Sunday, December 14, 2008


"Mommy, take a picture of me and the twins."
Sienna found an Easter basket that had shredded paper in it. The mess was secondary to the fun we had.

Sienna's new knitted dress. From the Gap. Me lovey both the dress and the girl.
I'm not sure if I dare say it - I haven't got the stomach flu yet! I'm so scared to say that out loud. Now I'm sure I'll get it.

We went from -3C to -30C in a day!! Needless to say we are all freezing.
Taalta voi kayda kuuntelemassa vahan Club for Fivea:


  1. Suloisia kuvia taas, as usually, kun kuvattavana on Sienna :).
    Kauhean kylma teilla, hui! Lampoisia rutistuksia taalta kaikille!

  2. i love the dress too! really cute!


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