Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"zii-koon" energia juttuja

Mother's Day is coming soon... These pictures are from my very first Mother's Day in May 2006. What a happy day! I had waited for this for so long.
If you're wondering why all these old pictures here on the blog lately, well, I have been using them for my scrapbooking project. I'm sure I'll be posting lots more of these "oldies".
Took Sienna to see Doctor So today. He is a chinese chiropractor who I used to work for. He does energy work (I can't remember for the life of me how to spell the name of it) and can tell people's allergies without having to poke with needles. Sienna kept getting more allergy symtomps even though we haven't given her any wheat. Turns out she is also allergic to corn and brewer's yeast. Doctor So advised me to give lots of these vegetables to Sienna: cabbage, bok choy, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip, brussels sprout and kale. I guess they have indole-3 carbinol which cleans the liver and helps food allergies in other ways too. He also said to give her lots of potatoes, pineapple & papaya as well. Pineapple and papaya have enzymes that help break food. I guess when you have food allergies your body doesn't break the foods very well. Now I also remember how I can test any suspected foods myself. It's so easy. Anyone can do it. And it really works!!!!! I know because when I strated working for Doctor So I had just had regular allergy tests done and then he tested me (I didn't tell him I knew what my allergies were) and listed all the same allergies they had told me previously. If you are testing a child, you just hold your hand somewhere on the child (I had my hand on Sienna's shoulder), then you keep your arm straight and someone else puts the suspected food (or other allergy item) on the child (Doctor So put it on Sienna's other shoulder) and at the same time tries to lower your arm with the other hand. If the child is not allergic to that food, you will be able to resist the pushing down on your arm. If the child is allergic, then your arm will involuntarily drop down. The more it drops down, the more severe the allergy. This way you can test if any substance you use is bad for you. Try it with white sugar. Without exception, everyone shows a bad reaction to sugar. It's just not healthy for us. If you test an adult you just place the food on that person (near heart) and test their arm. I know this sounds "coocoo" but it really works. I really believe in this energy stuff because I have seen it work so well. Doctor So is highly trained in this and can tell other problems in your body by testing you in various ways. I even took a one day course with him while I worked with him and it was soooooo interesting to see all the things you can do with this energy stuff. Anyways, I think I mentioned all this before but I just wanted to again in case someone reads this who might be interested in it. (Suomeksi tata energia juttua lausutaan "zii-koon".)
Voi etta mun pitaisi jaksaa aina kirjoittaa suomeksi myos mutta kun tuntuu etten jaksa selittaa aina kaikkea kahdesti. Kunhan scrapbooking kiireet hellittavat niin sitten on taas enemman aikaa ja karsivallisyytta. Pitaa jotenkin pitaa tata mun suomenkielta ylla edes. Josta tuli mieleen... Oonpa onskuna silla mun vanhempi sisko tulee meille kesalla tyttonsa ja miehensa kanssa. Ihana etta edes joku minunkin perheesta vihdoinkin nakee Siennan ja Sienna nakee heidat. Odotan kovin innolla!


  1. Oi, ihana nyytti...
    Ja ihan suloisen itsensä näköinen jo tuolloin...

    Ihanaa , että saitte Siennan noin pienenä. Mä aina kommentoin adoptioita jotenkin ja se on melkein aina sammakko. Mutta tämä ihastelu tuskin menee metsään ;)

    Ja kiitos kommenteista mun blogissa. Ja puolukkapuuro on ikean puolukka mehuun :)

    Mä oon älyn kiireinen , että en oikein kerkiä kuin omaa blogia hiukan kometoida. Täällä silti säännöllisesti kurkin.

    Mä tajusin juuri että saattaa mennä tänäänkin ohi idols, mutta huomenna pitää katsoa miten tällä viikolla käy.

  2. Voi miten ihanaa kun saatte sukulaisia kylään!!

  3. Toivottavasti pian jokin hoitomuoto auttaa. On niin kurjaa kun lapsella on paha olla jollain lailla ja nuo ruoka-aineallergiat on niin aly hankalia. Peukkuja pidamme!

    Tosi kivaa, etta saatte vieraita!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! :)