Tuesday, June 30, 2009

{royalty coming or what? :)}

(another Telus ad)
I doubt I'll post anything tomorrow so...
Happy Canada Day everyone!
Love you Canada! Y
We need to have visitors more often. We have crossed off many things from our to do list in anticipation of my sister + family coming here TODAY.
*washed windows
*cleaned blinds
*washed & ironed curtains
*cleaned all the high places (HUGE job, we have a high ceiling kitchen = hard to reach areas)
*cleaned Robin's room
*cleared the basement of all the junk that was there (lots)
*painted the front door
*new cat litter boxes
*cleaned the fridge
*cats have been washed and brushed real good
*all sorts of other cleaning/organizing jobs
*wall-to-wall carpets were steam cleaned and sanitized this morning
Like I said - people need to come visit us more often as that's when we seem to get things done around our house. :D
So much to do still. Once the carpets are dry, I have to move everything back where it belongs (huge job as EVERYTHING was put away). First I have to vacuum the left over cat fur off the carpets (some gets left behind). Then I need to wash the basement floor, make beds for our guests, wash the bathrooms, pack Robin's stuff and take him to Jay's parents where he'll be staying for this 3 weeks. Somehow in between all that Sienna needs a nap so that she can come to the airport with us. And I just decided I am going to go to Ikea and buy some new sheets and a duvet cover. They need to be washed first too. Better hurry and go. :) Fun, fun, fun. :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Johanna Kurkela - Haavalssi.
Jos tama ei purista suomalaisen sydanta niin mika sitten?

Friday, June 26, 2009


(image via google image search)

No kun kaikki muutkin, niin mina tietty perassa.
20 sanaa. Kirjoita jokaisen kohdalla, mitä lapsuuden/nuoruuden tapahtumia, asioita tai tunnelmia kyseisestä sanasta tulee mieleen.

1. Kampa
Monilla oli aina kampa takataskussa. Minullakin oli. Pilkotti aina taskusta.

2. Lintu
Lintu Sininen. Minulle pienena annettu lempinimi. Teatterissa kaytiin Lintu Sininen esityksessa. Mokilla pikkulinnun pesa ihan polun vieressa pikkuruisen kuusen alla.

3. Meri
Ah! Iso osa lapsuuttani. Isosaaressa asuessa se oli tietty eniten lasna. Upein muisto oli kun meri + rantakivet jaatyivat upeaksi, varikkaaksi jaalinnaksi meidan leikkeihin. Ihania vaaleanpunaisia meduusoita meressa saunan jalkeen. Meri veti aina puoleensa. Monen tunnin kavelyt meren rannalla. Torilta Kaivariin ja sielta keskustaan. Suomenlinnan lautalla Suokkiin... Ah!

4. Kitara
Ei ole kitaramuistoja lapsuudesta. Teinarina ihku ihana muisto kun Italiassa rantsulla illalla kuunneltiin soottien poikien kitaransoittoa ja laulua. Piccolo Grande Amore. Osaisinpa soittaa kitaraa…

5. Kello
Tastakaan ei tule mitaan mieleen. Hoh. Pahin muisto on Irlannissa lahkarina kun toverin kamala vanha heratyskello melkeen antoi mulle sydarin joka aamu. Prrrrrr... Pakotin sen laittamaan kellon pois "or else!!!!". :)

6. Oksentaminen
Olin kipeena lapsena ja sangyn vierella oli oksennusastia jossa oli vetta. Pehmoleluni oli Hirnu heppa ja isosisko naureskeli etta kohta Hirnu tipahtaa oksennusastiaan. Niin kavi sitten myohemmin ja voi sita itkua.

7. Mummo
Kesat ja joulut aina mummon kanssa. Mokilla tai mummon asunnossa. Saunassa mummo aina lauleskeli meille “Lapsoset ketterat” laulua. Mummo lirkuttamassa linnuille aikaisin aamulla. Kuulin vintilla heratessa. Radio oli aina paalla ja mummo leikkeli matonkuteita. Potkukelkalla Kajaanin keskustassa taytta vauhtia keskella tieta makea alas. Mina istuin, mummo antoi lujaa vauhtia. Ihania, ihania muistoja mummosta.

8. Kirja
Ei ole ihme kumma mitaan suurta muistoa lapsuuskirjoista. Myohemmin teinarina ihastuin taysin Astrid Lindgrenin Veljeni Leijonamieleen.

