That's it! I think I'm going to become an online shopper! I'm tired of running all over the mall with Sienna. It's not fun for her to be shopping (when you're actually trying to find stuff, not just browsing for fun) and it's definately not fun for me. Today I went to try to find cute rain boots for Sienna at West Edmonton Mall (which still is one of the biggest malls in the world or atleast around here). The noise drove me nuts. Loud music everywhere, often various music from various stores mixed together. Not that "enjoy shopping" kind of music that actually makes you want to hang out at the mall. Instead, annoying "thump, thump - I wanna give you a headache" type music. I must have been in 20 shops and no luck finding cute rain boots or fall shoes for her (I did find a cute dress for her for $10 on sale at least). I came home and started browsing online. Bingo!! How much more fun shopping is this way. Choose the style, pick the size, click, click. Done! Much more relaxing. No waiting in line. No need to chit chat with sales people. I think I finally figured it out. Shop online you idiot! :D (I do think I am a bit of an idiot that I haven't figured it out before. Duh! :D) The only problems I can see is that you might have to return something if it doesn't fit properly or something might not be in stock right away. Well, the stores seemed half empty as well and this way I don't have to cram into a small fitting room to try on the clothes. I can do it at home. My sanity is saved. Horray! :D
Oho, oltiin samaan aikaan koneella - kävin heti kun heräsin tsekkaamassa sun blogin ja toi edellinen viesti oli sillon vaan :)
ReplyDeleteNettishoppailu on musta melkein parasta, en todellakaan jaksa juosta kaupoissa, saati sitten jonotella sovituskoppeihin :/ Aina voi palauttaa/vaihtaa jos ei miellytä. Ja jos ison paketin tilaa, ei ne postikulutkaan sillon tunnu niin pahasti :) Ihana toi takki!!!!!
Sama täällä... olosuhteiden pakosta, Kalliovuorilla asuessa, oli lähes pakko turvautua nettikauppoihin, ja olen huomannut että sen avulla myös säästää rahaa... ale-korien houkutukset, joita ei oikeasti tarvitse, on jotenkin helpompi kiertää kun ei ole sitä "hypistelyä" ollenkaan...
ReplyDeleteGap-fani täälläkin!! Ja myös intohimoinen online-shoppaaja! Meilläpäin on niin vähän ostosmahdollisuuksia joten se on myös käytännön pakko. Sikäli mikäli shoppailua voi pakoksi sanoa... ;)