Saturday, January 19, 2008

muutama juttu viela

Sienna always asks me to draw Dora & Diego & Boots & Swiper for her. I took this picture an hour ago. Sienna said she drew Dora. This is upside down for her. I quickly went to get the camera and got her to pose with her first ever "person" picture before she could erase it or draw over it. I told Sienna "It's gorgeous!" right before I headed for the camera and Sienna quickly said to Robin "Uncie Robin, it's gorgeous!". :)
A picture is worth 1000 words (especially when it's me who's trying to explain about a quilt to someone). Karly's mom made this beautiful (!) quilt for Sienna when she was born. I love it. I was trying to explain to Niina how to make one. You basically pin two pieces of material together and then sew stripes. You then cut between the stripes through one material only (the one that is the underneath layer). Then you sew the edges, wash the quilt and voila! Ne leikatut reunat menee ihanan "mossoiksi". Kangas on pumpuliflanellia. Ihanan pehmeaa. Quilting tip for the day. :)
Joulu on ohi mutta tama oli yhdessa vanhassa paivakirjassa. Mun calligraphya.

I have been saving these Little Critters since Christmas (a special gift from Jay's parents). Since I have been sick and we've been stuck inside it was time to take them out. Sienna had so much fun playing with them. They are so cute!!


  1. Hello from Faial Island - Azores.

    Come and meet our beautiful island in the middle of the Atlantic...

  2. Moi, meillä nuo little critters jutut on myös kova sana Gabilla.

    Pikaista paranemista ja halit!


  3. Oijoi, ihana peitto! Vielä kun ymmärtäisin oikein nuo ohjeet... Täytyy lukea uudestaan! :D

  4. Hienon kuvan Sienna piirsi! Aivan ihana tuo peittokin. Ja sun käsiala on kuin painokoneesta, en mä vaan osaisi!


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