9. Pipo
WWF sen ajan tyylinen talvipipo. Itse ala-asteella kudottu valkoinen talvimyssy jossa oli upea palmikko raita.

10. Matematiikka
Yksi lempiaiheistani. Aina tykkasin matikasta. Lukiossa mun lempiope (Raija Muren-Tuuli) opetti niin kivasti aina matikkaa. Han auttoi minua tosi paljon elamassani ja tulen aina olemaan siita kiitollinen. Olen ylpea lukion matikan 10 arvosanastani.

11. Metsä
Iso osa lapsuuttani. Aina oli metsa lahella. Isosaaressa metsissa oli aina leikit menossa. Saniaiset kasvoi siella metsissa. Paljon valko- ja sinivuokkoja. Mokin marjametsat on myos rakkaita. Mutta voi ne itikat aina. :( Kajaanin upeat lumiset talvimetsat. Hiihtoreissut enon kanssa. Sukset lipsui liikaa. Rekiajelut lumisessa metsassa.

12. Ukkonen
Ihana oli seurata mokin vintin ikkunasta ukkosta. Joskus tuntui etta puut kaatuisi kun ukkonen jyllasi niin. Karmivaa mutta upeaa.

13. Hiukset
Prinsessa Dianan hiukset nuorena teinarina. Liian lyhyetkin kamalat hiukset yhdessa vaiheessa lapsena. Pitkat punaiset hiukset lukiossa.

14. Veli
Olisi ollut ihana mutkun ei niin ei.

15. Ikkuna
”Aitiiii, tuu ikkunaan, taalla huutaa Sansku.”

16. Kalenteri
Suklaajoulukalenterit vaan tulee mieleen.

17. Puuro
Mummon jouluriisipuuro mantelin kera. Isosaaressa kaytiin kaverilla aamulla syomassa aamupalat kun aiti meni aina aikaisin toihin. En tykannyt siita puurosta jota meille siella annettiin.

18. Nenäliina
Ei mitaan muistoa.

19. Kynsilakka
Tastakaan ei.

20. Taulu
Aidin ja mummon upea styroksitaulu mummon Valikadun asunnossa. Mummon asunnon oljyvarimaalaus taulut.

Sun vuoro! :)

{happy friday everyone}

On Tuesday I got to lay down on a blanket while Sienna and her cousin played at the playground. It was +25C but windy. I was reading Breaking Dawn (the last book of the Twilight series) and listening to these cute sikh grandpas chat together (they were right next to me). Of course I didn't understand a word but it was oddly relaxing to hear their chatting. I should have visited with the other moms but sometimes you just need time to be by yourself and relax. It was what I needed that day and it was perfect. Minus the wind maybe. But I guess it would have been too hot otherwise.
By the way, my skin cream was making my skin sparkle in the sun. I couldn't help but smile as I saw it and read my book. Those who have read the books know what I mean. :)

I love the ads by our phone company Telus. They always use animals in their ads. Me lovey animals so of course I love their ads.
So we're all sick over here. Sienna got sick last night too. Runny nose, cough, fever. She seems ok right now but I'm sure it'll get worse as the day goes by.
At least Robin is healthy. It's good as he's on his way to Provincial Summer Games for the Special Olympics. He'll be involved in the swimming competitions.
Lots to do before my sister + family get here so I hope my stomach settles down and I'll have energy to clean and organize. I need to find someone to come and clean the carpets too. Only 4 more sleeps! :)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

