Thursday, February 12, 2009

{to be funny... *sigh*}

Camels are so cute and funny looking. Love them.
Llamas are cute too.

And it's time for a new poll. Let me know what job you'd like the most if you had the skill for it. It could be anything. Vote and then leave a comment and share details about why you'd like that job.

Everyone knows about my desire to be either an artist or a teacher. I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned that I would love to be a comedian if someone would just bestow that funnyness gift for me. I think it would be so awesome to be able to make people laugh. I'd be a Cirque du Soleil clown (they're the best!) or I'd make squeeky clean family comedies that would make you laugh non stop. I'd visit childrens' hospitals and bring laughter for the suffering kids. Man that would be awesome! But unfortunately I can't even tell a joke well enough to make people laugh. Bummer.

Wouldn't it be great to be really good at something?
I really like this painting:
And this:
a painting by ivy jacobsen (see painting #11)
ps. Why can't chocolate pudding be healthy for you. Full of vitamins. It would help you loose weight, not gain it. The more you ate, the healthier you'd get. In my dreams... *sigh*


  1. Sanna Miina! You don't need to tell jokes, you are naturally funny! If I had a dime for everytime you've made me laugh, I'd be rich!! I don't think I knew you wanted to be a teacher! Of course it is a natural talent of yours with all your experience at church!
    I would like to be whatever pays the most money and is the least stressful!

  2. Hih, ma yritin saada tuota author kohtaa klikattua, muttei tainnut onnistua, ei sitten millaan, vaikka tein sen kolme kertaa (kaak!). Se siis vain siina tapauksessa, etta osaisin kirjoittaa.

    Kirahvikin on tosi hassun nakoinen eluke :D.

  3. and morally good, of course!! :)

  4. Tosi kivoja tupsupäitä :) niin söpöjä!

  5. connie: You're too generous but thanks. :)

    stina: Joo minustakin olisi upeeta olla kirjailija. Taisi se aanestys onnistua kun on kirjailijassa jo aania.

    eija: Niin on. Kiitos kommenteista.

  6. Aku Ankka -lehdessä näkyi joskus laamoja ja aina ne sylkäisivät Roopen tai Akun naamalle! :D

    Ystävänpäivähalit wanna-be authorilta ;D Chef ei ollut ihan kondiittori, joten valitsin toisen. Ja nyt just hoksasin, että olisin voinut valita muun ja lisätä sen kondiittorin... Toinen kuppi aamukahvia, niin jospa se tästä vielä ;D


Thank you for taking the time to comment! :)