Tuesday, February 24, 2009


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Personalized pop art style paintings.
Yey, I'm starting to get better. I'm coughing much less already. There is light at the end of this long, long tunnel. :)
I started to read the Work & the Glory book series for the second time. There are 13 books in all (if I remember right), I'm reading #2 right now. These books are historic novels about our church's history. It's been long enough since I read them last so most of the books are "new" to me. :) Some good things about bad memory. Can read books again. :) It's funny how wrapped up I get in this imaginary Steed family's happenings. There's movies made about the books too but I always like the books better.
I can't believe I got suckered into watching the Bachelor again. What a stupid show! "Ladies, this is the final rose." If I hear that one more time, I'm going to scream. How stupid do they think those ladies (or the viewers) are? Do they think they can't count? Then they say "Coming up..." million times and waste time showing what's coming up. They also waste time showing what's been happening. As if we haven't seen it million times already. I also can't stand watching all the making out. I really can't. I can't believe what people will do in front of cameras. Or how desparate they are to win someone's approval. Thank goodness I can record the show and fast forward those parts. It's not like I'd stand and watch people making out in real life. What makes it ok when it's on tv? To me, that stuff is personal and should be between two people, not the whole world.
So, why on earth do I ever watch the show? I love to see relationship stuff. But there's just not enough of real stuff going on to keep me watching. I also like to comment how silly some people are. "I can't believe she just did that..." kinda stuff.
One more episode to watch and then I'm done with this stupid show.
Survivor on the other hand still keeps me watching. After all these years. No one is making out in a hot tub. :D
ps. If anyone happens to be interested in the really well written historic novels I mentioned, they can be found here:
Gerald Lund is an awesome author. I think even people who are not members of our church would enjoy these books. Romance, action, you learn about USA in the 1800's... And if you're even a bit curious about the LDS church then this is a fun way to learn of it's history.


  1. Hienoa että voit paremmin. Mulla on poskiontelon tulehdus ja sain juuri antibiootit, eli eiköhän kohta tunnu paremmalta täälläkin.

    Hih, täytyy myöntää että minäkin oon jäänyt tänä vuonna koukkuun The Bachelor -sarjaan. Ihan samat asiat ärsyttävät!! Mutta pakko katsoa loppuun...

  2. riikka: Paranemisia sullekin. Joo, onneksi voin sanoa etten sentaan ole kaikkia noita sarjoja katsonut. Joskus Bachelor arsytti jo heti alusta alkaen ja skippasin. Mutta Jason tuntui kivalta ja koukkuun jain itsekin.

  3. Minäkin olen toisinaan ollut erittäin koukussa The Bachelor-sarjaan. Nyt on kyllä jäänyt vähemmälle... Mutta kuvitelkaapa millaista oli katsoa kyseistä sarjaa suomeksi ja Suomesta... Ei oikein toiminut!!! Oli yhtä epämielyttävää katsottavaa kuin Miljonääri Jussi aikoinaan. :)

  4. Juu täälläkin on katsottu Bacheloria. Se on erinomaisen viihdyttävää kun ajan samalla kuntopyörää..

    Survivor on jäänyt nyt näkemättä. Pitänee ottaa selvää vieläkö voi hypätä kyytiin.. vai onko se jo liian pitkällä?

  5. anne: Eihan Suomessa vaan dubata niita aania? Se on minusta karseinta. Italiassa dubbasivat kaiken. Kuulostaa niin fake:lta.

    merja: Ei Survivor viela ole liian pitkalla. Ennatat mukaan.


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