{meillakin taistellaan}

image via kotivinkki (dot) fi
Aika mielenkiintoinen paiva ollut tanaan. Mulla alkoi eilen vatsatauti ja Jaykin nukkui huonosti tosi tukkoisen nenan takia. Onneksi ei ole mikaan aivan karsee vatsatauti. Kylla tan jaksan. Tottakai Sienna kukkui hereilla jo heti puoli seitsamalta vaikka itsekin nukkui huonosti. Yhdentoista aikaan sitten paadytiin nokosille molemmat. Sen jalkeen taman paivan "hauska" osuus. Siennasta on tullut nimittain aivan mieltsin itsepainen. :) Ei anna pesta hampaita ei sit millaan. Hyva kun antaa pukea. Kaikki konstit on yritetty ja neiti vaan ankaa vastaan. Mua valilla naurattaa kun vauvana/pikkusena antoi aina niin helposti pesta hampaat ja ajattelin etta "taahan on ihan helppoa" kun kuulin miten jotkut lapset ankaa vastaan. Nyt sitten meillakin taistellaan. Onneksi ei sentaan joka ikinen paiva mutta melkeen. :) Tama pesuasia oli nyt sitten tullut siihen vaiheeseen jo etta mulla alkoi jo vahitellen menna hermot. Kun muka mikaan niksi ei auta. Kaikkea on kokeiltu. Nyt luulen etta olen vihdoinkin keksinyt ratkaisun tahan. Tanaan nokosten jalkeen kun yritin pesta taas niin ei kun ei. Sitten vaan sanoin Siennalle etta kerro kun oot valmis hampaiden pesuun muttei lounasta ennenkuin on pesty. Puoli tuntia sitten (noin pari tuntia myohemmin) neiti sitten vihdoinkin antoi periksi. Mulla pysyi paa viileena ja en hermoillut yhtaan. Siivoskelin vaan ja kysyin aina valilla etta "no nytko?". Odottelin muka siihen malliin etta mulla ei ollut kiireen kiiretta. Ja antoihan tuo jaarapaa sitten lopulta periksi. :) Talleen aion tehda joka kerta. Pitaa vaan toivoa etta neiti tajuaa nyt pysyvasti etta nain tulee tapahtumaan joka kerta ja ei enaa kenkkuile sitten ja jaksa olla itsepainen. Monimutkainen juttu jos pitaa menna jonnekin mutta pitaa nyt toivoa etta tama on pysyva ratkaisu.
Mutta kovin jaarapainen meidan pikkutytto siis. :)
Ihan oikeesti vaikka mita kaikkea muuta on yritetty. Pitakaapa peukkuja etta tama keino tepsii. :)
Eilen vein Siennan ekaa kertaa kiropraktikolle. Valittaa etta selka on kipea. Noin viikon verran jo. Ainoastaan kun hyppii trampoliinissa. Sienna putosi sangysta keskella yota noin viikko sitten ja en tieda seko on selan satuttanut. Sienna oli tosi mainio kiropraktikolla. Tosi kiltisti pikku ujostelun jalkeen teki kaiken mita piti. Taisi tykata kiropraktikolla kaynnista silla jo tanaan kyseli etta milloin paasee uudelleen.
Tanaan luin viimeisen Twilight kirjan loppuun. Siis voi etta on kuin mulle kirjoitetut kirjat. Tykkaan niin alysti etta. Ah! Mutta nyt on taas aikaa muuhunkin kun ei ole kirja vaan kadessa "koko ajan". :) Kauheesti olisikin tekemista ennenkuin sisko + perhe tulee meille. Viisi paivaa enaa! Ihanaa! Y

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

{me lovey}

leaf chapel - klein-dytham (dot) com
cecilia lundgren
yngve ekstrom (vintage)
jonas lyndby

trendsnow (dot) net
Saved the best for last. Me LOVEY this modern beach house.
If I remember right, I found these all via crib candy.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful! I swiped this from Talia's blog.

8 more sleeps and my sister and her family will be here! Yey! Can't wait!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

{three letters}

(image via google image search)
My dear Heavenly Father,
I love You. Sometimes I miss You more than words can describe. I'm so grateful for all the million blessings You have blessed me with. Most of all that You led my way to Thee in this life. That I know how I can find You while here on earth on my own. I thank You for all the help and support You have given me here. For all the many times You have comforted me when I have been down. For Your protection over me and Your loving care.
I am so sorry that I let You down at times. Too often. That I don't always live up to all my potential and the knowledge You have given me. I am trying even though at times it must look like I'm not. I'm so thankful for Your mercy, long suffering and kindness. For always given me a second chance. Always. When I seem to deserve it the least, that is when You especially shower me with Your love. I so appreciate it.
I hope that I can fulfill my mission on earth and do all those things You sent me here to do. I hope I won't let You down. I'm sorry when I don't listen to You as I should. I KNOW You know better than I do. I know. Why do I still insist so often to go my own way? I know if I listened and followed You more, I would be safer and happier. I will try to trust You more and let go of my stubborness.
I love You so much! I can't wait to see You again and to give you the biggest hug ever.
Your daughter
and Princess
My dear Jay,
we waited so long to have children. How happy I am that you can finally shine as a father. You are the best daddy in the world! Sienna absolutely adores you. It gives me so much joy to see how much she loves her daddy. The little everyday things that you do with her are some of the most precious moments of my life. And I know Sienna will have so many wonderful memories of her and her daddy. Her joy is so real when you come home every day.
I just wanted you to know that I think you are an awesome father and I appreciate all that you do for our family. We would be lost without your quiet strength and your love for us.
I love you.
Sienna and I both adore you so very much.
Dear Dad,
how I wish things would have turned out differently when I was little. It would have been great to have you as part of my life when I was growing up. I missed you even when I didn't realize that it was you who I missed.
I love you. I am grateful for the times we have had together. I wish there would be more of it. Now I live so far away. I look forward to the time when time and distance doesn't matter anymore. I know we will make up any loss we have had in this life then.
I do feel a special bond to you. I'm quite sure I got my math skills from you, not from mom. :) I hate it too when someone passes me when I'm driving and feel an urge to go pass them back. :) And I can't believe we both collect stamps. And I am definately a dreamer like you.
You hang in there. It'll all be alright in the end.
I love you!
Your daughter s-m
(It's Father's Day today here in Canada)

