Wednesday, August 27, 2008

{ai kun sulla onkin kiva rannekello}

Ihana kun Sienna tykkaa nykyaan hoitaa vauvojaan kovasti.

Sienna said: "Now I have a watch just like Robin's."
Mommy was happy that it wasn't a permanent watch. :D
Huomatkaa miten sormien valitkin on varitetty kunnolla.
Sienna made art even on a Kleenex. She seemed to think that this was amazing and was so proud of herself. I'm in trouble as I have a hard time not keeping everything she makes. By the time she'll leave our home, she'll have huge boxes full of her art. How do the rest of you decide what to keep and what to let go? This is just a Kleenex but it seems criminal to let it go since she loves it so much. Am I normal not being able to throw these things out?

Sienna asked to finger paint again. It's nice that it's not just her mommy's wish she's into this stuff. She likes to.
By the way, please try to put up with having to see every little art piece Sienna does. I "have to" post everything here. Proud mama you know... Lots more to come, I'm sure.
We do go out all the time too. I just never seem to bring my camera with me when we go. I thought I'd better get some evidence that we do though. :)

Sienna has couple of drums but sometimes you just gotta bang the garbage can, you know. Oh the joy! Bang, bang, bangaty bang!
The look on her face is priceless.
Robin came home from his two week's vacation in Florida last night (3am, late flights) and we went to pick him up from Jay's parents'.
He brought this to Sienna. There are "marker artists" who do this kind of picture calligraphy for people. I saw them in Los Angeles. Not really my kind of thing but it was nice of him to think of Sienna and bring her stuff. Don't have a clue where I'm going to put this. I haven't even framed the picture Jay brought Sienna awhile back.
Robin had fun in Florida. They went to NASA, Universal Studios, Disneyworld, dinner theatres and who knows where else. They had time to do tons of stuff.
He bought himself lots of stuff: a jean jacket, a cd player (he always wrecks stuff so he has to keep replacing things), a watch (diddo), tons of t-shirts and caps, dvd's, magazines of alligators & Indiana Jones...
He also came home with a nasty cold.
He missed us. He called us the other night and said with such emotion "I miss you guys". It was sweet. I guess I kind of missed him too but the break was nice too.
I noticed he put on some weight on his holiday. He must have eaten tons of junk food (plus they ate at buffets too). Oh well, he had a good time. He had been so good saving his money for this trip, he deserved to indulge himself a bit.
Gramma's souvenier for Sienna. Cute little bag with candy in it. She got an outfit too and I guess some other stuff will be coming on her birthday. I have GOT TO learn to get rid of stuff as new stuff comes in or we'll drown on stuff one of these days.
Vahan liikaakin aina kaikkea mutta onhan uudet jutut aina kivaa vaihtelua pikkuselle. Pitaa vaan todellakin aina osata antaa pois vanhoja juttuja. On lapsia joilla ei ole paljoa ja sellaiseen paikkaan vaan lahjoituksia aina.


  1. about your question about keeping all of sienna's art work, someone once suggested that you just take pictures of it and then you can throw it away. ben had this hot air balloon that he made in school that was too big and awkward to put in a rubber maid container or box or to take with us when we moved so we took a picture.
    i wish you had a way of just highlighting what you write in finnish and then just like the way you change a font, you could change finnish to english and vice verse!!! i'd loooove to read what you wrote in "too much info I'm sure"!!

  2. connie: That's a great idea about the saving art thing. I'm sure eventually I just have to let go of some things. I was thinking of doing the previous posting in English too. It's always a dilemma to me which language to use. Some things seem to come more naturally in Finnish, others in English. I'll do the 100 just for you Connie. :)


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