Saturday, March 28, 2009

{sienna's room}

Ok, some pictures of Sienna's room. It wasn't 100% ready when I took the pictures but I figured you all were dying to see these so... :D
In this picture it looks like the pictures are way too high up but when you see them in the room they look just right (the bed is a low one). I still need to print the pictures that go in the frames. I should get that done this week. The dot on the wall is a smiley face sticker. Sienna covered a little scratch on the wall. :)
Above Sienna's footprints will be baby pictures of Sienna.
By the way, Sienna doesn't have flat feet. I was so worried that I wouldn't get the whole footprint that I pressed it a bit too much and got her arch printed too. It was almost impossible to get these footprints in the first place. Wiggly girl. :)
Sienna's dresser.

I guess it's time for a not-so-babyish lamp. Moo-moo and twee-twee have been fun though.
The silver mobiles are from Aarikka.
Bear cross-stitch was a gift from a dear friend.
Sienna's new curtains. They needed to be dark as sun shines in her room in the evenings (especially in the summer). Jay hadn't attached the second glass knob on the rod yet.

I can't stand the popcorn ceiling but I'm too lazy to do anything about it.
A ceiling fan lamp is a must - it gets really hot here in the summer.

The bookshelf. I should have done something funky with it (wallpaper on the backboard f.ex.) but too late now. It's screwed to the wall. The turtle lamp is a perfect nightlight. The chair is an old rocking glider that I need to find a new cover for as I don't like the look of it. It's been the comfiest chair ever though. Great for those sleepless nights when Sienna was a baby.

One of these days we'll get rid of this carpet. A work in progress still I guess. :) Should have done it when we first moved in but we had enough to do back then.
Sienna's room is quite small but it's ok as she only sleeps there.
Once again - the butterflies I made for her room. Me lovey these. They sparkle. These are between the dresser and the bed.
I made a heart in a shadowbox frame from roses Sienna got as a baby.
I've shown this before but here it is again. Cute.
I made this teddy frame with scrapbook paper.
Some of Sienna's friends. :)

So, there you have it.
My style is not girley girley as you can see. But it's still fun for a little girl. The room is very cozy at night when Sienna goes to bed. I love the earthy colors. Sienna's closet is pink at least. :)
Those of you who've seen the earlier pictures of her room: I took most of those wall stickers off. It was too cluttery looking. I left the bunnies, birdies & plants on the bottom of the closet door. A bunny and a fox are on the bottom of the dresser. And there's the pink owl beside the bookshelf.


  1. Naen tatanykya blogeissa vain ja ainoastaan perhosia..mita on tulossa? Nuo perhosesi ovat ihania.

    Samoin silmiin pisti nuo pyoreat elaimet,mista ovat ?

  2. Kaunis huone.Kivoja pikku juttuja.Suloinen tuo kilpparilamppu
    Ja kaunis tuo ruusutaulu.Mulla on tallella tyttöjen kastekimput hyllyllä pölyttymässä.
    Saako ideaasi lainata :)?
    Upea kakku tuossa edellisessa postauksessa.

  3. So cute!-Everything from the color of the walls to the decor is just adorable!

  4. mizyena: Kiitti. Kai tasta blogistakin nakee etta tykkaan earthy syksyn vareista. :D

    pikkujutut: Joo janna miten tietyt jutut ovat "in" ja niita nakee paljon. Vahan aikaa sitten polloja oli joka puolella. Sitten kauriita. Perhosia olen itsekin nyt nahnyt joka puolella. Nuo pyoreat elaimet ostin aikanaan Suomesta jostain tien varrella olevasta lahjakaupasta (olimme ajamassa pohjoiseen pain). Ne on huovutettuja juttuja siis. Tekijaa en tieda.

    mirva: Sienna ei tykkaa nukkua pimeassa ja tuo lamppu tuo juuri sopivasti valoa huoneeseen yolla. Ostin sen iat ja ajat sitten ja nyt se on loytanyt kodin Siennan huoneesta. Kaiken saa kopioida minun blogilta ihan rauhassa. Siksi tanne aina laitan kaikkea. Tykkaan jakaa kaikki idikset muiden kanssa. Ostin Ikeasta sen kehyksen ja laitoin scrapbook paprua ensin ja sitten siihen liimasin ne ruusut. Tosi helppo projekti ja minustakin tosi kiva. Oli tosi vaikea leikata se kakku palasiksi. :D

    jennifer: Thanks so much. I always see things that could be done better/cuter but I do love Sienna's room.


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