Monday, June 15, 2009

{sigh of relief!!!}

CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Guess who will be traveling to Ottawa at the end of summer? I just found out that in order to renew my Finnish passport when it expires, I have to personally go to the Finnish Embassy in Ottawa! I have always been able to do this by mail so this came as a total surprise. Fun surprise I guess. Didn't have a clue I'm traveling to Ottawa soon. :) I'm hoping we can make it a family vacation. Might as well. No use just me going there for a day. It'll be an expensive passport, that's for sure. :) Ottawa is almost 3000 kilometres away from us!!
So, I've been bugging Jay to make sure he gets his passport renewed on time. He got that done and I was like "we're all set for our trip". All I could think of was passports, right. Well, then I just happened to go through some files and came upon my Permanent Resident card (which means I can permanently live in Canada even though I'm not Canadian = travel in and out of Canada). My card had just expired!!!!! Panic set in. Do I need it to travel? Of course it was the weekend and I couldn't find out right away. I quickly started the application process to renew my card.
I spent this morning on the phone (you know how it takes forever on the phone when a government agency is involved) and all is well. I have the document I need to get back to Canada. Sigh of relief!!!! My sister would have killed me if we couldn't do our planned trip. She would have! :)
Who remembers to think of anything else but passports when traveling? I have got to get more organized though about these kind of things. I can't let things expire. It had barely expired BUT STILL!
And guess what else? Starting THIS MONTH, everyone needs a passport to go to the States. Including babies!! Cheez! Thank goodness we realized this too (thanks Talia!!!). Busy getting Sienna's passport now too. I guess you HAVE TO watch the daily news so you don't miss out on important information like this. We just kept assuming that she won't need one because that's how it's always been. Man, you gotta be so vigilant nowadays! Beware! :)
Other than that:
*We finally got to set up the trampoline. Sienna's leg seems all better. Fun, fun, fun! Sienna was out there jumping again this morning at 7.40am. :)
*It's been hot. Too hot to sleep. Time to bring out the air conditioner.
*Sienna fell off the bed while sleeping Saturday night. Poor thing. We always put something on the edge of the bed to prevent this but I guess she was sleeping mighty restlessly.
*Time to go see the doctor. My cough has turned into bronchitis. I always know that's the case when I throw up when I cough (that's what I was doing last night). And I thought my cough was finally getting better...
:( Yesterday it turned worse again. I can NEVER get through a cough without it also going in my lungs. They should just give me a repeat prescription. Cheez!
*Saw some movies this weekend but nothing to rave about.

