienna and I visit Jay at the store. I stay in the store and Jay can go to the park/for a walk with Sienna for a bit. Jay needs the break and Sienna sure needs to see her daddy.
It was kind of sad being at the store yesterday knowing that at the end of the month it won't be ours anymore. I didn't think I'd get so emotional but the store is our "baby". Jay especially has put tons of effort into our business and it is sad to hand it over to someone else. So mixed feelings as always about change in our lives.
Something else has changed too: Sienna isn't napping anymore! Naptime and bedtime started to be a struggle so one day I asked Sienna why she wasn't napping. She said seriously: "I'm NOT tired!"
So no more naps. Gone. Finito. Kaputs. :)
In some ways it's great. We can go out at any time now and don't have to worry about the nap. And of course she's going to bed nice and fast now in the evening.
I do miss my quiet hour during the day though (Sienna never slept more than an hour and 20 minutes. I could pretty much set a timer for it, it was always the same). It was nice to have a bit of time to do whatever without worrying about her.
Changes, changes... Isn't that what life is all about? It's all good.
Suomalaiset blogiystavani - osaatteko kaikki enkkua tarpeeksi hyvin vai pitaisiko mun aina kirjoittaa suomeksi myos? Jotkut asiat haluan enkuksi mun enkunkielisten ystavien takia.
Oh yeah... Talking about Halloween. Sienna and I went to Michaels crafts store yesterday and they had their Halloween stuff out. There was a life size ugly, scary Halloween thingy dude there that made the most creeping kind of sounds and talking when anyone walked by. Sienna was terrified. I told the cashier lady that maybe they shouldn't have things like that in the store as the little ones get too scared. She just quickly and snobbily said that it's the store policy and they can do nothing about it. Reminder to self: don't go near Michaels during Halloween season!
I have never, ever liked the really scary Halloween stuff. To many people Halloween needs to be creepy and scary. I'm more into the cute Halloween stuff. Pumpkins, fun dress up outfits, etc. Sure the big kids probably get a kick out of graves on people's yards etc but for little ones like our Sienna, it can give them nightmares and it's just too creepy. She did have nightmares yesterday by the way. She kept talking about the "dude" for a long time after we left the store and you could just tell how scared she was. Of course Sienna is a bit more sensitive than some kids but still. Come on, little kids don't need to see the creepy stuff. Silly stuff, sure. But let's not creep our little ones out, okay. Phleeeease.
I have never understood scary movies either by the way. I know lot of people love them but did you guys know that our subconscious minds don't know that the movies we see aren't real? That's why our heart rate goes up when we see a scary movie. Our body totally reacts like it's real. I don't think it's healthy personally but hey, if that's your thing, it's your thing. Not for me though, thank you very much. :)
Oh, and while I'm at it - :) - when I was a kid I used to be scared to death of many of the Disney fairytales. The witch in Snow White, asking the man to bring Snow White's heart to her... How scary she looked. I was terrified as a kid. Of course I didn't know to tell anyone but I sure didn't like stories like that.
Sienna is like that too. She doesn't like any mean characters in shows. We tried to show her a Disney movie once and had to stop after a few minutes as she got too scared.
This is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. Don't get me wrong - I love Disney and will take Sienna to Disneyland etc. Some day she might even be ok to watch some of the movies. But why do they have to make some of the characters so scary? Think of the lady in the 100 Dalmatians movie being mean to all those puppies... To be honest, I still don't enjoy those old Disney movies.
I'm totally into the 100% cute and happy stuff for kids. Since I was a sensitive kid myself (who am I kidding - I'm STILL sensitive! :)) and since I now have a sensitive kid. Of course problems in shows/stories are ok. As long as they work to solve the problem. But no scary/evil stuff please. Keep it out. They'll see enough bad stuff in their lives without having to start when they're young.
There, my two cents on that topic. Feel free to disagree in your comments. It won't change my mind :) but discussion is always fun. :)
Ymmärrän hyvin tuota tunnetta kun lapselta lähtee pinnasänky. Arvaa miltä musta tuntui kun kaksosten pinnikset pakattiin pois.. ja nyt kun muutettiin tänne jenkkeihin myytiin tenavatsängytkin jo. Nyt ollaan siis jo 'twin size' heh.
ReplyDeleteMun puolesta saat kirjoittaa kummalla kielellä haluat. Mutta ehkä en ole kovin hyvä ihminen vastaamaan tuohon kun kaksikielinen olen..
Halloween, sen tulo hirvittää. Tänä vuonna eka kertaa meillä pitäis löytyä kolmelle lapselle puvut, ja varmaan lähtee kiertämään niiden kanssa vähän naapurustoa. Tiedän että se on lapsille hauskaa.. mutta äiteelle myös vähän työtä. Jos vaikka innostuu tekemään itse pukuja..
