Tuesday, January 29, 2008

talents or the lack of it

I'm a bit green today - from envy that is. Ok, not seriously but...
(Picture illustration by Steve Mack.)
There are so many talented and energetic people out there. One of them is Rebecca Cooper. She is an amazing photographer/scrapbooker. These pictures are from her blog:
To be so talented and to have the energy and resources to do it all...

As I was browsing through Rebecca's blog today, I kept wondering how on earth people accomplish so much in their lives. I have always fought against such things as low energy, lack of faith in my own skills or the inability to stick to goals/plans. I do feel that I have been blessed with some talents. I just don't seem to get much done with them. A bit here and there but nothing really concrete. So many of my big dreams stay just like that - big dreams. I get so frustrated with myself at times. Wish I could do better in my life in so many areas. I'm grateful for people like Talia, Karly (I haven't mentioned it much but my friend Karly is a very talented person as well, she does amazing embroideries, cooks delicious foods and keeps a spotless home) and Rebecca who inspire me to push myself a bit further.
How to become perfect in a second? That's my dilemma. Said the impatient me. :)


  1. You silly girl! You are so talented! We all feel exactly the way you do. You are totally artistic and creative - your stitching patterns you designed are beautiful! You're an awesome mom, wife and friend and have a great sense of humor - all talents!! I laughed that you even put me in your blog today because I'm always comparing myself to other people as well. I guess we all just need to remember that Heavenly Father gave us all different strengths. You're awesome and I love ya! Karly

  2. karly: Thanks Karly! You are the awesome one! By the way, I forgot to mention how you play & teach the piano, do amazing singing times for the kids, decorate your home beautifully, you have amazing social skills, an awesome laugh, gift of the gap... Yep, it's easy to wish what you don't have but we all have something unique about us. I just wish that I could actually do something a bit more concrete with my talents. I did those patterns but didn't "go all the way" & market properly. I have always dreamt about being an artist yet I don't so much as pick up the brush to start. Fears get the best of me. I plan this and that but then I get soooo easily sidetracked doing something else. I guess I'm just feeling a bit impatient with myself because I do feel that I have talents but I don't know how to make my dreams with them come true. But who said life is easy. Some of the biggest battles are faught within yourself. Conquering those weaknesses we've been given.

    Isn't it funny though how we all seem to compare our own weaknesses to someone else's strengths. We sure aren't fair to ourselves, that's for sure!

  3. Sanna-Miina!
    I am constantly comparing myself to other people as well...something I think we ALL need to stop doing. I too, find that I wish I could o som much more than I already do...it is hard to do everything, and no one is perfect! Just enjoying your hobbies, whatever they are, is just as important as sharing them with others.
    And speaking of YOUR talents...why don't you set up an etsy shop where you sell your patterns, and even some of your projects you've stitched already!! I would love to get some of your patterns!! That would be an easy and fun way to "put yourself out there" and ahre your talents with others.

    You rock, girl.


  4. talia: Thanks for your words as well. I have had the Etsy shop on my "list of things to do" forever now but just haven't got around doing it. I keep thinking that no one will want to buy my patterns anyways. I got that feeling from my negative results from trying to sell the patterns to church bookstores. The only place that would sell them was Generations and hardly sold any at all through them. So I got discouraged. But you're right, I should open an Etsy store. That's where crafty people go. It would be the ideal place if I were to sell any. Maybe this whining about not getting anything done will give me that boost to actually get it done now. :) Sometimes I have to get really frustrated with myself and then I do get something done. Crazy.

  5. Sansku, se että olet noin lämminsydäminen ja sympaattinen ihminen on mielestäni upeimpia saavutuksia elämässä.

    Mutta tiedän mitä tarkoitat, minustakin tuntuu etten käytä läheskään kaikkea potentiaaliani hyväkseni. Osittain resurssienpuutteesta, osittain ajanpuutteesta, väsymyksestä, siitä että en osaa ottaa tilaa omille tarpeilleni, sekä kirjavasta joukosta muita (teko)syitä.

    Mutta onhan vielä aikaa. Ja ei tämä aika tässä "odotellessakaan" ole hukkaanheitettyä. Varsinkaan meillä äideillä. :)


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