{thinking of you}

Miljoona synttarihalia Suvi! Y
Niin se aika vierahtaa.
Love you LOTS! Y

Friday, June 12, 2009

{carrot cake}

1 CUP (2.5 DL) OIL
Mix all the ingredients together in a big bowl. Put in 9" x 13" buttered baking pan. Bake in 325F (160C) oven for an hour.
4 CUPS (I LITRE) ICING SUGAR (what?!! that much?!!!!!)
Mix all ingredients together. Spread on carrot cake (once it has cooled off of course).
I don't use icing. I like my cake as is. I'm also lazy and I buy an already shredded carrot bag from Sobeys (8 oz/227g). Perfect size for this cake and I don't kill my fingers trying to shred carrots. :)
This is one of my favorite recipes. I got it from my friend Connie who is a master baker and always has yummy stuff to eat in her house. Sienna and I made it the other night when we couldn't sleep. I need to find a wheat free version of it for Sienna. I wonder if you could just substitute wheat flour with barley for instance. ?? It would be nice if Sienna was able to eat it too (not just little bits). I just had some "for lunch". It's got eggs, wheat, walnuts & carrots. That means it's healthy. :) *roll eyes*
Today's been a good day otherwise too:
*Back to normal energy after the too-long-of-a-nap ruined our day/night rhythm thing.
*Painless blood test - yeah baby, yeah baby! :)
*Sienna waited for over an hour so patiently. She was coloring her new Butterfly Fairies coloring book.
*Some fun stuff in the latest Metropolitan Home magazine.
*I was able to help my aunt with something. Feels good when you can help someone. Her grandson Elijah played with Sienna while I helped her. They played so nicely together.
*Sienna got a fun toy in her Kinder egg. I just might make that a Friday tradition. Gotta love Kinder eggs. :)
*Balloon fun in the back yard with Sienna. (oy oy oy the humidity though, i could barely breath!)
*Simply Red's song lyricks "she was so beautiful... but oh so boring" (totally unexpected words :)) and "now when this kiss is over we'll start all over again". Sometimes it's the tiny things in life that bring so much brightness into your life. :) Scroll to the bottom to find these songs on my Playlist.
*Really enjoyed moon ko's layout today. :) (as always I should say)
*It's Friday. Looking forward to relaxing with Jay eating chicken quesadillas and watching a movie or something. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

{so you think you can dance, season 5}

I LOVE this show! Season 5 started great. There were many performances that I really loved. This guy, Phillip, is awesome! I'm going to keep my eyes on him. I hope he can master other dance styles too. He's amazing at what he does. This routine choreographed by Napoleon & Tabitha was one of my favorites.
And the picture is Benji Schwimmer (past winner of SYTYCD). He's still one of my all time favorites. He posted this picture on Facebook and I love it.
If you're not watching this show, you're so missing out!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Eilen leikkipuistossa ihailin taas naita Intialaisia sikh pappoja. Heita kappailee aina jossain ja minusta ovat niin ihania. Talla kertaa nailla oli treffit toistensa kanssa leikkipuistossa. Rupatteluhetki. Katselin leikkipuiston vakea ja huomasin etta kovin Kanadalainen ihmisjoukko siella oli taas: loytyi valkoista, mustaa, lahi-idan muslimeja, intialaisia... Aasialaiset taisi olla ainoat talla kertaa jotka puuttuivat.
Arvatkaapa ketka juuri nukkuivat KAHDEN JA PUOLEN TUNNIN paivaunet?!!!!! Kaak! Sienna oli tosi kankkarankka ja vasy kun kylvetin (itkua vaan). Ajattelin etta jos tanaan sitten PIKKU paivaunet. Menin nukuttamaan ja itsekin nukahdin viereen. Kun herattiin en meinannut uskoa silmiani kun katsoin kelloon. Voi kamala. Olin itsekin tosi vasy silla eras ystava tuli eilen meille yoksi ja han ja Jay kavivat leffassa myohaan. Jay raukka sai vaan viiden tunnin unet. Mina sentaan kuudet mutta huonosti nukutut silla idiootti soin vesimeloonia ja banskua liian myohaan illalla. Tarpeeksi sokerista kai etta huonot unet tuli. Mutta karsee olo etta tuli nukuttua noin pitkaan. Sienna ei varmaan nyt mene nukkumaan illalla kuin vasta noin 11:sta. Kovin aurinkoinen on tytto nyt kuitenkin. Siennallakin ollut pikku yskaa viela joten kai nuo unet oli tarpeen. Mutta KAKSI JA PUOLI TUNTIA!!! En vielakaan voi uskoa todeksi. Joku kavi muuttamassa kellot eteenpain kun nukuttiin. Kavihan? :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

{this & that as usual}

So - my sister wanted to see a picture of me after I got my hair done. Sienna took this picture of me! Sorry about the annoying flower on my lip but the huge healing cold sore under it is even more annoying. :)
I had to find a new hair stylist as my previous one decided to become a stay-at-home-mom. Can't blame her but I hate trying to find a good new hair stylist.
I don't like this result 100%. It's okay but I really don't like the wide lowlights & highlights in the front. I like a more blended, natural look. The color isn't quite as nice as I had previously either. I'd like it more goldeny (I hope that's a word :)). I'm trying to decide if I'm courageous enough to ask her to redo the front atleast. I think I can put up with it until my other sister gets here. She can fix it for me. She did my hair last time she was here too.
Got some good news: the hair stylist said I have lots of new undergrowth in my hair. Yey! The thyroid medication I've been on for awhile has started to work. Maybe I'll get my nice thick hair back. :)

Guess who? :)
Sienna used my lightbox again. Cute!
Then I thought I'd share one more of my books again. Stacy Julian's The Big Picture. Stacy is a fun scrapbooker and such a fun person! I like seeing her scrapbooking stuff so I can read about her life. :) She got a Vespa for her 40th birthday. Lucky girl. :) She runs, she dances disco while doing dishes... :) Her scrapbooking style is not exactly my style but I get lots of great ideas from her.
Love this layout!

