Wednesday, September 24, 2008

{c a n ' t --- f u n c t i o n ----}

Aiti oli hetken puhelimessa.
Mommy was on the phone for a few minutes.

Jay never got home until 1am last night so needless to say I'm sooooo tired today. I need to learn to sleep when he's not home. I don't function when I don't get my sleep. Jay will be busy all month and even into the next month. Crazy busy. Lots of work when you sell a business. I was at the store yesterday helping him go through a HUGE order. Of course a huge one comes when you least want one. With the supplier we have, you never know which week's order is big, which isn't. Makes it a bit of a pain to say the least. Things just come when they come and that's it.
A miracle. Somehow I found the energy to go for a looooong walk with Sienna. One foot in front of the other, right... We were hurrying back home like crazy (carried Sienna on piggy back even) as Robin comes straight home on Wednesdays. His pick up time is 3.15pm but he has showed up at the house right after 3pm at times. It's a 15 minutes drive to get him home if he's the first one to be dropped off. Now it's 5pm and no Robin. Grrh. I know this is minor annoyance in many ways but I can't help but be annoyed at DATS and the "never-have-a-clue-what-time-rides-happen".
And... Guess who forgot Robin was going to a birthday party right after work. He's NOT coming straight home today. :D Oh well, this could have been the real thing and we'd be waiting here for him forever. Could have. Wasn't. Man, oh man, my memory is useless! :D
Question: Which size do you like better for the typing: normal/large?


  1. Noin käy aina, kun äiti on puhelimessa! Tai sitten just silloin haluaa porkkanaa, jonkun lelun ylähyllyltä tms. Ä-I-T-I-I-I!! :D

    Mies laittoi kerran huoneen oven kiinni, jotta saisin puhua rauhassa. Koo ryskytti ja huusi oven takana :/ Aina ei ole kiva olla maailman tärkein ihminen :)

    Hassua, mutta en ole koskaan ajatellut, että sinun käyttämä fonttikoko olisi large. Mutta minä luen sitä kuitenkin helpommin ja mieluummin. Johtuneeko myös kielestä?

  2. Sama homma Tanjan kanssa; en ollut edes ajatellut, että fontti on large! Ja largea toivon jatkossakin.

    Voisitte tehdä retken kurpitsapellolle, kun halloween lähestyy ja ottaa kuvia meille nähtäväksi. Ja ehdottomasti kuvaat naapuruston kuisteja halloween-koristuksissa. Jos siis saa toivoa ;)

  3. Largen nään lukea ilman laseja, mutta normal-koko alkaa olla siinä rajoilla =D
    No onnex yleensä on lasit aina kun oon koneella, eli ihan sama...mutta jos on pakko valita, niin öööö...entten tentten...large.

    T: Jama

  4. Hih, mä tuun olemaan yhtä huonomuistinen jo varmasti 10 vuoden päästä, kun nytkin jo sellainen taliaivo ettei toista oo ;D

  5. large... i hope you had time to relax today!


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