Ja mitä tulee tuohon pelottavuuteen: kaks lapsistani on tosi herkkää. Muistan kun Laura alle kaksivuotiaana näki videokaupassa jonkun pelottavan videon kannen. Siitä seuras painajaisia moneksi kuukaudeksi. Huusi yöllä herätessään 'kimmu, kimmu'. Mulla kesti vähän aikaa tajuta että tarkoitti 'kummitus'. :-D Itse välillä tykkään kattoa pelottavia juttuja mutta mieluummin ei lapsille sellaista.
Minusta on ihan kiva, että vaihdat kieltä sikin sokin. Molemmat taittuu kyllä. Tuleepahan käytettyä kotiäitinä myös lomallaan olevia työaivosoluja :)
ReplyDeleteKauhuelokuvia on tullut nuorempana joitakin katsottua, mutta pelotuksia ne on aina. Nykyisin jätän suosiolla väliin, koska niiden jälkeen kuuntelee joka ikisen rapinan ja kolahduksen liian peloissaan.
Nyytin pinnasängyn pohjaa pitää jo nyt laskea yksi askel alaspäin, kun nousee jo reunaa vasten kontalleen... Vauva häviää kasvaessaan hiljalleen pikku lapseksi. Nyyh! :)
Minulle menee myös molemmat kielet, no probs!
ReplyDeleteJa mitä tulee kauhuleffoihin - inhoan! Näen painajaisia, pelkään yksin jne.. Samoin inhoan kaikkia 9/11 aiheisia leffoja, lentokonekaappauksia ja muita tositarinoihin pohjautuvia. Titanic meni hikiseen, mutta ehkä vain Leonardon ja musiikin vuoksi :)
Disneyn leffat sinne samaan pönttöön myös. Lapsena inhosin niiden surullisia juttuja ylikaiken ja taidan vieläkin inhota. Meillä katsotaan vain mukavia ohjelmia, mutta Felix esim. pelkää kuollakseen Barneya!
Taalla taas, pienen tauon jalkeen.
ReplyDeleteMakin inhoan kauhuleffoja oikein tosissani; ovat kertakaikkiaan vastenmielisia. Muutenkaan en todellakaan, enka missaan nimessa, tahdo ehdoin tahdoin kokea minkaan valtakunnan kauhun tai pelon tunteita, edes keinotekoisesti leffojen kautta, ei kiitos.
Ma vahan epailen etta Halloweenina tana vuonna otamme ja lahdemme illalliselle siihen aikaan kun trick-or-treat:taajat ovat liikekannalla.
Siennalle paljon paljon Onnea nain vahan jalkikateen! Ihania kuvia! Ymmarran oikein hyvin tuon haikeutesi Siennan kasvamisesta. Itsekkin tuskailen omien lapsieni kohdalla samaa ja itken jo ihan oikeasti salaa sita paivaa kun tahtovat lentaa pesasta...
Musta on niin kiva kayda taalla lueksimassa kuulumisianne ja katselemassa kaikenmoisia hauskoja idiksia, toivottavasti jatkat bloggailua viela pitkan aikaa. Kaikki vissiin kay lapi tan samantyylisen tuskailun kommenttien vahyydesta johtuen...
Mukavaa viikonloppua Sansku!
Saat toki kirjoittaa sekä enkuksi että Suomeksi. Niin kuin Tanyakin kirjoitti, tekee hyvää kun joutuu käyttämään päätään. Kotiäitinä (uuh, todellakin olen jälleen kotiäiti, hauskaa!) pää on usein tyhjänpanttina -no ei oo, kunhan kiusaan! Mutta siis tekee hyvää lukea myös enkuksi. Sujuu :)
ReplyDeleteMolemmat kielet kay-ei ongelmaa.
ReplyDeleteKavin silloisen poikaystavan, uuden, kanssa ensimmaisena leffana katsomassa Uhrilampaat. olin kuolla kauhusta..sen verran vaikuttava taisin olla, etta tuo poikaystava koki suurta suojelemisen halua ja on paatynyt aviomieheksi ;).
Meidan pikkumies oli 2 v kun muutti isoon sankyyn.Syyna oli se,etta muutimme ja pienempaa sankya ei loytynyt..muistan kun han oli kuin valtameressa siina nukkuessaan.
Mulla on seurannassa SATOJA blogeja, mutta sinä olet kyllä yksi suosikeistani, kun juttelet niin kivasti, ja muutenkin blogin sisältö on ihanan monipuolinen. Itse blogaan kuvat kertoo enemmän kuin sanat -tyylillä, ja suuresta osasta blogeja katsonkin vain kuvat (ei ehdi lukea kaikkea). Englanti kyllä sujuu, mutta vapaa-ajalla jaksan lukea vain suomalaisia juttuja, joten kiva jos viitsit suomeakin välillä kirjoittaa. Lisää Sanskua toivon siis minäkin, kiitos :).