Saturday, September 12, 2009

{ai kun ihanaa}

can't sleep. it's 5am. i kept waking up all the time and finally decided to get up. stop tossing and turning in bed. the reason for my insomnia? i'm sunburned and my skin itches and burns. well, it's not an actual sunburn but it sure feels like it. i have strep throat with scarlatina skin rash (scarlet fever). i've been sick for two days and yesterday afternoon my face, neck and upper chest went bright red all of a sudden. the doctor took a swap of my throat and said this is what it is most likely. lucky me. just like a true sun burn, my skin itches and itches and makes it hard to sleep. i just read on the internet that it'll take 7-10 days for the rash to get better and then it'll take 1-2 weeks for the skin to peel. oh the joy. :(
i'm so hoping that no one else will get sick but how on earth do you avoid it in your own family? jay has actually had scarlet fever when he was little. he shouldn't get it again. but i'm sure he can still get strep throat and we gotta keep him healthy somehow so that he can keep studying and going to school.
i'm really bummed about this too because sienna was supposed to start playschool yesterday but obviously i couldn't take her. i won't either until i get better so that she won't bring this illness to the other kids. but if sienna gets sick with this too it'll be quite a while until she'll be able to go. :(
such is life.
at least my energy is back a bit. the first day i was useless.
i've been reading some since all i've been able to do is lie down.
the above book was great! really enjoyed it.
my friend couldn't have lent some books for me at a better time. i'd go nuts if i didn't have something to read. it's the only thing i can usually do when i'm sick. at least i had bit of energy yesterday to play with sienna. the poor girl was all on her own for entertainment on thursday.
this was in english again. there are some things that are easier for me to explain in english.


  1. Pikaista paramista sinulle ja pidän peukkuja ,että muut eivät sairastuisi.
    Kivoja kuvia olit taas laitellut.Laiska kommentoija taas ilmottautuu

  2. Kaunis blogi sinulla :) Pikaista paranemista, toivottavasti pieni paasee pian kavereita tapaamaan!

  3. mirva: kiitti kommentistasi ja paranemistoivotuksista.

    karoliina: ja sinulla kiva blogi istanbulista. kavin nopeasti vaan tsekkaamassa. ei ole energiaa viela istua koneella kuin ihan lyhyesti. tulen lueskelemaan kunhan ennatan. kiitos kommentista!

  4. i hope you are feeling better really really soon!

  5. So sorry that you are sick, I hope you start to feel better soon. Thank goodness reading helps! Good books are a great comfort.

  6. connie: getting better. just need to get this itching to stop....

    kay: thanks. i should ask you what your favorite books are. i only know gerald lund from the lds novels. maybe you know other ones that would be good.


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