Friday, December 5, 2008

{noel, noel}

My sister Suvi named her baby boy Noel and now I keep seeing NOEL everywhere. :) Suvi, sun pitaa alkaa keraamaan kaikkea NOEL juttua Noelille. :)

Love the butterflies. I was thinking that you could easily make butterflies with scrapbook paper. Glue two different kinds together and cut a butterfly shape out. Cu-u-ute! I wish we had Pottery Barn here. And Target. And... Akateeminen kirjakauppa. Ja Stockmann. Ja Aarikka. Ja Pentik. Ja........ :)
My stomach keeps nipping and nipping. It feels like a time bomb is about to go off. I have no energy but at least I got some cookies made for Sienna. She's watching My Friend Rabbit and enjoying her cookie. I have nothing good to read so I'm in front of the computer. Either you guys are very lucky to have multiple postings or you're getting sick of me by now. :)

1 comment:

  1. Meidan tyttonen melkein sai etunimekseen Noélia. ;)

    Terveisia !


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