She shares how to make a fun tag booklet about various aspects of your life. I like little scrapbooking projects like this. Fun & quick to make.
She shares her thoughts/philosophies about various themes.
Definately a fun book!
Guess who just WROTE HER NAME!!!!!! I can't believe Sienna can write her name.
Now I'll go and add a Twilight postcard to my Energy Journal. Yeah! :)
And I think I'll add that picture of me and my incredible hunk Jay while on our missions. It'll remind me of TRUE LOVE & fun mission memories.
Good plan. :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

{if not this tree, then atleast the HUGE ones in Redwood, I hope}

Japanese garden in Portland, Oregon.
(image via google image search)
I was looking for things to do on our summer trip (we're driving down the west coast, hopefully all the way to Redwood National Park in Northern California) and fell in love with the Japanese garden in Portland. I wrote it down on my list of "things to do on our vacation". Jay saw it and said we won't be stopping in Portland but will stay on the coast only. Bummer. I got all excited about this garden. Next time. I look forward to other things though: The Tillacum Indian village on an island in Seattle, "tobogganing" sand dunes in Oregon, Canon Beach, the Redwood National Park (the HUGE ancient trees)... And of course all the beach scenary. I can hardly wait!! And I can hardly wait for my sister and her family to get here. So exciting that they are coming again this summer. What a treat for me who lives so far away from my family.
So I was wondering if anyone knows of any "must sees" along the west coast, on Highway 101. Please let me know. I'd hate to miss something.
*a meeting at church to organize an upcoming Relief Society party
*Costco (got Cold FX, we'll see if it'll give me a nice boost for my immune system, I'm hopeful)
* dusted 36 old childrens' books which we got from Sienna's uncle's family (not the best thing to do for someone with a major dust allergy, now I'm itching like crazy, but oh so exciting to get "new" books)
*an hour and a half of back breaking yard work, patio stones look great free of weeds (we'll see if I'll be able to move tomorrow :))

Saturday, June 6, 2009

{energy journal}

So here's my version of Heidi's Energy Journal. It is so not finished yet. But atleast you'll get an idea what it is. You basically put anything in here that gives you energy and reminds you what makes you happy (happiness = energy). Then you can flip through it when you're having low energy/a tough day.
The album lies flat and opens up on both sides. I'll show you the left side first.
First there's this mirror that reminds me I am fabulous. :) And that's me in my fabulous bathrobe this morning. :)

Next thing is this birdie flap. I'm going to put quotes here about using your money wisely and being provident in your living. Nothing zaps out your energy like money problems. If you're in debt, you're not happy. When you have money in the bank and live within your means, you feel at peace. Words like "SIMPLIFY" will go here. Also quotes about what is important in life.
On the back is a quote we got from Heidi.
Next is this YOU transparency with stickers that remind me of important things.
Then I added this picture that reminds me that nature gives me energy. I will add a cute nature quote on this picture eventually.
Next is this pocket that holds anything funny & humorous. Comic clippings etc. They will be attached to that eyelet and can be pulled out to view them.
On the back I put these as next will be pictures of loved ones.
There's a Y you transparency first and underneath you add pictures of people you love. I only have this one picture so far because I had it handy.
I added some bling to the picture. :)
The right side has this dial and you can change the date by turning the bling.
There are extra scrapbook pages cut in fun shapes on which you can add quotes and journaling. You can sand the edges of your paper to make it look nice. I haven't done that yet.
I'm going to add quotes about health & well-being. Scriptures that uplift and edify. Etc. Etc.

Heidi's signature and the stuff I added remind me to take breaks and do something fun - just for me. Something out of the ordinary to break the routine of life. You can't give from an empty bucket. You gotta get your bucket filled every once in awhile.
Little notepads for journaling.

Some more notepaper to write down things that happen that you always want to remember.
There you have it. :) Go make your own. It doesn't have to look like this. Be creative. It could even just be a shoe box where you put your precious things. Just make sure you decorate it cute. Cuteness gives you energy. :)