Monday, April 27, 2009

{georg ots}

En voi uskoa etta tykkaan tasta vanhanaikaisesta laulusta. Mutta tykkaan. Syy? Mummoni kuunteli tata levylta aikanaan ja lauloi itsekin tata laulua kauniilla altto aanellaan. Mulle tuli ihan itku kurkkuun kun tata kuuntelin. Ikava mummoani joka on jo 85v ja hanella alzheimers.

ps. Ignore the video!


  1. Kyllä tämä melankolisuus meidän suomalaisten sielua riipaisee. Toinen vähän samantyyppinen on Olavi Virran "Soria Moria".

    Kaunis myös tuo alempi tulkinta Imaginesta.

  2. Kommentoin nyt tahan kaikkia noita askartelujuttuja. Ah ja oih. Upeita vinkkeja olet taas loytanyt. Meidan yhteydet on niin hitaat, etten kunnolla paase mihinkaan joten odotan suomilomaa ja kunnon aikaa seikkailla. Laukkusi on makeee.

  3. mamarazzi: Janna miten musiikki voi tuoda mieleen niin syvasti jotkut muistot. Ollaan me suomalaiset todellakin vahan melankolisia valilla. Joululauluistakin sen huomaa.

    pikkujutut: Kiva etta paaset Suomessa kaymaan. Harmi etta sun pitaa jaksaa huonojen yhteyksien kanssa.

  4. I love the little seasons project you made! You have such great project ideas! There are a couple of past ideas you've shared for kids' crafts that I would like to do as well. So, if you see me visiting your archives'll know why!:D Thanks for all the neat ideas!

    Oh, and a quick question, on the scenery project, were the green tree leaves made out of paper too? I assume they were but at first glance I thought you may have used felt? Paper is great though because I have plenty of that handy! -And we'll be sure to laminate.

  5. jennifer: Thanks. I'm an idea collector. Can't stop. :) I made the leaves out of paper as well. Afterwards I thought I could have used pretty scrapbooking paper but not everything has to be done perfectly and over the top. ;) I'd just laminate some paper and THEN cut them into leaves. I cut the leaves first and then laminated. Double work. :( Make sure you don't leave sharp edges. The laminate can be quite hard and poke if left to a point.

  6. Oh and the way I find pictures on the net: I do a google image search. You just write down what you are looking for (bunny clip art...), then press the "images" option. I find the picture I want, click on it, copy it and paste it on Microsoft Word. Resize it to what it should be and then print it. I'm sure this is self explanatory to everyone else but it wasn't too long ago when I figured out I could search for images. :)

  7. Great! Thanks so much!


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