Monday, June 8, 2009

{if not this tree, then atleast the HUGE ones in Redwood, I hope}

Japanese garden in Portland, Oregon.
(image via google image search)
I was looking for things to do on our summer trip (we're driving down the west coast, hopefully all the way to Redwood National Park in Northern California) and fell in love with the Japanese garden in Portland. I wrote it down on my list of "things to do on our vacation". Jay saw it and said we won't be stopping in Portland but will stay on the coast only. Bummer. I got all excited about this garden. Next time. I look forward to other things though: The Tillacum Indian village on an island in Seattle, "tobogganing" sand dunes in Oregon, Canon Beach, the Redwood National Park (the HUGE ancient trees)... And of course all the beach scenary. I can hardly wait!! And I can hardly wait for my sister and her family to get here. So exciting that they are coming again this summer. What a treat for me who lives so far away from my family.
So I was wondering if anyone knows of any "must sees" along the west coast, on Highway 101. Please let me know. I'd hate to miss something.
*a meeting at church to organize an upcoming Relief Society party
*Costco (got Cold FX, we'll see if it'll give me a nice boost for my immune system, I'm hopeful)
* dusted 36 old childrens' books which we got from Sienna's uncle's family (not the best thing to do for someone with a major dust allergy, now I'm itching like crazy, but oh so exciting to get "new" books)
*an hour and a half of back breaking yard work, patio stones look great free of weeds (we'll see if I'll be able to move tomorrow :))


  1. Oi, ihanan kuuloinen reissu tulossa teille!

    California redwoods on todella upea, varmasti aivan uskomaton kokemus sulle kun rakastat puita niin kovin.
    Musta se koko 101 on mahtava. Me pysahdyttiin vahan siella sun taalla ilman mitaan suuria suunnitelmia, suosittelisin etta varaatte aikaa paljon ajamiseen jotta voitte yks kaks pysahtya rannoille yms.
    Cannon beach on must see.

    Mulla on 1000 places to see before you die, US & Canada ja siina on tosi kivoja vinkkeja tuolle road tripille.

    Ihanaa matkaa! Milloin olette tulossa?

  2. saara: Jay on matkustanut tuota reittia paljon lapsena. Ihana vaan paasta upean meren lahelle. Odotan innolla. Silleen juuri ajattelin ettei vaan kauheeta vauhtia ajeta lapi vaan etta juuri saa pysahtya silloin kun haluaa ja nauttia reissusta. Kiitti kirja vinkista. Mietinkin etta onkohan jotain tuollaista kirjaa olemassa. Voi olla etta Highway 101:sta on ihan oma kirjakin. Pitaa kayda tsekkaamassa. Me lahdetaan ens kuun alkupuolella reissuun.

  3. We are wanting to do the same thing this summer.....I think we might only make it is far as Seattle though because I have found hotels are expensive in California.....where are you guys staying? Found any good deals?

    Leah :)

  4. leah: We are still planning where we are staying. Not sure yet. I'll let you know if we find any good deals. Gotta love summer. :)


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