Monday, January 4, 2010

{california vacation, day 3, legoland}

DAY 3 - december 22nd
happy birthday to me!
in all honesty, i kept forgetting it was my birthday. i was just so excited to be on a vacation. :)
our resort was right next to legoland so we walked there.
so many fun rides.
so many amazing things built with legos.
fun cacti. beautiful flowers.
fun, fun, fun.
the only bad thing was that legoland's height restrictions were silly. sienna was one inch (!) too short for many of the rides. talk about discriminating short people! :) no, seriously, it was really silly that she couldn't go in their version of the teacup ride for example. thank goodness there were still many rides she could go on.
we spent the whole day in legoland, yet we didn't get to enjoy everything there is to enjoy. big place. definately worth a visit if you have kids. i really enjoy the place too. it's so fun to see the million things made with lego.
in the evening we went to outback steakhouse for supper and then shopped at target.
everyone surprised me with a cake and icecream at our hotel afterwards. i seriously had forgotten once again that it was my birthday so it totally surprised me. :)
as you can tell from this posting, i took tons of pictures on our vacation. approximately 1300! it's so easy as my camera fits in my hand. you just snap as you go. believe it or not, this is only a sampling of everything we saw.

tama muistutti mua tv ohjelmasta jossa kasvit hyokkasi ihmisten kimppuun. :D

always excited to see anything concerning twilight. :D

vartija ryokale nukahti vahdissa :D

some cutie got his face painted

you could make these guys spray water

makee puun runko

sienna tykkasi tosi paljon tasta norsusta joka ruiskutti vetta. seka tuosta linnusta.

hauskoja karikatyyreja olisi saanut piirratettya monta kertaa. me ei maltettu istua malleiksi.
iso alue jossa on vaikka mita rakennuksia sun muuta. olivat "piilottaneet" joulupukkeja sinne tanne.
they had "hidden" tons of santas all over the buildings and scenaries.


click the picture bigger and find the santa :)

oh no!!!! :D

go santa, go! :)


  1. Ihania kuvia!
    Nyt kyllä harmittaa kun jätimme Legolandin väliin Kalifornian reissullamme jokunen vuosi sitten.

    Oikein hyvää uutta vuotta 2010!

  2. Our family loved Legoland! We went on January 1st a few years ago and the place was almost empty! If you can ever go back at that time of year, that is the day to go. We were able to do every ride, some more than once! Thanks for posting such great pictures. It appears they change up their Lego displays every year... which is great!

    BTW, what kind of hand held camera do you have? It takes great pictures.

  3. suzhouren: mun toka kerta siella ja tykkasin ihan yhta paljon kuin ekalla kertaa. on se kiva paikka. seuraavalla kerralla sitten... legolandeja on muuten muuallakin kuin tuolla. euroopastakin loytyy.

    chrys.: same with disneyland. the best time is to go when no one else does. like when school is on down there. no such luck this time but we still had fun. my camera is panasonic dmc-zs3, lumix. it's tiny and i like the pictures too. it takes videos too. handy when you travel and i guess i'm just not a big camera person.

    clarissa: on se. hauskaa etta on moisia satumaisia paikkoja olemassa.

  4. Teidän reissu kyllä kuulostaa aivan ihanalta, vaikka perille päästy taisi olla hieman haasteellinen ;)

    En ole koskaan käynyt missään legolandissa ja nyt kyllä tekisi mieli! Alemman jutun pensaista tehdyt paketit voisin kopioda meidän pihaan seuraavaksi lumettomaksi jouluksi. Tosin jotain pensasta täytyisi sitä ennen alkaa leikkaamaan laatikon muotoon.

    Ja Synttäri-Onnea-Onnea näin jälkikäteen!

  5. A Lego Las Vegas strip even?! So cool! Happy 21st Birthday! :)

  6. nanna: kiitti. lomailu on aina niin mukavaa. oliko se nyt tanskassakin on legoland. eiko legot olekin tanskasta kotoisin? jos muistan oikein. lumesta voisi myos tehda paketteja ja ne sit koristella nauhoilla. heh heh. meilla ainakin moiset puskat visusti lumen peitossa. :)

    amy: it's unbelievable what they do with those legos. i'll admit i'm 24. ;)

  7. Myöhästyneet synttärionnittelut, joulukuun lapsia ollaan! Ihania kuvia, mainiot nuo Friscon talot ja laituri :)

  8. Hei!
    Tarkoitat varmaan siinä yhdessä valokuvassa tv-sarjaa Triffidien kapina, jossa oli niitä lihansyöjäkasveja, huh :)
    Toinen "pelottava" sarja siihen aikaan oli Safiiri & Teräs, jossa kauhu saatiin aikaan mm. pelottavalla musiikilla, runoilla ja mystisellä huoneella entisaikaan :)


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