Saturday, April 25, 2009


Sain jotain aikaiseksi eilen illalla. Melkeen valmis. Kangas Ikeasta. Linkki kaavaan loytyy aiemmasta postauksesta (ei kovin kauaa sitten).
I got something done last night. Almost finished. The material is from Ikea. I shared the link to this pattern in a previous posting not too long ago.


  1. Ootpas tehnyt ihanan laukun! :) Tosi kivaa toi kangas!

  2. Todella hieno!! Kaunis kangaskin. Olet tosi taitava.

  3. This bag is adorable, I just love the fabric and the style of it! I always see such cute fabric at IKEA and I'll have to pick some up! I also love some of the children's fabric they carry. It always feels great to finish a handmade project...way to go!

  4. Kiitti. :) Helppo laukku ommella. Jos mina osaan niin kylla kaikki muutkin. :)


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