Friday, April 3, 2009


Knitted lamps by ilot ivov (found via visual-notes blogspot com). Jotenkin makeet vaikken kylla laittaisi omaan kotiin.
Just a quick note... I left comments for everyone in the giveaway posting. I still wish I could send stuff for everyone. More giveaways to come in the future for sure.
What a fun Friday it's been so far. I took Sienna to Gymboree's sports class (free trial today). I was so impressed by the place as it was very clean and tidy. I enrolled Sienna in the class right away. It'll be every Friday and we also get to go play in the gym every Tuesday if we want to. I couldn't believe how much better Sienna was at catching and throwing the ball even though she was one of the younger ones. I guess it's because we always play with balloons and balls. Sienna loves it.
Then we went to a mall. Sienna and I looked around, she rode the horse carousel, played in the science store. Then we got some juice and shared a banana and some chocolate (well, lots of chocolate I should say :)). Jay got off work early and took Sienna with him and I got to shop for clothes. I found a skirt and FOUR tops. I was so excited as I'm pretty picky and usually have a hard time finding anything I like. I lost some weight when I was sick for 6 weeks and it wasn't as painful to go clothing shopping this time. :) Hope I won't gain it back.
Afterwards we picked up Robin and went to Red Brick Pizza again for some BBQ chicken pizza and gelato. Yum!
Now I'm off to watch Slumdog Millionaire. Everyone's said it's a good movie. Get to cuddle with my Jay. Y
Happy Friday everyone!


  1. Onpa teillä ollut mukava päivä! On, mukavaa lukea Siennan touhuista! :) Oliko elokuva hyvä?

  2. Taidan laittaa sulle kutsun mun perheblogiin jos tykkaat lukea Siennan touhuista. Ei siella ole pakko kayda mutta jos kiinnostaa. :) Elokuva oli tosi hyva. Vahvisti kyllakin mun aina olleen fiiliksen etten koskaan halua kayda Intiassa. Mutta tosi hyva elokuva. Koskettava.

  3. Juu, kiitos kutsusta! Kävinkin heti jo kurkkaamassa siellä.


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