Taking a break from the summer vacation report to talk about something really important - Canada's Next Top Model tv show. :) Yes, I watch this show. So sue me. :)I can't believe they chose Meaghan to be the winner. Linsay (above) totally kicked her butt.
Who loves Jay Manuel and his perfect look? I do. :) I could never ever for example date a guy that looked like this but I can appreciate his efforts in looking "perfect". I'd hate to be in the fashion industry myself. The pressure to always look perfect and to be fashionable. I'd go nuts. To me it seems like such a shallow world too. Me, me, me. Look at me. Yet I still enjoy watching Top Model at times. Go figure it out. :) I do have to record the show so I can skip the drama between the girls. I only like the creative part of the show. It has always interested me how people can look so different when their hair & makeup is done.I don't know if Jay wrote those notes to the girls himself but I loved the font/handwriting in the notes. I have got to find a computer font like that!
I'm having a hard time finding any motivation to clean the house. It's +28C and it's supposed to be atleast that warm for a while now. Who wants to clean when it's that hot? Not me. I do find other excuses all the time too. Sad to admit. :)Sitten voisin valittaa eraasta aiheesta. Nimittain omasta naamalarvista. :) Tiedan etta olen usein tosi vasyn nakoinen. Mun energia ei ole sama kuin muiden. Mutta kun katsoin kesaloma kuvia itsestani niin voi jarkytyksen jarkytys! En muka ole niin karseen nakoinen "luonnossa". Johtuneeko valosta vai mista mutta kuvat jarkytti. Yoks ja plaah. Hyva etta olen 99% ajasta kameran takana, ei sen edessa. Vaikea laittaa mitaan kuvia blogiin esim mutta yritan olla olematta turhamainen ja hampaita kiristellen yritan kestaa kuvia. Mutta janna juttu etta kun katson peiliin niin en muka ole ihan niin karsee sentaan. Hoh.
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